Ant, my point is have any of you ever SEEN what happens to a plane that smashes into, not only a concrete wall, but a steel beam enforced, bomb proof concrete wall. I know I haven't and I'd assume this would be a first for you guys to. That building is built like a tank. If a plane, which isn't made to hit anything, hits a wall that isn't meant to break, at 350+mph, then burns INTENSLY for 4+ hours that's about what I would expect to see.
There are to many things NOT explained to make a conspiracy theory work. What happened to the people? Why are there pieces of the plane around the crash site? Where did the other plane go? What would be the purpose of them lying? The end result was the same regardless of HOW it happened. Why would the terrorists hijack a plane just to fly it to location X (since we don't know where it went, right?)?