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Everything posted by Kohones

  1. Hmmm I'm gonna ask my Boys to buy me one for Xmas when they come out next year -
  2. I might be the oldest CR member? 61 here Tom Mentally I am 30 though
  3. (Pgh) I bleed black n gold / Pirates, Steelers, & Penguins. For the Pirate fans, 21 yrs is a long time until you finally make the playoffs! Don't know if they'll get past St Louis, we shall see, in any event they're definitely making it interesting - Go BUCS
  4. Awwwww I can do that in mine! He'll need new tires now & they big bucks, but money probably isn't an issue for him - lol C7 is starting to grow on me
  5. Kohones

    Toy Barn

    I can't go there cause I want to buy everything - There reputation is solid too
  6. Do you really care about gas mileage when you have gobs of H.P. ? Ha Haaaa
  7. Yep very very sad indeed, he has a son thats like 3 yrs old too /snap
  8. I was running 80 other nite in "fast" lane. Had a fire breathing Civic come flying up on me/ I merely hit the throttle to about 140, No more Civic & I stayed in fast lane still running 80 -
  9. If you get a chance, ride the "incline" up to Mt Washington! And under no circumstances do not make fun of the Penguins or Steelers while you are there - I grew up there too
  10. Coughlin in Pataskala is where I bought my Z06 & thats where I'd recommend the Vette goes
  11. Wow time flies???? Happy belated Buddy!
  12. Nice recognition / Both driver & car are very cool indeed -
  13. Just went thru class / man it's a long day - But when you finish & pass / you're done!
  14. Well??? Somethings are otay to tinker with on your race car / and somethings were manufactured "specifically" by the plant and should be left alone ----
  15. Additionally she was a superb ally to us as well / she will be missed
  16. Huge huge Muskie!!!! Congrats very nice fish. He'd be a lunker in Canadian waters too! Wow
  17. Kohones


    I "used" to like my son / Angry BMW - mind you I used too lol
  18. Kohones


    I'm interested in rifle 30.06 springfield ammo / handgun ammo = .45 magnum, .38 special & 357 mag. Doesn't appear to be available?? And .270 rifle ammo scarce too? Going out to Wyoming this Oct to hunt mule deer -
  19. Kohones


    Probably an earlier subject on here??? I've noticed ALL Ammunition is very scarce and some not available at all??? Both handgun, rifle, even shotgun ammo. Anyone here in the "Know" that has knowledge ie will we have access to ammo once the public stops knee jerking to current events / or is homeland security buying it up????
  20. I've heard of everything now????
  21. In my lifetime, in my garage / NEVER EVER lol
  22. Apologies, I'm not a hater really. It's just that Volvos are well not normally looked upon as a go-fast. And many Volvo owners I've known aren't cool / you're an exception. Plz accept my apology
  23. Don't matter how quick it is / it's still a Volvo -
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