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Everything posted by BloodRed

  1. Well tonights the night it airs. We are all very excited I will post up the link as soon as it is up. Also, resently we have been contacted by a producer at Pilgram TV. Pilgram TV is the ones that produce Ghost Hunter, American Chopper, Dirty Jobs, and American Hot Rod. Anyway, they are interested in my wife and I for a new show on the paranormal. He said they are doing casting for 2 shows and one of them may be a series. We have talked to the guy personally and after telling him about this news cast, he said "yeah I know, the news crew where the ones that recommended you." He said he has already got a copy of the story and he really liked what he saw. He told us that we will be hearing back from him in November. So all you guys may be seeing me on my own show next year.
  2. Studebaker's are some cool cars. They were really way ahead of there times. My Dad owned many of them because of how cheap they were. And he totalled all of them street racing in South Zanesville in the 60's and 70's. Yeah my Dad never claimed to be a good driver.
  3. LOL Sweet. Yes let us know how you ended up with that and does it have the liquorice dispencer
  4. Yep that means nothing with reguards to HIPAA. All the collection agency has to do is sign a document agreeing to follow the rules and regulations of HIPAA. They are also suppost to make every employee sign one as well to be employed there. When a hospital sends a bill to collections, they do not send the full file, only the information they have on you and how much they owe, they hardly ever send any sesative medicial information.
  5. Greg the Bunny. The guy was Seth Green. My friends are a huge fan of it.
  6. Since you said they are getting ready to garnish your wages, sounds like they already have a case filed in court to collect that money. If not, they can't garnish your wages, it is a scar tactic till the court makes a ruling. And if it has gone to court, you should have attended the hearing. If you talk to the judge he may make a settlement amount for you. Most county judges are good for that, IF you show up in court. My best suggestion to you is the same as what everyone else has said, contact the hospital directly and try to set up some kind of payment plan to keep them from garnishing your wages. Normally they will work with you. Now keep in mind if they do accept this payment plan and agree to not garnish your wages, you miss one payment and they can start hitting your wages again. And be carefull, get everything in writing for the payment plan. I have heard of people making an agreement for payment and they still garnish your wages. Unless they put it in writing that they will not garnish your wages they can and will. But remember, they must have a judgement againist you to garnish your wages. The only kind of collections that doesn't need a judgement againist you to garnish your wages is student loans. BTW...My wife does collections at a law office, and mainly works with garnishments.
  7. BloodRed


    Just and FYI...If you just registered to vote, you may not be able to vote in this next election. I believe the cut off is 1 month before the election.
  8. The only other option that I can think of would be to check Direct TV or Dish Network. You can get the satalite service and internet. I think it is DSL though, but not for sure. I know it isn't broadband, but it is going to be cheaper than some of your options.
  9. DJ is our local Verizon insider...but I can't remember his name on here of the top of my head
  10. Every time my wife and I go down to stay in a cabin we stay at Get Away Cabins. http://www.getaway-cabins.com/ Always clean and nice cabins and if I remember right the hot tubs are cleaned after every stay. And I agree, sometimes it is nice to go down there to just get away for a weekend.
  11. I have never heard any bad stories from there.
  12. 1 for Bootleg Tattoo. My father-in-law is best friends with Mark the owner of the one here in Columbus and Zanesville. He is the only one I will let do any ink on me. I will say he is not the best at free-handing the original drawing, but he is great if you have exactly what you want. Mark was the the the one that was helped the State of Ohio write up the tattoo and piercing laws. As for fading, any tattoo will fade. It will fade faster if it isn't taken care of in the sun. If you have a very colorful tattoo, plan on getting it re shot every 5-10 years. Good shops and shops that have been around for ever will be the ones that will offer free touch ups and re-shoots. My biggest word of advice is, go to a shop that has been around for a while. There is a reason they have made it this long, they know what they are doing and do quality work.
  13. I would pass on buying the Wii's and trying to resell them, go for the PS3. I am not sure how high the demand for the Wii is going to be when it comes out. I mean even if you pick up one of them and sell it for $100-200 more, you still made a profit. And if you want one for yourself just wait a bit and they will be sitting on the shelves again after Christmas.
  14. Don't forget the game will also be broadcast live on AM radio station 1480 I think.
  15. The 420a is NOT the same engine in the 1st gen Neon. It is the same block, but the 420a's head is on with the exhaust up front and the intake in the back. That is reversed on the Neon's engine. The Dodge advenger/1st gen stratus coupe/1st gen sebring coupe (non convertable)/1st gen breeze coupe were all were based off the same platform as the 2g eclipse and completely made by Mitsubishi. The current Dodge Stratus Coupe/Sebring Coupe (non covertable) platform is based of the 3g eclipse/galant, also still made completely by Mitsubishi.
  16. Rob Zombie - Two-lane Black top Metallia - Fuel Bush - Machinehead
  17. The patrol chargers are actually SXT model Chargers with the 5.7L added to them. Glad to see local Mopars back in the police game. Many police departments are working to get some of these to replace the current Crown Vics. The bad thing is Dodge can't sell them for a cheap as Ford dows with the Crown Vics. But if demand goes up, the prices will be dropping and Dodge will make them Fleet vehicles.
  18. hmmm, I may be interested in that Daytona. What year and engine, and how much?
  19. Hope you had fun DJ. My wife and I are planning on going over to England here in a couple years.
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