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Everything posted by Kohones

  1. Kohones

    NHL Playoffs!

    Goooooo PENS!!!!!!!!!
  2. Kohones

    My car

    It does look good Marc, if I hadn't had to book out, we could've got a pix of mine too?
  3. Well??? I still salivate just thinking about the C6 Z06's -
  4. Yea. Your's was the one that inspired me to get it. So in the end, this is your fault. Oh oh / what will you & I do should I eventually pull the trigger on the '08 Z06 in by the way "Jetstream Blue"??????? If I were only rich!
  5. Austin - I'm very sad you had to sell her? That car was beautiful & I loved parking mine beside yours. Perhaps later you'll buy another? They made a lot of 'em -
  6. I called State Farm Friday, put coverage back in force & drove vette to work yesterday. In the winter I don't cease insurance coverage but I do put it in "withdrawn from use" status. Which means its covered if the garage catches fire, garage roof caves in etc. You just don't drive it while in that status. Not a big deal UNLESS you have an open loan on vehicle or a lease -
  7. Easy GUYS!!!! No worries really. I've known Brandon for years (like he stated). I was merely inquiring to the original thread? things most vette owners would truly like to see ie care of their vehicle while in service garage (no matter whos doing the service). It took me over 35 years to pull the trigger & buy my vette, so I'm pretty annal & particular - again NO WORRIES -
  8. I'll keep you in mind for sure. What I'm personally interested in is: * the car being repaired right the first time * car being kept inside service garage while in for repairs * proper parking avoiding door dings * no lot attendants boiling the rear tires Then we talk about gm apprvd parts for modding - he he
  9. Really? CR should never negatively effect anyones life! Its an affinity group we all belong to because we're into cars - period
  10. Maybe CR should buy its own oil co? Ha ha I think you're all correct, too much money in profits taxes etc. Most of the CEO's of these oil co's are Americans even though the product mostly comes from the middle east, so our govt protects these guys and they get political donations etc. Bottom line, bitch all you want, it won't do any good. Probably best to spend our time & energy in getting good jobs so we can continue to pay for it -
  11. Kohones

    10,000 B.c

    glad I read this cause I was considering going to see it? Guess I'll pass / thx
  12. Kohones

    Vote Today

    Vote? Geez a ma teez, its a real shame because we've got not much to vote for with any of the candidates. I'm going to the polls this afternoon / but its a toss up as to which candidate? Guess you just pick the best & hope for the best outcome?
  13. Agree - too much $$$ & waay too many miles on the clock -
  14. What a moron! If he has a loan on it, Bank should repo based on stupidity!
  15. Yep thats it / La Tavola, very good homemade Italian. lil expensive but worth it -
  16. I can't remember the name of the place (christ I'm old)??? But the BEST I've found is just south of rt 161 on riverside dr. Place sits beside the scioto river. You need reservations & to dress in nice casual. The food is very very good. Lil pricey but definately worth it. Anyone on here know the name? Its on tip of my tongue but I can't remember?
  17. Buck - gray hair? I'll show you a head of GRAY hair!!!! Ha ha
  18. Nice buy! We had one that was the gran sport version. Well made vehicle, I think you'll be pleased with your decision -
  19. There are a (few) good cops. Unfortunately we're getting more & more BAD ones.
  20. Ol man winter isn't thru with us yet!!!
  21. C6 is definately nice, however for overall handling the C5 Z06 outperforms the regular C6. Bottomline is / its your money & you should buy what you want -
  22. Just goes to show, some Drs graduate at the "bottom of their class"!!!!!
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