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Everything posted by Kuruma

  1. I liked the realism with regards to handling when it came to the Neon in the first game. I did really well with it being stock because I just decided to do what I do with my real Neon in the NFS:U game. Want quicker/tighter/more responsive cornering? Use the brake lightly while still pressing on the gas to compensate for the understeer. The NFS:U Neon also can power slide *exactly* like my Neon does (well, like it did before it got busted up). Basically, if it worked in my car, it worked the same way in the game. They did their homework. [ 17. November 2004, 08:16 PM: Message edited by: Kuruma ]
  2. Like Ottowa (snottowa) hills, where it's a tiny ass chunk of Toledo that has money, and thus, doesn't want to associate with Toledo even though the people are just as nasty (attitude, and looks wise) but with money, and where the cops pull people over for going 1 mile over the limit if they aren't in a Lexus?
  3. Agreed. It took me finally chasing my father around the house with an aluminum baseball bat to make him cut it out. He never did feel comfortable around me after the fact either. That is a pretty douched law. And yeah, free the weed. tongue.gif
  4. Kuruma

    bronx bmw..

    BMWs should not pick fights with semis. redface.gif
  5. If I had a car that was worth stealing to the point of warranting such an effort, I don't think I'd drive it too often either. I tend to break parts by pushing things past their limit.
  6. It takes balls to admit you regret doing something and feel it was wrong. I respect you.
  7. 80MPH is slow. I'd want to see a series of roads where 100MPH and above is the norm. Even my Neon can handle 118MPH at least, where the douchebag computer it uses kicks in and goes "screw you, no faster!" Not like the engine has that much more to give anyway, but still, yeah, raise the damn limits.
  8. Crap. The thing that sucks about working until 2 is that almost everything (meets, chances to run with someone, etc) tends to be over by the time I get out. I'm changing my damn schedule to get off work earlier. smile.gif
  9. T-Mobile is good, IMHO. They were fucking sweet when combined with my ex roommate's N-Gage, and when I get one, I want their service, even if it's the prepaid variety. Cingular sucks the donkey cock though. Constant dropping of calls, had to dial 2-3 times sometimes to get it to actually make a call, general suckage. Verizon... Don't get me started. Suffice it to say their reps need to get a clue. One tried to tell me that because some chick named Guadalupe or some shit was showing up on my number (which he also claimed was cancelled) that I should get off a bus in the middle of Arizona (on it's way to South Carolina), and go *back* to Van Nuys, CA to talk to the store I bought the phone from, and was damn near calling me a theif. The little shitstick's supervisor noticed that I have a prepaid account, and knew right off that I needed to talk to another department. Prepaids are in a different system. Their in-store salespeople around here really need to learn their place too. (I'm of the opinion that if I'm expected to put up with the crap *I* put up with from customers at work, that when I'm a customer somewhere, they need to be fucking respectful.) As for the others... No experience, therefore, no opinion.
  10. What's sad is that people actually pay for this, when you can get more and end up spending less with beer.
  11. If she doesn't take it, tell me about it and I might be interested. I don't actually have a bed (the airbed popped!) at this point in time. Just a recliner in my room or the couch in the living room. Not entirely opposed to renting a u-haul for the day to pick it up and transport it, as I have stuff I want to put in storage anyway. Also, I got a computer chair I got from goodwill. I use the recliner now so your friend can have it, I don't need it now.
  12. Kuruma


    More like removed from society for a good long while. Nothing against *good* cops, but ones that abuse their authority need punishment above and beyond the punishment for a civillian. That aside, Westerville PD can be douche central when they get bored. I live just outside of Westerville, about a block away from Cleveland on schrock, and they once sent 5 cruisers to the office where I had my taxes done because some douchebag doctor at St Anne's claimed he saw "3 people dressed like they're from The Matrix storming the building". Our reason for being there? Picking up a tax refund check and scheduling an appointment. Left right before they showed up. Generally they like to sit around the whole Cleveland & Schrock area looking for just about anything to do, which is why if you wanna have some fun late night, go further down shrock, and play on that uphill/downhill corner going towards Huntley. It's better anyway, just be careful not to push it past the limits of your car's cornering ability, or it'll end up like my Neon. But if mine can do it at 80, your cars should be able to hold their own. Personally, I prefer freeways to surface streets (no oncoming traffic, speed limit already higher then surface streets, no traffic lights, no intersections, less douchebaggery at late hours of the night, no need to stop unless you get pulled over or something is blocking the way, etc.), but at 3AM, that's a decent spot. And no, we were not looking like "3 people dressed like we were from The Matrix". tongue.gif
  13. On this subject, is there any way to make the computer on a car easy to pull out and put back in, as an added means of preventing theft? Doubtful that the car would be going anywhere without that, unless the theif was dead set on grabbing *that* car and came prepared for just that situation. Maybe when I get a car worth stealing I might wanna do that
  14. Kuruma

    Bad night.

    Barring any help from my family in L.A., I won't be able to afford to buy the parts I need to get the whole job done right until the 23rd of this month (I have the Neon which is just driveable right now), but once I can, I'd appreciate any help I could get. I'm fairly confident that the only real damage done here was just to that brake hose, and some scrapes on the rim. (This angers me. The car actually has some stock toyota rims on it that looked nice)
  15. Eh, I'm having to cool it in a major way right now, with what just happened with my AE86. Couldn't happen at a worse time. It's outta comission now until next paycheck. Prolly gonna get a second job because of what's wrong with both cars.
  16. Kuruma

    Bad night.

    So yesterday I pulled a 12 hour shift and slept all day today to recover. Nobody's around so I decide fuckit, might as well get a burger just a bit ago. Since the Neon is particularly messed up right now, I figure I'll just take the AE86. What could go wrong on something so simple as going to get a burger, right? Wrong. at first the car had a bit of a pull to the left, then the left front tire went on me. I didn't have the lug wrench cause I left it behind working on the rotors, had to buy a universal one at Meijer to get the donut on and discovered that when the tire went, it beat the shit out of the hose where it connects to the caliper and that's destroyed now too, with a nice big hole beaten in it. Why is it that end of year + cars + low on money + me = shitty luck??? And no. I didn't get my burger.
  17. I've been wanting one of these *drool*
  18. That sucks. The car looks nice too. I'd be out for blood if someone stole my rides. I'll remember this one in case I see it while driving.
  19. Just woke up (12 hour shifts own me.), bored as fuck. Anyone doing anything tonight while all the sane people sleep?
  20. Meijer carries that candy bar smile.gif
  21. Dude was one sick fuckstick to kill his wife while pregnant. He's not gonna live long in prison, even if he doesn't get the death penalty.
  22. Why the sudden mention of furry? There are a lot of them in Columbus, after all.
  23. +1 to not splicing/cutting wires. Why the hell would you do that to your car's wiring when the kits cost nothing, and are far less of a permanent modification in case you screw up (like the person who originally installed the cheapass wal-mart tape deck in my Neon did, wiring the 12v constant and 12v switched wires together on the harness kit, causing shit to stay on when the car is off that shouldn't, like wipers, stereo, etc)/decide to change stereos again/etc?
  24. Personal responsibility isn't as profitable as blaming others for your own stupidity. People realized they can find some BS excuse to blame someone else, and sue them for their fuckups, so now they do.
  25. +1 on the silver cars. They look sweet at night, don't they? smile.gif
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