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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. That would fucking suck.
  2. Kevin R.

    airsoft guys

    We play with real guns. Fuckin' intense.
  3. I played it at the store and thought the drums were fun. I never liked Guitar Hero though so I didn't find the guitar part of it fun for me at least. Singing....hell no.
  4. Kevin R.


    I don't know about New Years. I would be down any other time however. I don't want to spend New Years with that much penis.
  5. There is about to be a shit ton more of them.
  6. My biggest fear as well. Nasty. You had me looking at each corner of the room I'm in over and over. I would not be able to live or go anywhere I saw that.
  7. Santa is getting it. Lancaster is quite the trip though, his reindeer are tired.
  8. If anything I don't pride myself on my work, but the sweet woody yet aquatic scent I carry.
  9. Shiiiiit I change tires out for free. Ask Sam.
  10. Are there any liquor stores open today? Me and the goose have a date later to celebrate Christmas but I doubt anything is open. Guess I should have planned ahead.
  11. LOL I always think that is the funniest thing, especially when you were a little kid how the stupidest thing would be funner than the most expensive.
  12. What was it? If you don't mind me asking.
  13. Pretty much just clothes and gift cards.
  14. I would like to shoot out a MERRY CHRISTMAS to all those in this thread. Enjoy it.
  15. Yupp. Sent him your way. Rudolph can drink.
  16. Dude showed me this today at work. I found it to be fuckin' hilarious. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRmFEpl74sI&NR=1
  17. I didn't think you needed to take the engine mount off, there is another way. But I agree that one is a bitch. My car is fine to work on.
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