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Everything posted by BloodRed

  1. I paid like $98/year with Nationwide back before I bought our house.
  2. BloodRed

    Ruger P90

    Good friend of mind has the P89. We have put tons of rounds down it without any problems. I think once he discovered that the recoil spring broke. Called Ruger and they sent him like 5 of them for free.
  3. BloodRed

    22LR Pistol

    Put me down as another one that loves the Walther P22. It has been my favorite range pistal since I purchased it over 5 years ago. My only complant would be that it is picky on the ammo I feed it. It tends to only like a few brands, but once you learn which one your P22 likes, buy bricks of those and have fun. You did mention you have large hands, so the P22 might be a bit small for you, but just pick one up while at the store and see how it feels in your hands to help make the call.
  4. Might be tempting for the start of a complete off-road vehicle build
  5. Ohio Valley is my favorite here in Central Ohio. 2nd would be Blackwing. I normally can only go to the range on the weekends and never had to wait at OVO or ever been kicked out to allow more people to use the range. I normally spend about 2-3 hours at the range, so I like not having to pay by the hour. I am not a fan of the Powder Room. I went a few years back during the winter. Had to wait about an hour until one of their 4 lanes opened up. Also it was freezing in the range area.
  6. Went to Vances a few hours ago. Found parking up front and waited maybe 10 minutes before my number was called. Wasn't that bad in there today. Their AR selection was very small today. Said they will get more after Christmas.
  7. This is the only place in Central Ohio that you can get LineX done. If anyone else offers it, they are sending it off to this place. Just cut out the middle man.
  8. I have also regularly seen 100 round white boxes of Winchester 9mm at Meijer's at Polaris & 3.
  9. Another for Allen's in Westerville. The guys there are very knowledgable and will be able to help you out figure out what it is and verify the value. If you look to sell it, be aware the coin's value is completely different than what people actually will pay for it.
  10. Perfectly acceptable to buy one to race. Always respected Miatas because of what they could do. Also normally Miata owners are generally a little crazy.
  11. There is an office in Detroit as well and you can get your passport processed that day.
  12. Trip to Detriot and you can pretty much pick it up that day.
  13. If you still have it, I will take it
  14. I looked into it once after someone stopped at my door this past summer. The rate they were offering was higher than the rate AEP was currently charging me. So I am sticking with AEP right now.
  15. I will watch the show when nothing else is on. While I agree most of the people on those shows are on the extreme side of things, I do like some of their suggestions and ideas. I won't say I am a prepper like the people on the show, but I like to be a little prepared if there is a rainy day.
  16. BloodRed

    Door dings

    Happens all the time when I am driving my Ram. I normally park in the back of lots to get away from others. But I can park a mile away from any other car, yet when I come out I have 5 cars surrounding my truck.
  17. I love my 2009 Dodge Ram Crew cab 1500 4x4 with the 5.7L. Great ride, interior, towing and all the power you are going to need for a 1500. I wouldn't go 2008 Ram, since it is the last year of the previous model. Plus with the MSD system is standard on all 5.7L in 2009. Loaded with 5 adults and the truck bed filled to the rails, I regularly see 23 mpg on long highway trips.
  18. Yeah last night it seemed all my standard and HD channels were back. Everyonce in a while I would get a little pixliation, but nothing beyond the normal.
  19. BloodRed

    Gun problems

    I haven't made it to the range in a few months myself. May get out this long weekend.
  20. Inniswoods Metro Park is always a good spot for some outdoor nature shots.
  21. Last night I only had about 1/3 of my HD channels and maybe half of my standard definition channels. Hope things start getting better.
  22. 5-hour energy is the only energy drink I can stand. Works great for those late night ghost hunts. Also straight B12 works great too.
  23. Well good to know I wasn't the only one having the issue. Wasn't that bad at my house but a pain at times.
  24. Same here. Even went into one of the stores to try out another one and didn't like it at all. If you want an inflateable matress, go to any department store and pick up one for >$60.
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