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Everything posted by Kohones
Final Chapter - Though I still wouldn't patronize that store, I have to say I'm very pleased with the service I did get (from the lighter manufacturer)!!!! They repaired & sent it back within two weeks with a note of apology for my inconvenience & no charge.
I couldn't drive right now if my life depended on it!!!!!!!!! Barb & I just celebrated 29 yrs of marriage on 1/22, which means we were married 3 yrs when the Steelers won in 1980 / I'm stoked. I just bought a steelers golf bag last spring (I need head covers now)!!!!!!!!!! Soooooooo cool, sixth seed, youngest quarterback, world champions, It just doesn't get any better in the NFL!!!!!!!!!!!!
To all Steeler haters; fuck you. We ARE the world champions!!!!! end of story. I watched every play on my new Samsung 56" high definition, digital WITH NO SATELLITE PROBLEMS!!!! History = * first sixth seed to do it * Big Ben youngest quarterback to do the deed Post what you wish, no one can take my satisfaction away!!!! I'm blasted, happy, its all good!!!! 1980 was along time ago! Steelers rule, that is all -
Bad Ass Black Buick posted = Here is a coincidence, Big Ben went to a school named Donnell, similar to O'Donnell????? Jeff - I just saw what you'd posted. You KNOW I HATE O'donnell, that wasn't nice! He's the ass clown I personally ran into at Disneyworld in 1997, & I told him exactly what I thought of him & YOU know that ----- Oh yeah Spece Ghost, I LUV my new TV. I wish the game was tonight so I could quit thinking about it, or reading ALL the different analysts predictions / lets just get it on ---
I don't know the answer to this problem either? I am getting tired of driving to where ever, parking for 15 minutes, then having dickless tracy stand there waiting & watching me leave per his orders - I'm also not interested in watching the stupidity that goes on, hell I've even saw (last summer) one ass clown backed his "pos" into a parked car that was right behind him! We need a place we can go, park, bull sh---, if someone wants to hook it up (not have 100 cars following them). It seems to be more of problem to find the right place than one would think??? I like the enlist some friendly police idea, but I don't know any ----
Weather? No problem, I have direct line to Mr Wright too!!!!!!!!! lol
I like the paint job & everything about it. Well I like everything except the selling price?
Good idea - but you can't charge family & friends? Haaaaaaa
Great Joke for Marc, and Tom and the rest of the Steelers Crew.
Kohones replied to SpaceGhost's topic in Dumpster
I'd heard that joke I think last year when they went 15-1, I'd forgotten it though. I started laughing again as though it was the first time!!!! Haaaaaaaaa Thx for sharing Ghost -
Hope ya have WOW, because Time Warner doesn't offer ABC in HD. Like everything else in this life, you make the purchase, then spend MORE $$$ to complete getting what you wanted!!!!! The H.D. has already been handled, new dish etc etc. I've still spent about the same as I would have for one game tix & I anticipate having the TV for many years --
I envy you!!!! Congrats. I've been in love with that car since I saw it "in the flesh" for the first time at Mid Ohio on display early last summer - I also agree with earlier post regarding museum delivery. I've been to the museum 1/2 dozen times. Here's a few things I know = * the museum itself is waaaaay cool * if you take museum delivery, which costs another $500, you GET: tour of the vette factory which is across the street & they take you into places where the regular public doesn't get to go. You also get to meet the guys that built your car! * if the museum personnel when they receive your car notice "anything" incorrect, ie a fender not aligned properly, the car goes right across the street to the factory to be fixed immediately, unlike a dealer who just puts it in his body shop (because YOU noticed it) & they make the repair, which of course is NOT the same * oh yeah - when you go into museum to take delivery, your Z 06 is on the floor, waxed, with a felt rope all around it, your name on the windshield saying something like - this car built for so & so from Ohio, people visiting museum are all standing around the rope (with envy), then you're escorted thru the crowd to YOUR race car! There's definately an air of success & coolness that words cannot describe. Had I been born rich, that is how I'd take mine. Ohhhh & the drive down & up - a cakewalk avg 75 mph & that car won't be working at all!!!! I can't wait to see it, again congrats -
Could be just jealousy??? He didn't go to the browns / he went to the Steelers, sooo thats probably not well recieved up there. Additionally he's making so damn much $$$. Envy is a bad thing --- Or could be "fame" went to his head for him & his family? I don't know, all I know is he's a top notch rookie quarterback who continues making history. Steelers haven't had a quarterback like him since the Bradshaw days & obviously we're lovin it --
Haaaaaaaaaa Big Ben's from Ohio, he has class. If Steelers lose it will be because they were outplayed. Pgh is running on all cylinders & is going to Detroit for the WIN. Game is ON -
After perusing the web I realized you have to be in the corp world or have deep pockets to even think about attending the Super Bowl! In my life time the Steelers may not get there again? What to do? Ohhhh I did something - went & saw Brandon tonight at Circuit City & he treated my wife & I like family. Last TV I bought was a Mitsubishi big screen, 11 years ago as the Steelers were in the game vs Dallas (the one Neil O'donnell threw away)!!!! Anyway tonight we purchased a its replacement! Samsung, 56", projection with dlp & high definition - it's SUPER. I can't wait til Feb's game!!!!!!!! HERE WE GO STEELERS HERE WE GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First off you need to relax and realize that different establishments handle things differently. Not EVERYONE handles things like your almight dealerships do. And judging by your demeanor on here I wouldn't want to deal with you anyway. Nor am I interested in dealing with you. I posted this for CR members that live here & might go into that store. My demeanor is STRONG as I posted this with "conviction". They quite frankly pissed me off. Your posts just pushed me even further? I've no beef with you as I stated earlier & if I wasn't so honked off at these people, I wouldn't have sooo strongly responded to you - Lets just agree to disagree, & let it go. Otherwise we'll end up in the kitchen & nothing will get solved anyway -
