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Everything posted by Cougar1647545494

  1. I remember that. You're better off w/ the Magnavox anyway. That RCA they're selling is complete trash. Put the money to good use and get a decent tv.
  2. Why not try a spongebob aquapet? http://www.shopwildplanet.com/store/graphics/00000001/wpt22003.jpg
  3. Ha ha. That's absolutely priceless. The kids shit their pants and still didn't get their precious.
  4. It's the risk people take. You can't really be pissed off when you're caught, then you're just a whiney bitch. "I broke the law and I'm getting in trouble for it!" Yes dumbass. The law applies to everyone.
  5. Did anyone hear about the kids that went in. Bought two playstations, smashed one in the parking lot, and are now selling the other one on ebay. Apparently they did the same thing with the razor when it was new.
  6. http://www.glumbert.com/media/consent I wonder what position 13 is.
  7. I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe at the chase scene.
  8. I thought this place was older then that. Crazy.
  9. Panasonic 50" ftmfw Thank god I'm out of retail.
  10. but I am le tired... classic oldie but goody.
  11. There's seriously something wrong in your head if you leave a moving vehicle and have the urge to jump in front of a ton and a half of rolling metal and plastic. What type of skill does this take? None. Just ignorance and stupidity.
  12. Kia Optimas are junk. End of story. I'd never buy a Kia.. ever. I dont' care for Hyundai's, but whatever you want. I'm not likely to take a car salesman's advice about the car he sells. No offense to you.
  13. I drive a Tercel. Yea... that's a toyota.
  14. Couldn't have said it better.
  15. I'm sorry. My thread is not worthy so you have to come in and complain about my experience with a certain car. I knew they were junk, but I guess I was blown away at how bad the car actually is. That's the thing. It is a family sedan, but it's not good on gas mileage and it doesn't haul people around comfortably. I put over 400 miles on that thing and everytime I got out I had a headache from the noise and vibrations. I never once even thought of it or stated it being any type of race car. It's a sedan used for getting from point a to point b. I've traded it in for a Stratus for the time being. I drive too many miles in a week to put up with something like that. Honestly, I was shooting for the cobalt. I've drove them, they're 10x better. This was all they had. The hail storm dicked me over in terms of rental cars available. So no. I wouldn't have made this thread if I had received the g6 or cobalt as initally promised.
  16. I love my lg 8100. I think the 8300 is a rehashed/neutered 8100.
  17. It shudders uncontrollably TRYING to go into warp speed.. ugh.. I think.
  18. This may end up in the Kitchen, but screw it. I've had this as a rental now since Monday since my car was rear ended and in the shop at the moment. All I can say is this is the biggest piece of trash I've EVER driven. It's an 05 w/ 33k and the thing feels like it's trying to go into warp speed everytime I hit the freeway. How could anyone possibly pay money for these things? If you drive one and are offended, that's not my intention. I'm just curious as to what exactly sells these cars. The gas mileage is horrible, accelearation sucks, the ride is harsh and noisy, the handling sucks, the stereo blows, and it definitely doesn't have looks going for it. On it's defense. The only cool thing I can say about it is the parking garage ticket holder. It has a little slot in the visor to hold the ticket so you don't lose it and end up paying full price. Yea... I want my damn car back.
  19. You're off topic and ruining an awesome thread. I can't think of any....
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