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Everything posted by Kohones
I'm 5' 11" Dad 6' 3" Mom 5' 3"
One of my favorite pastimes is deer hunting. I was introduced to the sport when I was 12 yrs old from my father. He wasn't good at it. An older cousin took me under his wing when I was discharged from the army & he TAUGHT me how to effectively deer hunt. I've harvested approx 25 of them, all in Penna because you can use a centerfire high powered rifle there. Unfortunately the deer herd by our camp have moved (deer populations get cyclical depending on availability of food. So I'm considering hunting some private land this year in Ohio -
Marc - We've been emailing back and forth all morning. He doesn't wanna get up early Well perhaps he could slow down with the brown bottles, get home at a decent hour, then mornings wouldn't be sooo tuff????????? Kids, ha ha ha
It is pretty cool - I ran mine & all it shows is my speeding tix last year in Pennsylvania. No points because there is NO reciprocal agreement between Ohio & Pa. Ticket did suck as State Police sat hidden in high bushes at end of 2 lane passing zone & clocked me at 89 in a 55 mph. I was passing 3 very slow moving cars & had to hurry before I got hit head on - cost me alot of bucks in spite of no points - Glad I don't live there anymore -
I don't even want to see Greasemonkey's or MadMalibu's ----
I'd listen for the "Cark" - figure sometime say 9:00'ish, or should it be earlier like 8:30'ish, either works for me. Also Marc is either calling you or pm'ing you today -
Ant - yea Sunday is only day I could go due to work. Meet Sunday am at your place? Works for me, let me know what you're thinking (time wise) & I'll just be in your driveway (I drink my coffee with milk & sugar) ha ha. Also I think Marc is coming to give the "Cark" some exposure. He needs to sell it -
Ant - if I can get off work, I'd be happy to help. I might make a pass just because I was there, otherwise I'd be able to assist in any of the various assignments you've got. I'll ensure Marc is aware & puts this on his busy social calendar!!! Ha ha ha Tom
Their annual event is this week-end, Friday - Sunday. I've not attended but think I will this Sunday (weather permitting). Anyone else thinking about attending? Any pointers from those that have gone in previous years since I've not gone before?
Ant - I posted on other Norwalk thread. I paypal'd even though I don't know if I can go. If I can't & either Cark or Grease Monkey can't use either / then keep it for the track $$$ you need or for CR in general.
Ant - I just signed up via paypal. 2002 Z06, Kohones. Still don't know if I can come up that day, however even if I can't make it up or Cark or Grease Monkey can't, then retain the $$$ for the track, if you've been able to cover the track costs, then keep it for CR - Tom
Ant - You know this is ridiculous! Here we go again, CR rents Norwalk, sooo many of our "CR members" that race only there mouses & mouths, haven't signed up (again), now you have to open it to the public - damn shame. Don't know if I can get a schedule change at work or not, don't care. I'm paypaling you today, If I can't get off work so what, $$$ is for the cause. Also let me know if I can do the (paypal) including contribution to CR board upkeep or do I need to do two separate transactions?? Yep, I totally agree with SpaceGhosts posture -
Balian - I don't know how long ago you purchased the bike (if it was somewhat recent like in past year) they're probably still selling the SAME product. If thats the case you "should" have no problem getting the fin dept to give you an uncompleted (typed) gap doc so you can read it. Tell them wife has the papers & you want to review what the gap policy says, shouldn't be a problem. If THEY don't want to give you a policy to review, oh boy - the problems will be just beginning, get ready, get an atty, & start moving forward with it. Based on what you've said thus far, this doesn't sound like your financial transaction was handled properly?????????
