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Everything posted by BloodRed

  1. As long as the OSHP wants front plates on Ohio cars we will always have them.
  2. That is great. I love checking out the paranormal area on eBay for stuff. The crazest claims on items. LOL.
  3. I use to do a lot of mountian biking at Camp Falling Rock while I was in Boy Scouts in Licking County. They have some fun trails to bike down, but they don't quite like strangers to show up and use there trails. I am hopeing to get back in shape enough to do it again.
  4. Why did they need water dropped to them? It was all around them. That is stupied. LOL
  5. I would love to go, but I don't think I will have the time to drive up. I know in Dodge's court, they should be reveiling the production Challenger since they start production later this year.
  6. I noticed on the drive to work this morning there is a house on right off Flint Road, off 23 on the north side that is for up for rent. 3 Bedroom and 2 baths. Don't know how much it is per month, but I can get you the phone number tonight or tomorrow morning. I don't know if you would be too interested though. The drive way comes right out onto Flint and it is normally kind of backed up there every morning during rush hour. Also the house right next door and shares the same drive way caught on fire around a year ago and the father of the house died trying to get all his kids and family out. The house is still boarded up and I don't think they have done anything to that house since then. It would make me a little leary. I am sure they are rented by the same owner.
  7. I am interested as well. I have been working on loosing weight for a while now, but a little extra modivation would be worth it.
  8. The reports I have heard said the new high end Vette will be around $100K and the Viper will be around $90K
  9. I also received a Dodge 2.4L Turbo engine from Mexico for around $300 using either UPS or Fedex (can't remember which one). The engine was small enough they just put it in a large rubber container and zip tied the lid on and then taped it all up. May at least want to look into that.
  10. I have heard that on a lot of the cheaper kits the wires burn up.
  11. Ford isn't getting that mark up, that is going straight to the dealerships pockets.
  12. I hope they are updating the website. They haven't updated our groups information and links for a long time now.
  13. I read the Left Behind books years ago and thought they were good. I have been highly dissappointed how they have continued to try to cash in on the popularity of the series. Including writing books that are set before the original first book in the series. A couple weeks ago I saw the game. I was ok with it but it seems like they are really pushing it. But I guess if I was a parent and my child liked the Left Behind Kids series, I would be willing to get it for them. What I find more funny was the article about the Jewish rabbi game that you can download for $5. I can't believe any Jewish person would get behind that game since it feeds directly into the stereotype of a Jewish man. If I remember right it is a game about a Jewish rabbi trying to find ways to make more money for his temple.
  14. It wouldn't bother me if it was a project car. But I require dependablity in my daily drivers, so I normally wouldn't go that route.
  15. I work for a company that develops software for mental health organizations, including billing. If it isn't something that I can answer, I can put you in contact with someone here that can help you.
  16. BloodRed

    CPD tasers

    Yeah I have heard most departments tase the officers so that they know what they are dealing with. And it is normally done by other officers.
  17. BloodRed

    CPD tasers

    I agree that they work very well and are a great tool for law enforcement. Just include the dash camera video and post them online. Videos of people getting tased are just funny as hell.
  18. A return of winter, just in time for my birthday.
  19. For Sale: Fender Princeton 65 Guitar Amp. $150 OBO - SOLD I purchased this amp around 6-7 years ago. I used it very lightly for about a year and it has pretty much been sitting since then. Everyonce in a while I would get it out and play on it. I even checked it today and everything works just fine. This is a very powerful little amp and would make any new musician a great gift for Christmas. Here are some specs on the amp: 12" Speaker 65 watts Front Panel Functions Input 1: Volume, Treble, and Bass Input 2: Drive, Drive Channel Indicator, Drive Volume, Treble, Mid, Bass, and Reverb Footswitch Input (amp doesn't come with footswitch) Pre Out Power In You can run 2 guitars or a guitar and a mic at one time, but they will both use the Input 1 settings. Let me know if you have any questions. Here are some pictures: http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k247/BloodRedStratus/100_3589.jpg http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k247/BloodRedStratus/100_3590.jpg
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