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Everything posted by BloodRed

  1. Don't forget, 2nd set of auditions are this Saturday from 10-6.
  2. I heard it a couple nights ago on the Blitz as I was driving home after the snow storm. I heard a lot of the bigger bands that have played the last couple years are pulling out and there is going to be a bunch of no name bands playing. Columbus is in the list of shows.
  3. I know if you have an aftermarket stereo, most IPod adapters just use the CD changer controlls. But I am guessing you are using the stock stereo and CD changer, so I doubt at that time you could find one. Your best luck would be to get a new head unit from a newer model Jag (if they haven't changed) if they have the iPod hook ups.
  4. I have a Creative Zen 1G. It fits all of your requirements except for the amount of memory and the abilty to add more. Creative does have some that will fit your bill though. Check them out. I got mine over 6 months ago, and it is perfect for working out.
  5. Last night I left work in Dublin, right off 161, at 5:20. Got home, near Polaris, at 7. A normal 20 minute drive with traffic turned into 1hr 40 mins. And while I am driving home, my friend calls me with tickets to the Bluejackets game. So we left a little after 7, got down town a little after 8. Missed the first period and the very beginning of the 2nd. Crappy game to go to anyways.
  6. BloodRed

    Moving trucks

    yeah why are you afraid of driving a 26" truck? LOL I guess it didn't scare me to much to drive that big of a truck. I grew up in the country and worked on my grandparents farm, so I am use to driving big grain trucks and stuff. Plus it only took one load of stuff and we got it all over to the new place. We had all that from our large 2 bedroom apartment with garage.
  7. BloodRed

    10tv FTW!

    Hey that is local news for you.
  8. BloodRed

    Moving trucks

    I know when I moved last February (much warmer), I got a 26' truck from budget. They were the best priced company I found. Most of the places the rental is the same price for the trucks, but what they charge for the milage varies a lot. I think Uhaul was like $0.99/mile while Budget was $0.59/mile. I was moving from Johnstown to Worthington, so milage was important for me. I think one days rental and milage I spent $70, plus maybe $25 in the tank to fill it back up.
  9. That is a killer deal. I would love to find one for that cheap.
  10. The best vehicle from "The Zombie Survival Guide" by Max Brooks - A dirt bike. Small, light, fast and able to go on most terrain. The major draw back is low fuel capacity and how little supplies you could take with you. That is why I would rather go with a Jeep Wrangler or Jeep Charakee.
  11. I can remember school being cancelled because of the cold. I think it only happpened a couple times back when I was in elementary school.
  12. LOL so can I. I can still remember in 5th grade watching that video over and over and the teacher making us sing along so that we memorized it.
  13. Which program? I know DVD Shrink, DVD Fab, and DVD Decrypter don't have main sites anymore that you can download from. I just do a search for the program and normally find a copy to download within 2 sites. If you are looking for software that will just burn DVD movies, check out DVD Decrypter. Since I started using that for my backups, I hardly ever open Nero. I find it much better to controll and gives much better information about the burn speeds and time.
  14. Wow, that is pretty cool.
  15. I remember hearing about this when it happened. If I remember right, the guy just said when he died, he wanted to be surrounded by his favorite things. His family came up with this idea. And he was a big Steelers fan. I am sure he was put in a casket before he was actually buried. This was just the wake.
  16. Invalid item. I take it was Kevin's or Calvin's black Supra
  17. I would say at least 1-2 Gig of RAM. Also upgrade your video card. If I remember right, they recommend a 256MB video card for vista. The upgraded video card will also help speed things up with the video editing. And a high buffer for your HDD will help too.
  18. It might not be a bad idea to look into a light truck or maybe a Jeep Wrangler.
  19. It really depends on the kid if I was going to give the kid a cell phone. First they would have to be a responsible kid and lives up to it. Not just "oh he is pretty responsible when I yell at him to mow the lawn." No I mean the kid that does it with out anyone telling him to because he knows that it is his job. If you truely trust the kid, then yeah, I would get my kid one. I hope that when I have a kid, I will be able to trust them that much. But 99% of kids out there that have them, have them just because. No other reason. I think those programable ones are great. Prepaid is another good way to go. They are normally cheap phones so if they loose it, oh well, guess you need to save up money to buy another one if you want one. I am glad to hear parents that put there foot down and say no. It shows there are some people out there that still have some brains.
  20. I would love to see you trying to get back into the car with the cover on. LOL
  21. I am also in the Netflix group. I have so many CD cases full of DVD's it isn't funny. I have them spaced out on sending so just about every day I get a new movie. Then it goes right back in the mail the next day. Come home and I have another one.
  22. I use a combination of DVDFab, DVD Decrypter, and DVD Shrink. I have never had any problems yet.
  23. Crap you where right, I don't know where I got 11 million. But the actual highest bid was for a 1970 Cuda Convertable sold for 2.16M in 2006. The 4.1M was never paid.
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