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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. +1 Now I keep looking up at my ceiling expecting to see one.
  2. I knew it was going to happen and still almost flew out of my seat. Fuck that shit.
  3. Haha you saw this from watching the Grammy performance too?
  4. Went to download that song....sounds like shit. Travis Barker needs to re-do every song.
  5. I can't wait until there is a vaccine and condoms become extinct due to super birth control and no AIDS.
  6. :nws::nws::nws: http://www.stileproject.com/videos/8720/teen-masturbating-and-her-dad-walks-in.html
  7. I have the Droid Eris. No slide out keyboard. I liked the size of the phone. The regular Droid seemed huge to me. After a day or two of the phone learning how I typed I loved the onscreen keyboard.
  8. LOL @ iPhone people. A lot of my friends have iPhones and when I started showing them my Droid all they do is say how much better the iPhone does the same thing or that the iPhone "did it first". However, when it gets to all the cool shit the Droid does better they all go, "Wow, yeah, I guess that is pretty cool," and I can tell they are jealous of it. Plus, you get all the cool features without having to be a Apple fag.
  9. I am guessing whoever it is, is very obese. That is the only way I can see this happening.
  10. I would say a mix of both. This is because if you only use artistic shots, I would assume you also have the capability to hide imperfections either through your photography or a computer program. I would use an artistic shot for the main photo on AutoTrader, etc as it will stand out and draw attention. If you use just regular shots, well, you look like every Mini for sale. A mix of both says you care a great deal about your car to photograph it (or have it photographed for all the buyer knows) yet they can see the car in "reality". My $0.02.
  11. No. It was his knees. Here is a link for clarification:
  12. Oh got it. Thanks for the clarification.
  14. Negative. Hence the funniness.
  15. Same. My roommate's Explorer has been stuck for the past week. It's hilarious.
  16. Kevin R.

    Sirius Investment

    I got in at $0.36. Doubled me monies!
  17. It's gone. A fact we have to face. All the best members got sick of the douche baggery of the people who act like 14 year olds on here.
  18. Finally...a league I can do good in.
  19. My brother sold his for around 6 with a lot more miles and stuff -- so I would say $8,000 depending on the interior.
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