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Everything posted by BiG BeN

  1. dang man,you change cars like no other.
  2. i got stuck in the traffic that was backed up for miles and miles coming out of infinion yesterday,they shoulda renamed it inferion for this event...oh well.
  3. 35k they should be good,if not i'll give you back the 20$ but you're screwed on the beer
  4. i would drop the exhaust and drive around the block,see if that helps.also check the cat,see if you can see through it,or just knock it out. also change your fuel filter just for funsies,and if you want to change injectors i have a full set still in the rail i'll let go for like 20$ and a 40oz.
  5. it's in the O.R.C. that anything on the car thats not stock could be illegal and can be cited on the officers opinion.the 50 state legal stuff only applies to emmissions.not sound.
  6. www.zerolift.com or if you want help with the transaction/installation. ipsmotorports.com ips is local,they deal with zerolift,and one of the partners has done the sr into s13, and drives it daily.
  7. it's not good compression,it should still start though. are you confident in your test results?did you remove all the plugs and block the throttle plate open? seems kinda weird that you would wreck all your cylinders at the same time.
  8. sure i have,the best motors i ever had in my old losi xxt or whatever (10 years ago) always burned through brushes after about 10 good runs. wich would equate to what...40-60 minutes of runtime? not to mention the size/load difference of a tiny rc motor and a compressor wheel.if you could turn the shaft on that thing to 100krpms it might make some boost.
  9. if you get an S13 ,and you're planning on getting an Sr20,the you can call zerolift and tell them you want an S13 silvia clip with good panels.thats probably the easiest way to do the conversion.probably save some bucks too over buying a motorset,then getting all the misc parts you need, then buying the panels.
  10. did you do a sensor check on the afc to see if it looked normal? sounds like something electrical...if the sensor wire came loose from the afc it may not start.if that all checks out try the coil...a couple people have had problems with those recently.
  11. you did change your plugs right?
  12. any truck stop that has the CAT sign has scales,and they're certified. hit one up.
  13. integras don't have MAF sensors.and MAF equipped cars usually will start with no MAF.just won't rev beyond 2500ish.
  14. that is some homemade hooptie junk there...the motor would disintegrate trying to spin to effective RPMs without a geardrive for gearing increase.
  15. you mean it's leaking inside? like the center section? or the oil supply/return? if it's the latter then stick a socket on the banjo bolt and crank it down a little.
  16. i use mothers polish on my wheels.it is labor intensive,but comes out looking good.
  17. thats retarded,it can't possibly cost half that.even with labor.unless your swapping in a sequential or something. you don't need a new engine to do it, just the transmission,clutch/flywheel,clutch pedal assembly,maybe the MT brake pedal assembly.and some wiring.you'll also need a p28 ECU or equivelant.search some more on some honda boards,i bet you can find a decent writeup somewhere that will allow you to do this yourself.
  18. BiG BeN


    i wish i understood how that shit worked with the support. i made 21/hr she made 0/hr i guess if she's suppossed to pay a % of her pay then she's gettin the shaft, if it's a percentage of combined pay then i think i am. whatever though i got the kids.i guess thats whats important.can't really expect the state to make her bow up for the first time in her life.
  19. pit bulls are awesome as long as they are brought up right. i wouldn't trade mine for anything.
  20. BiG BeN


    weakness, hate to hear about anyone getting raked by some scandalous wh0re,how the hell did you get made for 400+ a month? i have custody of 2 kids and my exwife is only obligated to pay 200.i guess that what a set of tits gets you in the courtroom. anyway she hasn't paid any of that so she's probably in the same shape you are,cept she has a sugardaddy.so if anyone see's my exwife(amanda shyrigh((can't beleive she kept my name))) you can tell her deadbeat ass thet same thing as ridenred's wife.
  21. you can also take out you plugs and push a bunch of poly rope into the combustion chamber that way they don't drop out
  22. it's an extra 40$ or so annual on your homeowners policy. technically they can take your dog if you don't have coverage. i've had my pit for 4 years now in ohio and had coverage for 1. the only way you get caught is if someone throws a stinky fit...or your dog bites someone.
  23. my exwife was involved in an accident where she rearended a somalian that pulled out from a gas station in front her real slow.the other guy was cited. coulda been the cop that witnessed it didn't like somalians...or he liked her D's either way rearender does not equal fault.
  24. i know most of those fuckers come out of riverbend on that side of town. that place is a criminal craphole.
  25. ^^ do that, and tell her about the nice ass dinner you're gonna buy her.then while at the park your buddy"robs" you and takes your wallet.she'll be forced to pay out of sympathy.probably give it up too.
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