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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. The chances are looking good, but probably not. But I will also accept being in the Who is getting a BJ tonight crew.
  2. Ping is the place to be. But even if you become a fat alcoholic you can still become filthy rich and get the nice ass you want. :nod: Always be optimistic.
  3. I find they usually work best against callus protection if they are fresh. Because of this I try to schedule an Africa safari monthly. I kill them with my hands (also while wearing the zebra gloves).
  4. I wrap the skin of zebra testicles around my hand. I find it works the best.
  5. I use Alluc.org although it is going downhill as far as quality. But you can still find some good ones.
  6. I might die taking Bear's tips, but at least I will be more exciting in the process.
  7. How many people are going to be sitting in a cold fucking arctic area with a rifle, a bag of seal meat, a full fucking coat, a bunch of surprisingly useful equipment, and then sit around for 7 days while doing nothing in attempt to be rescued or find civilization. I can honestly say he gives maybe one useful tip a show, while Man vs. Wild, although a bit exaggerated, gives pretty damn good survival tips.
  8. Are you serious? Les Stroud is a fucking boring, harmonica playing homo. People don't get the essence of Man vs. Wild, TO TEACH you how to survive. Not to watch a man ACTUALLY survive. The show is way more exciting and the mother fucker is British Special Forces, not a college graduate with a music major.
  9. Kevin R.

    I > *

    I'll be in probably later than 6-7. I work until 8. So, might now show til' 9:30 or so. Hopefully everyone isn't sloshed by then so they have no excuses.
  10. I work at NTB Canal if for some reason that was easier. But I doubt it seeing you are in Blacklick.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=related&v=jP29gkvjWpY One of my favorite parts.
  12. Kevin R.

    My new snake.

    Gay. I thought you bought a Cobra.
  13. Kevin R.

    dumb vanity plate?

    I like my vanity plates. "5 0" Simple, and then dumbass people don't have to ask me what size engine is in the car. But, when they do ask me, I can laugh at them and just say read the plates.
  14. Kevin R.

    I > *

    PM me your address too Miller. I need to mapquest that shit.
  15. Kevin R.

    I > *

    I was getting tang instead. Come by NTB and get your $10 if you really cannot wait.
  16. Yeah that "storm" was weak shit. Mustang did fine everywhere.
  17. Kevin R.

    I > *

    I am more than likely down mang.
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