If I had a mortgage question or issue, I'd seek advice from MadMalibu & Powers. If I had a question regarding consumer loans ie direct loans, pcl's, credit cards, AUTO LOANS - I'd ask me "Kohones" because thats been my profession since 1977 - GAP Product. It was designed to do what everyone has posted here. Pay the difference you owe your lender once insurance co remitted what they were paying (typically NADA wholesale value.) To get full benefit of the Gap Product you paid for & "financed" with your auto, truck, suv, motorcycle loan the following must be understood: 1) Gap does not pay if there was not total insurance coverage in force "at the time of the loss" 2) Gap does not pay for any payments that are delinquent 3) Gap pays in the event of a total loss of the vehicle, either an accident your fault or not, or if it's stolen & not recovered There are many Gap Products out there offered by different co's. Costs range from $125 - $650. * There are of course different gap policies available too (this is where it gets confusing). Some gaps cover 125% of MSRP or NADA retail value, some go as high as 150% or $50,000 whichever is less. YOU NEED TO GET YOUR GAP POLICY THAT YOU PURCHASED & FINANCED & READ IT! Then you'll know if you have $$$$$ due your lender, if you were handled correctly, if the dealer told you bullshit, etc. Again there are different types of gap programs in the market today! Additionally if the people that worked at that dealership that told you you were completely covered by this gap product &&&& if they still work there / they have broken several state & federal laws by misleading you the consumer, ergo you could (legally) force the dealership to pay for misleading you. Now please get your hands on that gap agreement you signed & READ it -
Back on topic / I work as a fin mgr at a dealership. 1) Yes you & your lender own that Ford on the terms you signed & agreed to 3 weeks ago. The dealer obviously gave you a deal or you wouldn't have purchased it. At that time on THAT day, the dealer gave you whatever rebates were in place, discounts etc. The fact that Ford has tweaked their program (again), oh well you're sol. But like someone posted earlier - bottom line is your deal is "probably" just as good (the way the #'s unfold) back then as they would be had you bought that car today! Don't be all pissed off & threatening the dealer. Enjoy your Ford, drive it, & move on - Best advice anyone can give you -
Vette gets Mobile 1 5w30 just like chevy suggests. I have it changed every 3,000 miles or every 3 months whichever occurs first. My humble opinion is screw this 15,000 mile scenario. Engines run "HOT" these days which breaks down oil viscosity. I'm not gambling & attempting to save a few bucks then end up with engine problems cause I was cheap - just my opinion though
As I drove to work this morning (West on I 70 to Springfield) I saw SEVERAL very nice Mopars, some trailered & some just tooling down the road. Cuda's, Roadrunners, Challengers, etc VERY NICE!!!! Brings some cool memories back -
I feel your pain Jason! Every year I pay directly & indirectly = Vette, Azera, sometimes assist with two Nissans, Cark? Yoy!
What a waste of talent. He's thrown his life away. It really is a shame, he's nothing more than a common criminal. With any luck the law will give him what he deserves -
I'm with OSU GT & Lustalbert all the way - &&&&& if parents said to their kids / HEY THE LAW IS YOU'RE HOME WITH THAT CAR AT 10:00, NOT HERE KISS WHEELS GOODBYE. Ohhh & that speed limiter idea (like some 18 wheelers have) would work. Like OSU GT just posted, it's not ALL the 16 & 17 yr olds, but the violaters are loud enough to screw it up for everyone!!!! Soon I believe we'll hear from some of the CR 16 & 17 yr olds that indeed will post in here making comments that will validate what we've said. Yes THERE ARE some good drivers in that age group, unfortunately not enuff of them -
How many on the "Cark"? None because it needs a battery, since it won't start, can't drive to Sunoco to get stickers --- Marc on his own with this one.
I've been seeing them mainly on "pos" cars. I thought they were being used to hide the rust!!!!!!!!
my .02 cents / when you look at the huge increase in drivers on the road today, states should consider locking down the new young drivers! * longer & mandatory drivers ed, enforcing the driver ed schools to TEACH these young people how to really drive, not just putting in the hours * between the ages of 16 & 17, NO DRIVING after 10:00 pm. Yeah they can drive to school & work, but no time to assclown around & race their Isuzu on a Friday or Saturday nite. Come to think about it I wonder if this would slow down some of the crap that goes on at our meeting places? Oh no it wouldn't - too late for some of them, they just need recycled in some serious drivers ed!!! Haaaaaaaaaa
Alex - I'll let you buy a "Lemans Blue" one for me - Haaaaaaaaaa
I work at Wyler Chevy in Springfield, today we got a velocity yellow 2007 ZO6. It is defiantely "bad to the bone". I sat in it & promptly got out, because there's NO WAY I could financially handle the MSRP plus tax n title = $72,300 ----- It is gorgeous though -