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Everything posted by BloodRed

  1. not to be an ass or anything, but wouldn't an Eclipse be a uni-body not a framed body? If the damage is that bad that they totaled the car, most shops won't touch it, but if it wasn't totaled, just about any body shop could fix it. The only time I have worked with a body shop, I used the Dennis body shop next to the Dennis Mits dealership on Morse. They did a great job on the work and the paint match.
  2. If you really want someone else to do it, I have only heard of dealerships being willing to do it. Sometimes you can just swap out the odometer, but I don't know if that will work on your car and with the new parts. Just make sure if you ever sell your car, that you let them know that is what you did.
  3. Make sure you go to the post office and put in on the scale to make sure you have the correct amount of postage. I know this won't work since the engine is much bigger, but when I had a 2.4L turbo shipped to me from Mexico, they put it in a big plastic Rubbermaid tub. Drilled wholes through the lid and lip and put zip ties to hold the lid on and shipped it UPS.
  4. Practically all of you jump on other cars or brands and nit pick on every little thing that goes wrong or can go wrong. Every car has its own good things and bad things. No one makes a perfect car or we would all own one. Everyone has there own feelings about different brands. A battery is a maintenance item. They go bad. Everyones battery goes dead at sometime and needs replacing. This is nothing to bash a full car brand about.
  5. I was just about to ask if anyone knew if any Vipers made it into the race. I only watch a few hours of it early Sunday morning and then the last couple hours. I didn't see any then, so I doubt they made it that long if they even any entered.
  6. I was watching some of the racing at about 4 in the morning on Sunday and then I watched the last couples hours Sunday. Those diesel Audis are some silent machines, esp when they would jump from them to the inside of the vette.
  7. BloodRed

    Are they serious?

    That is exactly why I will not move into a condo or get a house that has any home owners association. It is your property and I feel you can do what ever the hell you want to it. If you want to dig a 60 foot deep hole in the front yard, as long as it is protected in a way that no one can get hurt, I see no reason you can't have that.
  8. I got some nice pictures of my Stratus up at Alum Creek.
  9. Yeah I have seen those a few times in tire shops and stuff. Though I have never seen them on a car. But it looks like someone has purchased them or some wheel dealer was trying to get rid of them.
  10. Contact your bank first. They are probably the most willing to give you a loan and will probably give you the best rate.
  11. When I was reading that article, I was like "DuH!!!" like you didn't expect this to happen.
  12. hmmm, tempting, I have been itching to go to the range again. I may have to stop at Wal-Mart for a 100 pk of 9mm rounds. Oh, and BTW...where is the Powder Room? I was driving on 750 the other day through Powell and I didn't see it or any signs.
  13. Glad to hear you are cleaning up the scum of the earth. Like Mr. Makki says "Drugs are bad, mmKay."
  14. I know many people that have put a 350 in to Chevettes. It makes a mean little car. From what I understand, very little work needs to be done to put a 350 in. Now I have never heard of anyone trying to put a 500 in. I think that may take a little bit of work. but as long as you could get the traction, it could be one fast little car.
  15. I head some people say they work, and some don't. Of course most people wouldn't follow the directions anyways, so who knows.
  16. Yeah when I updated Windows a last week I noted they had a "validation tool" as one of the high priority downloads. Even though all my Microsoft programs are good on my computer, I didn't download it.
  17. BloodRed

    Clerks 2

    I will be there to watch also. I am a big Kevin Smith fan. Glad to see "Jay" looks half cleaned up. Maybe he will be able to make it in a few more movies.
  18. Nice car. I got to drive one a couple months ago and I love the power they have. I am not a big fan of the sound of the engine. A V10 just doesn't sound as normal as a V8. But still congrats on a sweet car. Looks real clean too.
  19. Not just 1, but 2 500 pound bombs. I glad to hear they got him. I just wish he was beheaded by a female U.S. soldier with a knife that was dipped in pigs blood just before it was put to his neck. I know I am sick at times.
  20. I also like to go to Ohio Valley in Lancaster. They are normally not very busy so you can shoot all day long. I have never made it up to the Powder Room yet, but I am planning on checking that place out in a couple weeks. I think the only other indoor/outdoor range in Delaware is Blackwing. If I remember right it is north of Delaware city. I heard they have good deals on guns and they have a very large selection in stock.
  21. I know you can by replacement tent poles (fiberglass) at places like Dick's sporting goods. You may be able to pick them up at Wal-Mart too.
  22. I am surprised they didn't do a Charger SRT-8 Police car. Oh well, I hope to see some Dodges in the movie.
  23. Basically the 2 cars met twice to race. First time the Bug came built for around a 9 second car. They were estimating around 400hp on a fiberglass body, pratically no roll cage, turboed and NO2, and on racing slicks. The CRX was maybe a 12 second car, around 320hp. CRX owner came out asking for 20 lengths from the beginning. Then half a track. They ended up calling the race and said it wasn't worth it. The guy with the CRX said, if you still want to race, give me a few weeks and I can build this CRX up to compete with the Bug. I think they said 6 weeks later, they were ready to race again. They put an 8 second roll cage in the Bug. With the Bug off the NO2 and with out wheelie bars, they were very closely matched cars. Last race the driver of the Bug couldn't keep controll of the Bug and ended up going across the track into the other lane behind the CRX and hitting the wall. The car mainly hit on the passenger side and the driver was ok.
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