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Everything posted by pg

  1. This is true, I haven't seen it since I was little but it scared the shit out of me then. I have yet to read the book, which I know will be better because it seems in all of Stephen Kings books turned to movies the books are always better. I just got done reading one of his dark tower books and it was sweet.
  2. This is true, but I don't think I've ever heard of the genious idea that we've got going on here. You'll be rich biatch!! Dave Chapelle don't know if you watch that show but yeah he says that in on of his skits except with I'm instead of you'll be.
  3. Well said Spyder550. graemlins/thumb.gif
  4. You are evil. graemlins/nonono.gif
  5. That was me posting as harris92, i forgot to log off of his name. woops, i guess we can't do that any more Drew. smile.gif
  6. This is true, maybe you could make a brochure and sell that to people, or lessons in not being retarded, I'm sure you could get some people with lectures on that topic because there are a lot of dumb people in the world, you could do different topics like not driving like a retard and how not to get scammed and get a following of people, it could turn into your own little cult like following where people consult you before making decisions on things to ensure that they are not being retarded.
  7. Or more appropriately the ingnorance of some Americans.
  8. I was going to post that exact thing. Ugliest thing I've ever seen, it makes them look like aliens. They are so pretty that it makes me sad that they are wearing such ugly glasses. Maybe they did it so they would be more undercover and wouldn't get mobbed.
  9. I see, I was unaware that plasma tvs even had gas in them, but im not really very knowledgeable on these sorts of topics, but hey you learn something new everyday. Thanks anthony.
  10. Nice. Whats bad with plasmas? Can you not use them very much or they break?
  11. I think you are very smart in how you are going about it so you are making money, but it seems that a lot of people fall for buying all of the other items and end up loosing money instead, you should make a book about how to make money from them and not loose it. Then sell the book to the people in it and make lots of money!
  12. Thanks for the info Akula and Mr. 2.
  13. The pictures of the destruction done is awful. It doesn't look like there are even any roads left that aren't covered in rubble.
  14. What is it that makes it illegal? We are pretty sure its illegal Drew downloaded a video on it from dateline or something like it exposing it.
  15. I thought most of those were scams. There were tons of those signs all over Otterbein but I never picked one up. I have a friend whos doing one of those work from home type deals and drew and I think its a pyramid thingy, so be careful because the people totally convinced our friend that its not and we can't get him to believe us.
  16. pg

    1 FST VW

    Seen him before on 270, seemed pretty quick.
  17. Its 2005 and... I don't have a hang over and I didn't throw up!!
  18. Tons of clothes a memory matress thingy a dvd player with surround sound will ferrel dvd gift cards shoes makeup other things and chash. Yes!! Christmas was the shit this year.
  19. pg

    Snow plow man stuck

    Damn... that is fucked up I hate hit and run people. Good thing the neighbor saw him was there a good amount of damage?
  20. I feel bad for the strippers that have to work on Christmas Eve how horrible. Stripper to child who doesn't know its daddy: Oh sorry sweety you're going to have to spend Christmas Eve in the back of the strip club while I go out and get slobbered over by some guys who can't get any, I'll be back soon. graemlins/nonono.gif
  21. Now theres a bad day, sorry for you have a good christmas I guess?
  22. QUOTE]Originally posted by Ricochet: QUOTE]I hope you get a lot of coal in your stocking graemlins/finger.gif [/QB] I already opened my stocking and nope no coal, my mom loves me and thinks I'm a good girl. Hehehe, evil laugh.[
  23. Hahaha, you actually did yours?[/QB] Uhh... Yeah, one of the kids I got arrested with didn't do his and went to jail for three days because of it and still ended up doing the community service too, so hell yeah I did and I was only on probation for 2 monthes because she liked me and I was good, no drug testing or anything. Which pissed me off because I stayed clean for it too.
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