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Everything posted by Kohones

  1. In spite of my brother failing to get traction & not getting any better than a 10.03, the worst was my friends M3 blowing the clutch (on 2nd pass) we did limp the car home & NEVER got rained on while at Kilkare. I had a good time, decent track & nice people / Thanks for opening the invite to us CR folks -
  2. Bradshaw was CORRECT. Jason (by the way) the Pirates suck & they have sucked for years. I'm ok with both Reds & I like the Indians too. I'm still surprised Pgh built a new stadium for the Pirates? Some things just don't make sense ---?
  3. Update I rec'd from Pgh (my Dad). Broken jaw, 9" laceration back of his head, & pretty sore. They have plastic surgeon checking on him now. Once Cowher visits him, Ben may wish he was in worse shape, Cowher yelled at him last year for not wearing a helmet - Doooooh *as for Bengals fans (OSU GT in particular), WE from Pgh though Steelers are our team, have no pent up hatred for your Bengals, better team won last year (period). Now we all get to see how this season will pan out ---
  4. Very very very nice!!! I'm looking forward to seeing it "in the flesh"!!!!
  5. I love to shoot them! My 7 mm rem mag & 30.06 drop them in their tracks. Sucks about your car / they can really f up an auto -
  6. We just went thru paypal & entered Michele Wells. She's bringing her BMW M3 2006, I'm coming as spectator to watch her & my brother (he already enrolled) See you Sunday -
  7. Orion posted = is it just me, or does NOBODY slob the knob like a vette guy? Now thats not very nice!!!!!!
  8. Orion speaks the truth regarding Jegs. We need a place like that, only has to be much larger parking lot. It's cool parking your wheels & standing or sitting just talkin with people. This - drive 20 miles, park, talk to people for 10 min - then get in your car as police now making all leave & treating you like some convict is ridiculous - I wish I had the answer as to where we can all meet - but I don't -
  9. Nat'l weather says rain & more rain. I'm not interested in getting my car soaked nor be there for half an hour to just be forced to leave by Columbus's finest. I'll pass awaiting nicer forecast & whatever new place is found that you can actually drive to, park, sit in a chair & visit -
  10. Actually I've kept a battery tender on mine. Been lucky - no birds, squirrels, mice, etc. My heart always skips a beat when I start it & take her out - & She's always fired right up!
  11. Fired up Vette for first time in about 3 weeks & drove her to work today. I just noticed "cob webs" on my shoes!!!!!!!! Now while driving on the interstate I did "clean out" the fuel rails, appears I need to run a vacuum cleaner on the inside too!!!!!!!!!!!! Ha ha
  12. Kohones


    welcome aboard -
  13. Just open the restaurant HERE!!!!!
  14. Shelby's name? Unless it's on a 60's GT 500, I could care less, hell I wouldn't pay $20k over sticker for the C6 Z06 & (I want one of them). To each their own -
  15. No offense to the "moostang guys", but you'd have to really really want a Cobra baaaad to pay that much over!!! I wouldn't pay $20k over for the Z06 let alone this Cobra -
  16. Think I may come as a spectator & watch my brother. Also my neighbor may pay up,to run her BMW M-3 - I'll find out tonight, if so I'll get her on here to use the paypal mechanism - appears you need more participants & quickly -
  17. Thats why I HATE snakes, especially the poisonous ones -- the bastard is probably living to bite yet another day -
  18. Kohones


    Powers speaks the truth, I was a Banker for 30 years. If you take the bankruptcy route or even CCCS you will pay in the end. Credit is the american way period. If you take the bankruptcy route, eventually YOU WILL NEED SOMETHING IE home, car, new woman (that will make you get things), just life changes in general. THEN----- watch out, you'll gladly pay interest rates indicative of your previous bankruptcy, ie 5-600 basis points more than people that stuck it out & paid their debts in a timely manner. Your bankruptcy atty will tell all kinds of things like what I've just said wrong / why? Because they could care less. They'll take their % for filing & getting your bankrptcy & they're done & your f---. Sooo think seriously before you take the bnkrptcy walk. Much higher rates & being treated like crap for 5 - 6 years with the bankruptcy record showing in your file for 10 years!!!! Is it truly the best way out for you? Only you can answer that. Sorry if I've come across tough, but these are the real facts --
  19. I used to sell those Altima's. You can't beat the Nissan quality either. It's a good car, probably not the fastest $$$ can buy, but depending on what you're looking for & what your overall needs are - its a good buy. One drawback I do know of - in spite of the fwd, it has those speed rated performance tires & doesn't go AT ALL in the snow. So if it would be a daily driver, you'll have an additional expense for better tires in the winter -
  20. Well when he goes to replace them (probably soon now), he won't like their price??? I've got to begin getting ready to put some serious $$$$ out as all 4 on the Vette need replaced -- Can't complain though they're the originals & have 20,000 on them.
  21. Only place I know of that your looking for is in Pennsylvania. Called Kinzua, lake is "HUGE" & they do have secluded primitive camping, unfortunately its 6 hours from Delaware, sounds like several of the previous posts have info that will work better for you ---
  22. I'll try to answer your original question. (Though I'm not sure of the dog scenario). We used to camp all the time, every summer! Where - the absolute best & our family favorite / Salt Fork State Park off rt 70 exit at Cambridge, Oh. Approx a 2 hr drive from Delaware. Nice camping spots, secluded & secure. Campers have their own sandy beach on the huge lake there. There are many hiking trails & loads of wildlife. Indoor pool at parks lodge open for the campers too. You can't beat it really -
  23. Lumina? Thats quick / congrats -
  24. John I'm looking forward to seeing you & hearing that Black Beast going up the road!!!
  25. Kohones

    NFL Draft

    I'm pleased how the Steelers fared in this draft. However this season will be interesting, Bengals, Colts, Broncos, definately a season I'm looking forward to -
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