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Everything posted by Kuruma
It's still ugly, but yes, the install was clean. I can't knock the quality of the work. Wouldn't want to drive something like that that attracts every theif and cop in town though. I'll likely be picking up an 87 Civic Si this winter myself, but it isn't going to be turned into a rolling joke like that.
I can speak some spanish. It's not very good though.
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Honda-Civic-Si-This-is-a-show-car-for-a-car-audio-manufacturer_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6256QQitemZ4590922294QQrdZ1 This is just... No. Somewhere there's a Civic under there....
My Metro was smashed to fuck when I first got it, radiator support pushed in, fender crumpled up, headlight assembly ruined and corner light turned into little plastic chunks, hood had to be held down with a bike chain as well. Took it to Rolla with the fender, and light housings, and he did awesome work at a very good price, quick turnaround too. Would continue to recommend.
Good. Running red lights is the best way to smash up your car or get yourself killed/kill someone else. My friend got his Grand Prix totaled last year by an illegal immigrant who decided to run a red light. He wasn't hurt, but that shit set him back and made him a pedestrian for almost a full year.
That shit makes me want to whip a spark plug through their window. If the light is red, you ain't makin your left turn. Period. Forgot a few other dumbshit things people do, like NOT moving when the light turns green. WTF? It's green. Go. Go or I headbutt face, biatch! Or the fossilized motherfuckers who ignore the bigass signs at every fucking intersection that has a service road that say "Do NOT block intersection" and pull their fuckin Contis and shit right into the middle so nobody on the service road can turn, and nobody can get onto the service road. Naturally, I have to get onto the service road to get back to the shop after a del, and these motherfuckers try to block my shit every time.
$550 is not a bad price for an EF civic hatch, people. If Ducebag101 doesn't follow through, I'm interested. What all is involved in the inspection process?
What the fuck is it about the general area of 161 from Little Turtle down to Sinclair that attracts the worst fucking drivers on the face of the planet??? Driving delivery in the area, I usually have to avoid some dumbass fucker who thinks that no matter what they always have right of way, has those special "invisible" turn signals, and dumb shits with SUVs who keep pulling forward in the left hand turn lane every time someone in the right lane tries to inch forward to try to get a view of whether or not it's safe to turn right on red, as if they feel that if they have to wait to make their turn, so should everyone else. Not to even mention the shit like people pulling out of the apartments on tamarack into the wrong lane (with stickers representing their country of orgin all over their bashed up camrys and bonnevilles, of course), facing directly at my bumper and getting stupid looks on their faces wondering why people are slamming on their brakes and beeping at them. Here's a hint: You are in a country that drives on the right. Regardless of what you may think, this is not a situation where americans like to "think outside the box", bitches! Plus there's the truly dumb shits that think that tailgating a 3 cylinder is going to somehow make it accelerate faster. Where's a gun when you need it?
Still want those pics. kuruma.kitsune.ae86@gmail.com
Pics too, please. kuruma.kitsune.ae86@gmail.com
So where are the obligatory nudes of this ho that she never thought anyone else would see?
Hell no I didn't chase him, part of the front end is bent and touching the tire on the drivers side, so chasing after him probably would just make things worse for the car in the end. Not to mention that this is Roche Dr. where this happened. Chasing after someone who hits and runs is likely to get you shot for your trouble. Shitty fucking neighborhood. Yeah tho BAM, I deliver for Massey's. You the pizza hut guy with the Caprice Classic that I see sometimes? On the plus side, I got a Geo Metro 2 door hatchback today that looks a bit fucked up, but at least I can drive it and still do my job. Too bad it needs body work too. Need a new fender, a few assorted parts, and some shit pulled back into place.
Yeah. It really fucking blows. My best bet at this point is to spend tomorrow scouring they buy here pay here places for their cheap shit that I can pick up as a beater. Even worse: It got a new starter just this tuesday, and a K&N cone filter, so I just put about $200 into it over the past few days
So tonight I'm coming home from work after a day of deliveries that all went perfectly, and some asshole in a dark green hatchback of likely 1980s domestic orgin, no fucking plate even on the back (temps?) comes whipping around the corner on Roche dr. right before Otani's entrance like he's on a fucking road course, right in my lane and clips my bumper and fender on the drivers side, spinning his own car in the process and coming to a stop in the grass. By the time I got out of the car to see if the fucking douche was OK or not, he was already turning his piece of shit around to run, and took off towards North Meadows and 161 I wasn't hurt physically, but this really fucks with the financial side of life. Of course, I've got insurance, but they already said they're refusing to cover it because I don't have the uninsured motorist coverage and it's a hit and run.
I just got hit by a hit and run driver tonight on my way home from work, so now I'm in the market for a car asap. what did you have to do to get it started the time you did?
+1. My roommate is a complete douchebag when it comes to life, and never, EVER changes his oil or oil filter (it burns oil so he lets it run low, and puts more in), or his plugs... Or does anything whatsoever to maintain his POS 86 Accord, yet despite how he beats it like Tina Turner, the fucking thing won't die. I think it's funny though because he wants it to die so he can beg mommy and daddy to buy him another car. Tough shit for him. Good example of Honda reliability though.
If you go to http://www.photobucket.com and sign up for a free account, you can easily upload your pics there and post links to them in the forum. (someone should sticky something about photobucket) If you like, though, I can post some for you?
I've never even fired a gun before. What's a good one to get for someone with little experience with guns? I'm thinking of getting a CCW and carrying a firearm as I deliver pizzas, and I'm well aware that people like to rob the delivery guy in some neighborhoods. (That and I'm moving to the Roche Dr. area, and would like to have some weapons in the apartment to use to defend myself if someone breaks into the place)
As a general tip, if you want to sell a car and have pics, photobucket is free, and you can host the pics there for everyone interested to see.
Not sure if this is exactly in Westerhell's jurisdiction, but they don't seem to watch the ramp that connects 161 to Westerville Rd via Corporate Dr. (or the general area around Passen, which I think is westerville?) very much *at all*, otherwise I would have been popped on many occasions. Of course, Blendon Township always pulls people over in that area, so maybe it's their turf? Westerville cops need something better to do then spend all their time looking for speeders and going into random parking lots to run every plate there. Maybe it's time for some of them to hit the unemployment line, since they have so little to do?
kuruma.kitsune.ae86@gmail.com pics please.
Bump. $150 by friday takes it, otherwise I'm gonna store it and get the ball rolling on getting this bitch titled so I can drive it.
http://www.zazoo.be/Publiciteit/Condoms%20Zazoo%20UK_small.mpg Nuff said.
That's actually not that bad of an idea, but instead of the Metro's engine, why not snag the turbo version of it? The fuel economy was as good as the NA version, but 40% more power at 7.5psi. Would make for a nasty little go-kart.