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Everything posted by Cougar1647545494

  1. When they feel like opening, it's very nice. I like my Borla. It sounds good. I'm not sure if an svt sounds different over the standard 2.5 though.
  2. I thought women were suppose to be the compasionate ones?
  3. Nice purchase. Hit some corners with it. That thing should handle very well. Try CEG (contour.org) if you have any questions about it. The cougar shares the contours platform. I haven't had any problems with my 2.5.
  4. The painted tails looks the best. I had to rip apart my headlight to remove that orange reflector and fab up a clear piece to replace it. It wasn't that bad, just make sure you seal them up good. Otherwise it'll fog.
  5. Ftw. I like my house. I like living in it. I hate moving. I like where I'm at. A house is a good deal as I now OWN a piece of land and house. No matter what.
  6. Looks cool. Not sure how it will turn out, most video game movies blow. (ex. Street Fighter, Doom, etc.)
  7. I bought my home @ 22... You don't need a degree to be succesfull, but in engineering, its a requirement.
  8. I was refering to quality... Compare Kent and OSU in terms of education....
  9. If you went to that expensive of a school just for a BS or BA, you should be making that money back annualy. It's all about the "big picture"
  10. OSU Girls > Kent Girls 44/yr? I hope she took a path that will be able to pay that back.... MIT is 48/yr....
  11. Well. At least my girlfriends ok. You scared the hell outta me.
  12. 70 bucks a month for basic digital and high speed cable (10mb+ baby!). Insight. I'm gonna call up and see if I can get a DVR out of the deal. The few times I had cable in Columbus. The cable guy normally hooked up my cable tv for free, even though I just ordered internet.
  13. Fixed. Screw the wall. That's all you'd really need. That wall they're building now is complete b.s. and worthless.
  14. "A regulated, legal market in marijuana would reduce marijuana sales and use among teenagers" That one made me laugh. Oh stoners and their never ending fight to legalize marijuana. I don't think I can even imagine this argument ever ending. Since, well, I don't ever see legalization happening. Drugs are bad.... mmmkay?
  15. I like Pioneer, they're good for the price. I have kicker KS components all the way around powered by a 4 channel Kicker amp. 350W I believe. Running the stock 6 disc by way of a 4channel line out converter (therefore, no need of a pre-out). It sounds really good. Installed it all myself so can't really help you out on shops. However. I'm adding a HU soon enough. It would've just got ripped out in Columbus. I agree though. Stock looks much cleaner then aftermarket, but the difference a hu can make should be worth it.
  16. That seems to be how most people get pulled over in IN. You rarely ever see them. They normally come flying up from behind and catch people off guard that way.
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