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Everything posted by Kuruma
If you work for an abortion clinic, drug company, or are a doctor in general, yes
Cool. Will do smile.gif Advance apologies if I'm a noob at working on stuff smile.gif Just tell me what to do and I'll follow directions smile.gif
That's totally cool with me, make it a 12, cause I like to drink too smile.gif I have the pads and the rotors already (bought them this morning at Advance), and I can buy the oil, plus the air and oil filters tonight at Meijer after work. Also have the manual for RWD Corollas to help smile.gif
K, I'll admit it. I lack the tools, garage, and the experience to do this by myself, but I still need it done ASAP and I'm on a seriously tight budget at this time. Preferably early tomorrow morning/afternoon so it's done before 6PM. Basically, I just need to install new brake pads and rotors on the AE86, and change the oil, oil filter, and air filter in it. Anyone free and able to help a noob out? Can't pay much, but I can throw some money in. smile.gif
What happened to it? I know I'd sooner just sleep in my AE86 then sell it.
Know anyone that could help drop a 4A-GZE into mine next spring or so? How much would it cost? On aside note,picked up the new rotors and pads today. Now I need to install them... [ 09. November 2004, 11:22 PM: Message edited by: Kuruma ]
No, that's an AE86. I'm kinda obsessed with the things, even though they aren't the fastest things out there, and I can say for sure, that's an AE86 GT-S Coupe. The bumpers, lights, etc all are correct for a GT-S coupe, and I recognize what can be seen of the seats as AE86 GT-S seats smile.gif
The local 86 owners need to set up a local AE86 owners club or something. I thought I had one of the few AE86es in town, until recently, as they've been popping up more and more. Could be good for owners to get together and compare what works for them, and what doesn't, as well as help eachother with repairs/upgrades
The biggest annoyance is getting *BACK* up to speed if you have to suddenly brake, when running the 4A-C. (It's a really shitty engine if it makes my Neon feel speedy) Some douchebag makes you slow down at 90, and have fun slowly accelerating back up as grandmas flip you off for blocking their way tongue.gif Seriously, though, I think instead of the standard GT-S 4A-GE, I'm probably going to go for the 4A-GZE, just because, if I'm going to be pulling the motor, and a 4A-GZE can be had/installed for a similar cost and amount of work... Why not just get it over with and go for the supercharged 4A-GZE, and get more power to start off with? smile.gif I think I like the interior of the AE86es the best though. Damn things are comfortable to sit in, small, and they have that laid back 80s japanese car feeling. Too bad the stereo sounds like crap though.
Nice. My poor little SR5 is so slooow X_X I could only get it up to 98MPH last night going *downhill*. Need a 4A-GZE, badly.
Mine is a silver hatch with some rust damage that I need to get dealt with on the quarter panels and hood (extremely minor) and the hatch (need to repace it) Too bad you sold it. Thanks to Tofu Inflation, if it's stil in good shape and a GT-S you can really get a good amount from Initial D freaks.
One chicken actually did survive beheading. The brain stem was left and the bird continued to live for a long time (why the people didn't finish it off, who knows...), being fed with an eyedropper through it's neck-hole, until something got caught in there and it asphyxiated. smile.gif
Oldest intel type CPU I've used was a "turbo" 8088. God, that thing sucked...
I'd help you too. Been using computers since 1984 starting with the Commodore 64, and I tend to have an ability to find almost any driver, and get almost any machine that's toast running again, barring hardware failure.
Hitting animals is nothing to be happy about. Not that you should let loose a flood of tears that would flood the land, but the proper reaction to causing a creature to die is to feel at least a *little* bad about it.
Even if she did provoke him, trying to *rape* her is not the right method of self defense. This isn't "La Blue Girl".
Anyone who beats their partner, male or female, loses all value as a human being, and their life is worthless to me. She should stay with friends, and if he comes around, beat the living shit out of him to show him that girls hit back.