NOS50 - you're 100% correct. Thats what we do at my dealership too. It appears obvious to me this ass clown from Md. is just posting to stir shit with me (for some reason)? He even took the topic to he doesn't smoke. I really could care less what he does. He, me, everyone = is entitled to their opinion. I started this thread with quite a bit of conviction. Though I'd NEVER go there again, Mr Md. can certainly patronize establishments like that as can anyone else. If he reads this post (which I don't care) & if he really isn't trying to start shit, then the best turn out is to merely = agree to disagree. Period. I probably won't make purchases at Best Buy either -----
You're p---- me off & I don't even know you????? There was NOTHING in my lighter box, on the store windows, the sales receipt that stated - BUY AT YOUR OWN RISK, WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE IF THE MERCHANDISE IS FAULTY. etc etc Actually the salesmen at time of purchase was just sooooo nice & helpful. I told him I'd yet to have a lighter that ever worked for long. He sold me on this one & alluded they'd take care of anything if I had problems ---- I've no beef with you & I can't argue with someone in Md. Whether you smoke or not is irrelavelent & wasn't a part of this original thread - I'm thru with this episode & I will continue to NOT be a patron at establishments like this one. I'm done -
Tommy - when you're here from Md. / you should patronize this place. I'll never go in their again & their located 1,000 yards from my home! I'm not against spending $$$$ and God knows I'm a good customer no matter where I'm at & what I'm purchasing. However, I expect service, (thats what I paid for). If you came here & bought a car from my dealership - we would provide you with excellent service. We would not take the posture of - just go back to a dealership in Md. they'll help you!!! If you see nothing wrong with what happened, then you should get on line & buy some merchandise from this store, because if they treat others the way they treated me / they're going to be looking hard for customers --
Should be NO NAY SAYERS NOW! Steelers crushed the Bronco's in their house! Offense, special teams, defense - I really thought the biggest game would be against the Colts, when they won it, I just knew - Big Ben won't throw this upcoming game like Neil O'donnell did in their last appearance!!!!!!! Go Steelers Go!!!!!!!!!!!
I really don't see how they did wrong here. *shrug*. In my opinion they're wrong for not taking ownership & dealing with the manufacturer to fix it. I'm willing to pay for shipping it to manufacturer etc. This isn't a computer, its the top notch butane lighter. All I'd asked for was some service from the store. I'm in the retail b/z & have been for over 30 years. Customers don't mind paying for something as long as they're getting the "service" they paid for that normally goes with it. I won't ever buy anything there again. If you're ok with what they did to me, no worries. You can make purchases from them. I posted this for CR members so they could decide if they (individually) wanted to make purchases at a store like that or not. I'm really pi---- at them for the way they handled this. They didn't "build" the lighter, but they sold it to me. All I wanted as a customer was service in repairing it - I feel like - HEY we got your $$$, sorry 'bout our luck, now get out of my store! Thats not right in my book, maybe I'm wrong, but I feel taken advantage of -
I have a fetish for butane lighters & they always quit working??? So after purchasing them like 2 a year @$40 a piece or so / I went into this Cigar store in August. Ended up buying a "Porsche Design" butane for $140.00. My wife was pissed but I didn't care, figured ok NOW I have a lighter that will work. WRONG, it quit lighting. This is not the stores fault. They didn't manufacture it, they are merely a retailer. I took the lighter back last Tuesday, & very nicely said - I'm not angry but it quit working, please send it out & let me know when it's fixed. The store attendant said they'd had no problem with that brand, but he'd advise the mgr & call me - 2 days later they call - The posture is, I have to pick it up & send it back to the manufacturer myself? I said I wasn't upset other day but I'm getting their now! You collect my $$$$$ now you take no ownership to fix the problem? My wife went there & got no satisfaction either - If it was a $40 purchase, hey no worries, I've been there in that situation last several years. But a purchase of this magnitude / no service, & their posture is "Not there problem"???? I'll never go back there & I could walk there from my home. If I want a good cigar I'll drive down Sawmill to cigar store by the Hallmark card shop. I told them I'd let everyone I know, how there service is & their awful posture in retailing is once the sale's been made - this post is only the beginning -
Very well written & Ohhhhhhhhhhhh so true!!!!!!!
Mr Wright posted = (I better prepair myself for the Stock family hate train cause is it a choo choo chooing)????????????????? Appears this entire thread is getting close to going over the line. Post above plus some earlier regarding my family, our intelligence etc etc Everyone has the privilege to root for their team & not like some or all of the opposing teams. But to change the posture to direct insults changes fun posts to hurt feelings or worse. Suggest an admin close this now -
Back on topic????? That vette is awesome. If I had that done to mine I'm sure it would end up impounded!!!!!!!!!
Hey their Mr DaTroof = I've posted this before in the last few days, apparently you didn't read it, so I'll re post: 1) In October when the Ravens "Slid" into Ben, took out his knee, & Ben didn't play for a month / there was NO WHERE NEAR the whining from the Steeler nation, as we continue to hear all the bengal fans going on & on & on 2) Kimo NEVER mean't to take him out. Look at the re play! Kimo was screaming for a medic. 1st medic to Palmer was Steeler medic 3) Football is a physical game. That play was NOT dirty or intentional 4) Had Palmer not got hurt, I believe the game would've been much closer, however I also believe the result would've still been a Pgh victory Bengals lost, plain & simple. This Sept they begin again & perhaps the new season will indeed be the Bengals year. For now, Steelers are in it, we're enjoying it, & we'll see how all pans out this Sunday afternoon - that is all