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Everything posted by Kuruma

  1. Wonder who it belonged to, I guess... I couldn't notice any rust at all, which was impressive. Hatch or coupe? I still wanna go up against your 86 once I get the repairs on mine done. smile.gif
  2. Kuruma

    Body Shop?

    Don't forget about Rolla, everyone I've talked to says that he does good work, and he's a nice guy. He was real honest with me about what needs replaced/done body work wise on my AE86, and what I could prolly do to keep the costs down
  3. I don't remember, but I don't think that the plates did, no.
  4. Kuruma


    Anyone who can vote but chooses not to should be ashamed. People are still killing eachother for the right to do it in some other parts of the world. Take a few hours outta your day, and get your ass to the polls. If someone as impaitent as me can sit through it to spend the time to vote, so can everyone else.
  5. Hey Nismo, was that your SR5 I saw at the polls today? I saw an *EXTREMELY* clean looking AE86 Corolla SR5 there, a red coupe, missing the wiper blade on the passenger's side. Looked *really* nice for such an old car in the middle of Ohio. In the past week, I've run into *2* other AE86es now. One GT-S coupe, and one SR5 coupe, both red. Always nice to see a fellow 86.
  6. I can't afford adding a *third* car/don't have the space to keep a third one right now, and I'm not willing to get rid of the AE86 for anything other then a better AE86. I haven't had my fun with it yet. smile.gif
  7. Welp, I'm pretty much tired of playing with the weak little SOHC in the Neon, and I'm beginning to think I should just swap the motor for something with a bit more potential, rather then wasting money on upgrading the stock engine. Getting rid of the car is not an option, I'm stuck with it for another year still. Should I go for the DOHC engine, the 2.4L swap, or has anyone got any other suggestions that might be good for this car?
  8. That is a good enough reason, I'll admit you have a good point. I can't talk too much trash about buying lower end versions of cars though. I fucked up and bought the SOHC version of the Neon before I really gave a shit (I didn't even know what SOHC/DOHC meant, or what kind of engine it was using then. I *really* didn't give a shit. It was a car, it was reasonably comfortable, and in better shape then the previous two cars I've had) Whoops. (Though even it seems speedy compared to the sluggish 4A-C of my AE86.) But still, trying to call a V6 a Cobra??? That's fucktarded.
  9. Why even bother with the V6 Mustang as anything other then a grocery getter, when the V8 offers so much more??? It's like stupid people buying the 4cyl Tiburon when the GT V6 is available for not that much more money... (I don't care if it looks somewhat riced outta the box. I've driven one, and it was fun to drive. A hell of a lot more fun then my Neon.)
  10. How much money WOULD such a swap end up costing on a Miata anyway?
  11. If you want to move here, and contribute to the counry (which it sounds like you do! smile.gif ), I would second that advice. Talk to a good immigration lawyer about it. It *WILL* cost you money, but it's easier then going it alone and crossing your fingers.
  12. goatse.cx About as likely to fade away and die as the thread about Turbo Slut. graemlins/doh.gif
  13. Psh. I wouldn't mind adding a Miata to the cars I have. I don't see what's so bad about them really. They're not really that fast, but they still look fun.
  14. Really fucking annoying is when you tell them (immigrants who don't speak english in general) that they CAN have what they are saying they want, and they start getting pissed off at you because they think you're saying no. You have to pretty much cut them off, talk over them, or just plain make them shut up somehow so you can explain that you are saying YES to them. Had one messed up call tonight. Immigrant, poor english, and blind. Felt bad for the guy, cause he seemed nice, but fuck, is that a frustrating combo.
  15. Fuck that thing is ugly. Maybe you can pick up some ricer skanks with it.
  16. I've been there for over a full year. There's a *reason* they don't bother piss testing. Nobody can take it without getting trashed tongue.gif
  17. Too bad it was yesterday My friend that came with me was wanting to talk with some other bike riding people too.
  18. Fiesta is usually a pretty good chain all around. Never been to one that didn't have a hot chick working there.
  19. I'll be there, in the 86,
  20. graemlins/nonono.gif Smooth driving always is better then trying to intimidate people into moving over. People need to just learn to find the ideal path to take to get through a patch of traffic without driving like douchebags. To me the best revenge is to find that path, take it, and leave them stuck in a patch of traffic still fighting to get through.
  21. That shit pisses me off to no fucking end. Was driving the AE86 last night, going a good 80MPH on 270 (well after 2 AM), and this douche in some beat ass truck starts tailgating, and trying to pass me using the right shoulder, but there's just not enough room for him to do that. There's MORE then enough room for douche to go around and pass on the left, but he thinks it's better to tailgate and swerve around. Almost was enough to make me wish I had a "spray oil on road behind you" button in my car.
  22. Seriously, don't bother. For the amount of labor that will go into fixing that kind of damage to a 1st gen Neon, you could pick up a not-fucked-up one for less. blue book values these things in *good* shape at a little over $1000 usually.
  23. I know I was laughing at it.
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