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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Never use your personal info on Truecar and if possible, avoid doing business with dealers who are Truecar users. Truecar requires that dealers give them FULL access to their CRM including customer data for people who have never used Truecar. Things may have changed recently due to backlash from these policies, but you can get the same pricing info Truecar gets without giving up your personal info to them.
  2. OP said he had a salesperson not interested in letting him test drive. That's pretty shitty. That said, my friend bought a CPO Corolla there and had nothing but positive things to say about his buying experience.
  3. I always had good service experience with Toyota Direct, but that was 10 years ago when I had the Celica. Things change. As one of the leading forces pushing against Tesla in Ohio, I would very seriously consider giving my money to a dealer other than Germain.
  4. Did I really look 6'5" from down there :gabe:? I'm only 6'3". State Route 56 has turns that'd give you goosebumps in a '85 Grand Am.
  5. He and I both. I would've much preferred an SRT Dart as I like UConnect more than MFT, but MFT has actually been good to me and the Focus is everything I wanted in a car. I still want Subaru to make that shooting brake BRZ concept, I would abandon the Focus ship instantly for that thing.
  6. I drove the Fiesta and it just wasn't the same feeling. I bought the Focus ST because it's a much more performance oriented car than the Abarth, my 2nd choice. Having driven the Fiesta ST now, I'd take the Abarth over it. Just doesn't give me goosebumps like the Focus does.
  7. I hear if you say "corner" too loud next to it, it'll slide into a tree.
  8. I think I know what you mean here; no FWD car will actually come close to the raw performance of what you currently have. Coltboostin is absolutely right about that. However, I think you feel the way about your RSX-S that I do about the Focus ST. It's not about what it can do. It's about what YOU ACTUALLY DO with it. I could never push 50% of a C5Z's capability on public roads without putting myself and others in mortal peril. However, I can and do occasionally take the Focus ST up to 80-90% of its capabilities on the road. It's much easier to drive on the edge of a FWD car because the edge is not as "out there" aka not as high performance. OP, the Elise never had a turbo option AFAIK. It was a custom set up. He claims it was the first one built in the U.S. pushing 300+hp
  9. Alfa 4C if you're ok with 12+ seconds 1/4 mile out of the box. Sound is up to the individual but I love it. 240hp Mid engine rear drive 2100lbs, like a pissed off Lotus Elise. Actually now that I think about it, my friend's dad has a turbo Elise that is insane on rural VT roads.
  10. Fund is already double where it was when I chipped in yesterday. Here's to the power of good people. This is why CR has been around so long and will continue to do so.
  11. I've always had J&M but I'm looking to switch after I spent a little more to get what I thought was a nicer shoe, but they're falling apart. I'll be considering AE for my next pair. More importantly than whatever shoes you buy are to make sure you have a GOOD shoe polishing kit. Whether you prefer cream or wax polish, make sure you have a good horsehair shine brush and PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE. I can make a $35 pair of shoes look better than an unkempt $500 pair with a little elbow grease.
  12. I'm just not riding it as much as I'd like to now that I've got the Focus. Basics: 1995 Triumph Trophy 1200cc 4-banger, British Racing Green 25xxx miles (can confirm exact later today) Sport(90%) Touring (10%) bike, I bought it as a beginner bike because it's light (536lbs) and cheap. Had oil changed and leak fixed at Motohio this past year. Decent tread left on both tires The Good: All electrics work fine. Bike starts and runs fine. Micron exhaust from previous owner. Newly upholstered seat done by Auto Additions (or whoever they send that work out to) Very easy to ride for a 1200cc. I'm a big guy (6'3" 290) and had no trouble riding even with all that power. Very lightweight so it'll get up to speed very quickly, not what I'd call a beginner bike but that's what I used it for, why shouldn't you? Bike will come with an oversized (relative bought it for me) indoor/outdoor cover and 2 keys. The Bad: Throttle cable broken (I'm assuming, throttle moves and is slack), as such you can't ride it home. As I said, it'll start up and run on the choke just fine. Before the throttle cable went out, throttle grip started slipping, will likely need replaced. Previous owner laid it down on right side. Scuffed the faring, right muffler, and bar end. Not bad enough to warrant replacing any of those parts, only the brake lever was replaced. Previous owner replaced indicators with DIY jobs. Subjective, but I'm not a huge fan. They all work just fine. Previous owner cut a circular hole in the faring next to the gauges so he could wire in a GPS. I removed the GPS wiring but the hole remains. I ghetto rigged a phone case to cover it up but have since removed it. When I bought the bike there was slight pulsating in front brakes. It disappeared, came back, disappeared. Never had an issue with it. Clean title in hand, motivated to sell for $1500 but open to offers. Not interested in trades, just cash. PM me or email inquiries to sportcr620@yahoo.com Bottom line: a cheap liter bike that needs a little work and will make you happy for very little money. Took this photo a while ago, that tank cover is long gone http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/photobucket-46539-1363037970646.jpg
  13. Trish, this is the receiver that I've been using for a couple years and it's been perfect, no complaints. I got it for half that price on woot.com, what I love most about it is that I can attach different audio inputs to different video inputs. Want to play PS3 but listen to records? Can do. What I used to do was watch CBJ games with George Matthews calling the game from the radio feed.
  14. This, this, a million times this. People would not want to give to you if you were not the kind of man who deserved it. It's going to feel weird at first, putting an account for the purpose of having people give to you. Again, the only way you'll someday be able to give back to the world is if you accept the help given to you now.
  15. Having had experience with both Onkyo and Denon receivers, you can't go wrong with either but I tend to gravitate towards Denon. My audiophile friends have pushed me this way, and I have never been disappointed, including the one I currently own. Go with whatever one has the features you think you'd use more.
  16. Truth, but 11-5 doesn't mean anything when you get completely shat on in the Div round of playoffs.
  17. This isn't the same as your situation, but allow me to share my family's and friend's experience with a similar situation and hopefully you can look far ahead for something to work towards. My mom's best friend from HS was diagnosed with breast cancer 15 years ago. She was fortunate in that her husband had good insurance through his work, but in her treatment she received extremely good support from her friends; they essentially took care of her family for her. Her family's meals were cooked by friends which, along with her experience seeing uninsured women struggle with getting the treatment they needed, inspired her to raise money by selling cookbooks once she got better. Her experience and her willingness to help were instrumental in my mom's speedy recovery from breast cancer only about 5 years ago. Fast forward to their results. You're looking at someone who had not previously considered "fundraising for cancer" on their list of things to do, turning into 6-figure donations and the tools to help an entire region of the country identify and eliminate cancer. That's the power of one person. Who knows, maybe this is the motivation your sister needs to do this for central Ohio. We have a fantastic support system, but more can never hurt. Accept the help that people offer you so that you as a family can stay together and PAY IT FORWARD in the future. Some people may look at you funny but they are not the people who are going to make your family stronger.
  18. Don't forget that Nick Saban was the D-coordinator from 91-94 in that system too. How the hell did they NOT win? Oh right Bernie "Funk as Druck" Kosar and Vinny Testaverde.
  19. Chud wasn't a golden boy, he was "Oh we can't have Chip Kelly? Fuck. Who else can we get?" Only reason he was fired is because Haslam thinks there's going to be someone better available. Browns fans better hope he's not thinking Schiano.
  20. Don't forget to reserve a private carriage for engagement-elated boning.
  21. I noticed this with group messages, but it fixed itself. Bizarre.
  22. Friend of mine is a friend/neighbor, reported the same thing to me via text 5 minutes ago. Bitch better have good insurance.
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