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Everything posted by xlr8tn

  1. I have disposable medical masks and even medical masks geared towards glasses.....they have a bendable fuzzy layer at the top. They all fog up but I've determined it's how my glasses sit on my face. My wife has made a shit ton of masks and sewn a piece of really light aluminum into a sleeve at the top so you can form them. She's made me both duck bill and clam shell types. I fog up with all of them. I've heard about washing them in shaving cream so I'll test dish soap now since I just have shaving gel and see if that helps. If anyone needs a mask I can have my wife sew one for them but she's a nurse working nights so she just kinda does it when she has time. I'd also not want to offer her services for free without asking her first but the charge would be minimal. Everyone is making masks right now so they're easy to find...just thought I'd throw that out there.
  2. I see more without masks than with. They can do what they want. I wear it out of respect for the employees that are made to wear them...even though I hate it wearing it. It pisses me off though when I'm wearing one and the employees aren't. I justify it by thinking I have to wear mine for 5-10 minutes at a time and not 8 hours. If I was having to wear one for 8 hours I'd probably be even more pissed. I still wear it just because. I have a couple different masks. They almost all fog the shit out of my glasses so I can't read shit when I'm in the store because I just leave my glasses in the truck.
  3. Both were 4 ohms....stock and new ones. Other than the occasional "check this out" I rarely turn it way up. I definitely know not to turn it up until it distorts. These work fine for me. Like I say....nothing to brag about but they sound good enough for what I do. My brother was over today and I let him hear them. He said they sounded good and if there's one person that would lay it out straight to me it's him haha Side note that's kinda comical and an age thing I guess. He hadn't heard it yet but I was like "you gotta check out this Dee Snider" haha...when was the last time anyone said that? His newest album is pretty damn good though.
  4. Keep in mind there will be a lag before cases will start to climb. The testing deal is a chicken or egg thing....the cases are there either way. Testing is really a joke...same way every Sunday/Monday the cases bottom out then climb back up on Friday. I guess I get some of it and some of it I don't. I get the distrust in the media and what's being reported. It's mostly opinionated bullshit. I get that people need to go to work and make a living. What I don't get is the denial that there's a highly contagious novel virus floating around killing people. Argue that you're willing to die or cause the death of others to go to work but you can't argue the virus isn't there or dangerous. It's already been proven it is.
  5. Yeah...got them in. They sound pretty good. The stockers that were in it were pretty good to begin with so I won't say I was blown away with the improvement but there is a noticeable difference. If I wasn't so lazy I'd throw an amp behind them but getting that head unit out is a pain in the ass so for now these work just fine. I'm sure at some point I'll throw an amp in there though.
  6. That's the key....have to see the silver lining. This sucks balls in general but there's also some upside to sticking around the house and doing shit YOU want to do for a bit. I have 3-4 projects going at all times and almost all of them are things I've been wanting to get to for quite some time but put them off because other stuff had to be done.
  7. Haha.....for me blame lies directly on the Chinese. Build some damn McDonald's and get fat eating cheeseburgers like the rest of us.
  8. While I don't compare this to the flu....I read that article yesterday and thought what a shitty argument. "We've been fudging the flu deaths for years with models but this time we're using real numbers.....we promise." Doesn't really build a ton of confidence in the CDC which I don't have much confidence in to begin with. I do believe this is far worse than the flu....but not because of what the CDC says. They and the WHO have fucked this thing up from day 1.
  9. I agree....I'd love to do a steer but the sheer size of that would be next level difficult. I do about 3 deer a year usually but that's not even the same ball park. Me and my daughter usually tackle it together and we can butcher a deer in just a couple hours which is pretty quick really. Now you're talking ~10x the meat and even just the waste seems overwhelming to me. Add to it that the temps are getting warmer so you won't have the option of just hanging it outside and working on it without risking it going bad. As much as I'd love to have a side of beef the work involved is probably more than I'd be able to do by myself. Geesh....even the size of the gut bag scares me haha....what do you even do with that?
  10. This virus has been in the US what...about 2 months? We're still early in this thing. The odds say before this is over you're unfortunately going to know some people that pass away from it. At the beginning of all this I said hopefully the mitigation gets us to a point where people look at it as being an over reaction and it looks like that's where we're at. If you know anyone that works in a hospital I would urge you to talk to them about it. I know several and am married to one. This is real. It's not made up and it's not being over blown.
