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Everything posted by Cougar1647545494

  1. More disturbing then anything, that kid definitely would've been a nazi.
  2. Massive show points... if that's what he was going for. It'll only be unique until everyone finds out about it.
  3. Illinois to get my cougar, but I lived in Cincy then. Only about a 6 hour drive.
  4. I like the Speed6's better. Doesn't look bad though.
  5. ...maybe because they run 10's? Just a guess. :shrug:
  6. Damn. It looks to be too wet to be fucking around at that speed though.
  7. Awesome. That guy needs to shut up though.
  8. All I can think of is total f*n moron. Nice car man. I'd ditch the wing though and go with that first one, it flows really well.
  9. The internet is a series of tubes.
  10. That's not right *NWS* Due to banners.
  11. or a cougar.... You have a nice car, leave it at that. Like you said you have a TA correct? Let that be your fast car.
  12. You did the motorboat didn't ya? You motorboatin' son of a bitch.
  13. I normally do about 5-7 over on the freeway. A lot depends on the area, but I try not to ever excessivly speed (unless the flow of traffic's going 10mph+, I'm doing 10mph over as well) I speed up at times to get around douche's that don't have a clue what they're doing, but yea...
  14. Did anyone watch that thing on snakes on the animal planet, or discovery channel maybe, about snakes? They were showing how they opened up their jaws and use a breating tube while swallowing their prey. They had the video of the anaconda that ate the man, or was in the process of eating the man. It broke damn near every bone in his body to compress him small enough to be eaten.
  15. I was expecting someone to get shot at the Cleveland and 5th shot. Church's Chicken ftw.
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