You've got a PM, Nismo smile.gif
I've wanted to convert it to standard *really* badly for several months now, but I lack the experience and skills to do it (and most things) myself. If it's only $250 in parts or so, I would drop that in a heartbeat if I could get some help with the swap smile.gif
Indeed. Take a drive up to Toronto, ON sometime in the winter, on a snowy day. You can seriously just chill and relax in a place like that, and if you want to laugh at/almost get run over by riced out econoboxes driven by little chinese ladies and their teen daughters on cell phones, the Pacific Mall in Markham is pretty sweet too. Any movie you want, VCD, $5-8 CDN Bootleg PSX games, $5 CDN (Got a bootleg PS1 copy of Initial D there). Anime, electronics and other cool shit too. There's even a few stores with racing/ricing stuff. Wanna see boobs? Chances are you'll see them on TV eventually, nobody cares. Profanity on the TV? Nobody really gives a shit there either. Some of the stuff I saw would have been hard to show on a lot of CABLE channels that have commercials. Wanna get wasted? The beer is stronger, and if you like to smoke, the cigarettes have higher quality tobacco in them too. Overall the people are pretty happy there too. There isn't the same rushed atmosphere filled with discontent that a lot of US cities have. I actually wouldn't mind living around all that. It's a nice place to live.
Actually... It's an auto I wish it *was* a standard, now that I've used my AE86 to learn to shift my own gears. I'm pretty much stuck with it though.
I don't want to have a dedicated daily/race car, I like them both enough to drive them on a regular basis, and it's important for me to be able to drive the cars I own on the street as well as on a track (eventually tongue.gif ) Any suggestons on how to make it *LESS* mushy, and more responsive? I like the Neon because of an attachment I've developed to it, and the way it feels in the car itself, but I like the AE86 too because of it's own unique feel.
How bad could it really be? Mine idles shitty as hell, especially with the lights on, and the brakes are fucked, it's hard to get it moving in first gear, and shifts a little roughly at lower speeds (smooth as hell from 3rd-5th though), the suspension is bumpy as hell, the gas tank needs replaced, and the steering is mushy feeling. (is this just a normal SR5 thing, or am I just too used to FWD cars?). It's also pretty rusty, so I need a bunch of work done there too. The stereo is also weak too. It makes my stock Neon with it's wal-mart tape deck, and blown speaker in the drivers side front door sound powerful. Really the trick to fast SR5 driving is to remember this: DO NOT upshift until 4000-4500 RPM. As soon as it starts to drop below 3000 RPM, downshift, or acceleration is going to be slow. The engine doesn't really start making much power for me (and other SR5 owners I asked on club4ag.com) until about 3000RPM. Driving it that way, I'm constantly pushing it to 90MPH on the freeways (even with 3 passengers) and passing normal traffic once it gets up to speed. The only real problem is that when you slow down, getting back up there is slow. Fastest I've gotten my AE86 up to has been 95MPH on 270. At that point I cut it out because I haven't fixed it up enough to want to really push my luck, and the engine badly needs a tune-up. You aren't going to be beating any Mustangs (or even my Neon! ) with that driving style, but at least you won't get tailgated by so many grandmas. I AM winning an item for it that's gonna be kickass though. The digital cluster from a Trueno (I don't consider that to be ricing the AE86 because it's an authentic Toyota part, and I've always wanted an oldschool 1980s digital cluster in a car) I'm planning to move up to Canada in time anyway (not entirely because of bush, and no I don't care to elaborate on it. It's personal.), so it doesn't matter that the thing displays km/h only smile.gif
When I get my 86 fixed up enough for a long drive, I wanna take it there too. It may be a slow car, but that sounds like a hell of a lot of fun.
I've been practicing drifting it when it's wet, or when I find a good amount of clear space in a big parking lot away from other cars and such, actually. My goal in the end is to have a series of cars for several different situations, and to practice different techniques the different cars respond well to until I have them all down. That's why I don't want to go exclusively RWD or FWD. Each style has different things to it that appeal to me. It's all entertaining in the end. On a side note though, this Neon's handling is far superior to the SR5 version of the AE86 anyway. It's more responsive to what I try to make it do, while the SR5 feels a little slow to respond/mushy in comparison... Was the GT-S at least better then that?