  11. I guess some are never going to be happy with stay at home orders and some are never going to feel safe opening back up. I don't think anyone thinks we can do this forever. We have to get back at it at some point. It's not going to be 100% safe for a long time so we're going to open up under less than optimal conditions either way. I do wish testing and PPE were in better shape and I do think 2 more weeks would make a substantial difference but at the same time it will mostly boil down to people's actions how successful we are after opening up regardless of when it is. I'm fortunate that I don't have to go anywhere so things for us won't change much. I just hope others control themselves and this doesn't blow back up.
  12. Well....I ordered them yesterday haha. I can add an amp if I need to so not a huge deal. Worst part of that is taking the center console apart on the Dodge to get to the radio.....kind of a pain in the ass.
  13. You probably should add the people texting at red lights......that aren't red anymore.
  14. In 2 days they went from 39 cases a day to 271. Looks like they increased testing and also had a back log of tests that were reported. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.kansascity.com/news/coronavirus/article242233111.html
  15. I think with any of these charts and graphs that only so much faith can be put into them. There's just not enough testing going on to get a halfway decent idea of what's out there. You can't do a couple thousand tests a day in a state of 11M and get an accurate picture. Also...the criteria to even get a test skews the results. I still watch all the graphs but more for amusement than an actual snap shot.
  16. Not sure if this link has been posted here but just another one I like to keep my eye on...the R0 and right now Ohio is looking good. We were at 1.6 just a few days ago. https://rt.live/
  17. Yeah...I did the HU last fall and put subs behind the seat. Now I'm thinking about addressing the doors. It really doesn't sound bad the way it sits.
  18. Looking at getting these to replace my stock truck speakers. I've never ran kicker speakers and was just wanting people's opinions of them. https://www.ebay.com/itm/283810190593
  19. My hope is that fairly quickly the treatment catches up....and I do think it will at some point. There has already been some progress there although the magic bullet hasn't been found yet. I will be watching OSU's trials of nitric oxide and hoping that makes a substantial difference because that's something people can do at home so it reduces the hit on hospitals while at the same time saving lives....if it's proven to work.
  20. I do understand there will be severe limitations initially. What I don't trust is the public's ability to use common sense. Go sit in a Lowe's parking lot right now and just watch people. It's ridiculous.
  21. From what I can tell the level of shit show hasn't really changed much. They're going to open up the state and cases are going to go through the roof. It's going to get alot worse before it gets better. There's been no real appreciable change in much since the stay at home order from a treatment or protection stand point. We still don't have the testing capabilities needed, PPE, treatment, or vaccine it would take to give us a fair shot at opening.
  22. Are there prices somewhere on your site? I've looked a couple times but can never find them.....maybe I'm missing them?
  23. The protests are frigin stupid. Wish they would stop doing them......it's embarrassing. Think of someone besides yourselves for once. It's the same assholes that pump gas and leave their car at the pump while the go buy lotto tickets and generic cigarettes.
  24. I tried to do online ordering with Lowe's last week here in Lancaster. What a clusterfuck. I placed the order (sheet of drywall, couple 4x8's, and a couple 2x4's) at 1:30. Got an email saying it was ready at 2:30. Parked in my spot and called in to let them know I was there around 3. Sat for 35 minutes then decided to just go in. Store was a mad house and packed. Find out the order was a "pick on arrival". Go back and sit in the truck another 35 minutes and call inside. Tell the lady I just want to cancel the order. She says "you have to come in to do that" which completely defeats the whole purpose. I'd been in there 1 more time than I wanted to begin with. Then I noticed in the email I wouldn't be charged until I picked the order up so at 4:30 I just left. Called the health Dept the next day to let them know Lowe's is allowing way too many people in their stores. Got an email back within the hour that they had contacted management and reminded them of the orders to limit customers.
  25. Going to be that kinda spring for everyone I think. I also dug my older sons drone out for the little one. I'm also getting ready to combine the 3 110cc china quads I have here to get 2 decent running ones to sell so I can get the youngest a bigger quad. He's about grown out of the China quads and is still a little too small for our scrambler.
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