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Everything posted by Kuruma

  1. Is that thing actually a car??? I can't even tell WHAT kind of car it is?!?!
  2. I thought about it, but decided to only point out the spelling errors in the one that had the highest amount.
  3. Kuruma

    Columbus Tuning

    graemlins/jerkit.gif Who cares? If someone's car can't stand up to a 600hp (or more) monster, it can still hold it's own against something in it's own class. Is it so hard appreciate all types of racing and motorsports, on all levels, without it turning into a prick-size contest?
  4. Spelling mistakes, and misused words marked in italic... I won't point out where the periods are missing... Maybe the douche washed all traces of them away?
  5. Kuruma

    Columbus Tuning

    That sounds like a good idea. BTW, you got a PM.
  6. The talking shit because of someone's income level shit is retarded. Not all of us here make the kind of money to buy a 'Vette, or an Evo (not directed at anyone in particular), but that doesn't say shit about a person's driving skills or even what kind of person they are. Sometimes you just have to make the most out of what you CAN get.
  7. The talking shit because of someone's income level shit is retarded. Not all of us here make the kind of money to buy a 'Vette, or an Evo (not directed at anyone in particular), but that doesn't say shit about a person's driving skills or even what kind of person they are. Sometimes you just have to make the most out of what you CAN get.
  8. Kuruma

    Columbus Tuning

    I agree. There's no reason both boards can't be friendly towards eachother. Personally, I like the atmosphere there too. Pretty laid back, don't really see people flaming eachother because one guy owns a Civic, and someone else owns a Mustang. It's irritating as hell when people have to turn a car site into a pissing contest. Just have fun doing what you can to what you have.
  9. Holy shit, Carl's! I used to live in L.A., and my family used to make every friday night Carl's Jr. night when I was a kid and buy burgers for everyone. Hardee's is pretty much the same thing, different name. Anyone know if there's a Hardee's here in c-bus? Jack In The Box kicked some serious ass too, and Sonic was really good. Better then having only Burger King, McDonalds, and Taco Bell to choose from. I miss the west too, but no way in hell would I want to live in Commiefornia now. Their laws on cars are getting to be utter bullshit.
  10. graemlins/bsflag.gif I proclaim my SR5 to be the slowest!
  11. I saw something similar being talked about in some car mag. Even THEY couldn't explian WTF it was doing, but they did show some tests and the tests DID seem to show an improvement. I'll take a look at the article and post what they had to say abour it next time I go to Muncie if my friend still has the mag.
  12. I fucking HATE thieves. MOST of us people spend a lot of time WORKING to PAY FOR the shit we have. If you catch them and have to beat the shit outta them (in "self defense" of course), give them an extra kick in the nuts for me, willya?
  13. Have fun in Houston! I used to live there, and it's a pretty fun place. Make sure to check out the Galleria on Westheimer if you have some money. They've got a nice Needless Markup (Neimen Marcus) there, if you want nice stuff for the holidays.
  14. Kuruma

    Columbus Tuning

    They seem like nice, friendly people, and things can get a bit rowdy here, I've noticed. It's easy for a noob who doesn't know better to take it a bit more seriously then it should be taken, which prolly leads to the "jerks" comments. BUT the Cavaliers I've encountered so far do kinda suck (Admittedly they were older ones)... I beat one in my Neon last year without even pushing it that hard... Even though he was REALLY trying, I was still pulling away from him steadily. Every time he got close, I'd just push the gas pedal down a little further and pull away more. Was something wrong with that car, did the driver just suck, or do they really go that slow all that time, to be beaten so easily by an automatic SOHC Neon?
  15. Kuruma


    The past few times (several since getting the SR5) I've needed something, I just hauled my ass over to Advance, cause I live down the street from both the Cleveland Ave, one, AND the one on Dublin-Granville & Karl Rd. Every time I've been there, the people have been pretty cool, helpful, and willing to take time to explain things to me if I didn't understand them. All in all, good customer service.
  16. Is it all phones? One phone in particular? Does it only work when a phone is picked up, or when it's not in use? Or does it cut off momentarily and resync right away?
  17. It would be one thing if they were getting killed by accident. In that case, yeah, it would be the owner's fault for letting them out, but if the guy is *intentionally* killing animals, the fact that they're outside is no excuse for his behavior. If I had cats, yeah, I'd keep them inside for a number of reasons, including assholes like that, but that doesn't mean that if they were outside, they're fair game for some asshole to intentionally kill. The fact that he's running over cats intentionally is a serious problem, and a sign that something just isn't right in this person's head. Normal people simply do not say "I'm going to run over a cat every monday if I can." That's just not a sane attitude.
  18. Would it fit in my Neon if I pulled the passenger seat out to move it? The living room TV here just died, so we're using a little 13 inch Commodore Monitor.
  19. Don't forget the bullshit that is "buy here, pay here", car dealerships. Yes. Lets take a fucked up used beater that should sell for $500, detail it, and bondo the fuck outta the rust, and patch it together with junkyard parts, then sell it for twice what it would be worth in mint condition, and charge 24% interest, driving the price up further. Then, when the thing breaks down, let's go ahead and fix it half-assed, and make a few cuts in some electrical wires or something to hasten the coming of yet another problem, so we can make even MORE money on repairs. Real nice racket. They need to start capping the interest rates at a more reasonable level, and also capping the amount they can jack up the price to maybe 20% above actual value of the vehicle being sold, no more. It's easy to argue that people should know better, but having talked to one woman today who did not know what a period was (and I don't mean the ones she gets), it's pretty obvious that most of the general public IS pretty stupid, and the government needs to step in to protect them from themselves, in the name of protecting the economy from all the bankruptcies that result from those business practices.
  20. If you want to fuck up his car, I hear bologna or eggs can really screw up a paint job. Just make sure to wait until it starts getting hot again, and cut the bologna into strips to spell out "I'M A CAT KILLER" on the hood, or take some eggs, whip them up, add something to thicken it a bit like a small amount of flour, and paint that on his hood with a brush in the middle of the night, on a day when he isn't likely to go out to his car until it has already gotten hot. Or you could just kick the shit out of him for being a cat-killing asshole. Killing animals for fun is a sign of a VERY sick mind. (People who kill animals for fun tend to be more likely to move onto killing people, after they've practiced enough.)
  21. That sucks. Too many shitty drivers on the roads these days.
  22. Going to need to be saving up for some rust repairs and painting on the 86. Dude here at work said you were really good at that too. Any way I could just show it to you to get an idea of what I'll need to save?
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