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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. Cars hawt bro. I appreciate what you're doing to help the scene. Let me know if you ever want to hit a parking lot and chat about our whips. +repped EDIT: Fuck. I fucked up somehow and hit negative rep. Any mods fix this? So sorry bro.
  2. I am guessing they consider anything without pneumatic lifting a "big ass shovel". Looks nice man. If it gets the job done it gets the job done.
  3. Were the cops called?
  4. Lots of Hitler-like arm throws in their routine. Racists.
  5. Shot in the dark, but any cameras around that area?
  6. I would call her and the ring a loss at this point.
  7. Still fugly. Just laugh and move on. You don't have to fuck her.
  8. LOL. DMCs these days is just a bunch of ridiculous circus acts with turntables.
  9. I clicked through all of that and no finished project yet? Mother fucker.
  10. Haha. When we used to box eachother years ago in my buddy's basement that is what always ended up happening. Just going balls out on eachother trying to win. Boxing definitely takes some discipline to hold back when necessary.
  11. Here is some nice trip music for you party peeples. Don't know if you have ever heard of Hathbanger but he makes some sick mixes....will kill a half hour. http://www.mediafire.com/?dgon2ioxy2o
  12. It is called the "false grip". It is usually used to take the stress off of the shoulders for people with shoulder injuries, putting to use more of the triceps and forearms to lift the weight -- so many use it out of necessity and not preference. There have been a lot of accidents lately using this grip to the point Dave Tate, one of the first people to use this grip, made a video about how to properly do it following the accident of that football player at some college where the weight slipped out.
  13. That sucks. Honestly though, spotter or not, the same thing probably would have happened. Usually a spotter cannot react quickly enough to stop this thing from happening. Especially since this was obviously lighter weight for him, the spotter wouldn't have had his hands on/under the bar. Seems to me it just slipped out of his hands on accident. Scary though for sure. Hope he pulls through.
  14. Kevin R.

    Windows 7

    Roger dodger. I think I'll stick with my XP.
  15. Kevin R.

    Windows 7

    How will this install once downloaded? Can this download be used to replaced XP? Obviously I know it does not just "upgrade" like Vista does -- but replaces XP altogether.
  16. Steak, lobster, mashed potatoes, and a fifth of Jack Daniels.
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