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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. Wow. Arguing about frats at schools you attended is worse than being in frats at the schools you attended.
  2. In case you want to bro out. http://www.fratmusic.com Hahaha. Want to have the same party as Phi Kappa Psi? Now you can!
  3. How do you know if you have any invites? I might.
  4. Kevin R.


    You need some game.
  5. My buddy bought this package for his truck. Sounded alright at first. Nothing special -- but nothing bad. The headunit works as expected -- once again -- nothing special. I think the speakers have started to sound kind of crackly but I doubt you will listen to your music that loud.
  6. Looks the same to me. What is the difference?
  7. Just picked up a nice lil truck yesterday. Couldn't pass it up. Thanks for all the suggestions and PMs. Lock er up.
  8. Storage. http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs132.snc3/17950_762172982194_12330469_43700399_5497305_n.jpg
  9. Dude could make a fortune on late 90's video game soundtracks. Felt like I was racing on a N64 when I played it in the background. Also, he could probably make it bigger if he didn't act like that.
  10. Naw. Done with that. I just need some decent transportation now.
  11. Haha I know. That was in reply to Chris. Fuck transmission issues.
  12. http://columbus.craigslist.org/ctd/1550684887.html What are the common problems? I worked at Ford and one rarely came in.
  13. Thanks for all the PMs so far. Really helpful.
  14. I know the usual websites. I trust you guys more than AutoTrader. Just wanted to see if someone knew of something they knew was well maintained and reliable. Trust me. I am searching everything.
  15. I didn't expect to get that so it is all good. Now I need to find a car ASAP.
  16. Official number of $3700. If mods could clean this up that would be great.
  17. Called me 10 minutes ago. New offer of $3850 + tax. Awesome.
  18. http://www.myconfinedspace.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/Whale-Five-FUCK-YEAH.jpg
  19. These guys are pissed. http://www.lasvegashype.com/images/blue-man-group-las-vegas.jpg
  20. http://www.thevancouverite.com/pictures/hangover-rainman.jpg
  21. I'm still reverting to CR's most popular plan of getting ahold of Scotty.
  22. At least there was a glimmer of hope unlike every other year. Not much to bitch about -- was fun to get to watch them for this long.
  23. This is the bee's knees. Thanks a ton. +rep eventually "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to kickass again."
  24. kevinrainwater@gmail.com Thanks!!
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