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Everything posted by BloodRed

  1. If you do a speaking part, you are to get paid, how much I don't know. If you are just an extra/zombie/townsfolk, no.
  2. It is a good thing that most of the eastern side of the US gets there oranges from Florida and not California.
  3. Yes these are the guys that have been on Craiglist. From what we have been told, they have all the funding to make the movie, but the more they get, the better things can be in the movie. And from what I have read of the script and the synopsis, it has nothing to do with the Evil Dead movies.
  4. What I find funny is this is now the only car with that set up, since the other one was destroyed, and it sold for 5.5 Million. Where a few years back a believe it was a 1968 'Cuda Convertable, one of 16 made, sold for either 11 or 13 Million. I believe they say there is only 8 that are accounted for, one has been destoryed and the others are un-accounted for.
  5. Just checked the movies website: Our next round of auditions is set for February 10th from 10 AM until 6 PM. It will be held at the same location at 648 Main Street, Groveport Oh. 43125 That is 3 Saturdays from now. If you are interested in just being an extra, I would email them (address some where on the website) and ask if you do need to show up. I know when I went there, they just wanted my name and contact information, nothing to audition for. If you are going for a speaking/main part, you will need to show up. You can email them and ask about getting parts of the script for the people you are interested in trying out for. They will also have the scripts there at the auditions to read over before trying out. The auditions are being held in the Groveport historical museum (if you really want to call it that). Parking is behind the building on the other side of the street. Look for the Parking sign. I want to say it was like Crooked Alley or something like that.
  6. I beleive that because of the mess up Bush did these past years mean that the Democrats pretty much have the presidential election. They just need to get a good person to run. Hillary, well I like what her husband did for our country, he got us out of the shit hole Bush Sr. put us in. But I think because she is a women, it is going to hold her back from winning. Obama, I don't think he has a chance in hell of wining based on his name and his heratiage. I am not sure of who the other major players in the democrats corner are, but they got to be good and clean. As for the Republicians, they need to really bring their game to the table. Guiliani was a horrible mayor, cited as being one of the worst in NY history. His only saving grace was 9/11, but also if he had run a good city before then, a lot less people wouldn't have lost there lives. The only person that I think can win from the Republician party is McCain. If he runs, the democrats are really going to have trouble winning. McCain is very popular in both parties. I know I would vote for him if he runs, and I am a democrat.
  7. Anytime someone mentions this game all I can think about is South Park.
  8. As soon as I hear when and where, I will post them up.
  9. My cousin had a mid-90's Saturn and the head gasket failed pretty soon after a few year. I remember him telling me the dealership told him it was a common problem.
  10. Hey some local guys are going to be filming a cheesy zombie flick in Groveport. Anyway me and a buddy went down yesterday for the auditions. They are looking for a bunch more people and will be holding another set of auditions because of the snow yesterday. They are looking for around 100 zombies and 50 townfolk, plus about 20 main characters. My friend is pretty sure he got one of the speaking parts and he said he worked out a deal that I will be the zombie that kills him. LOL Anyway, the name of the movie is The Book of the Dead. The movie seems like it is going to be one of those cheesy zombie flicks that if they were lucky would end up on the SciFi channel late at night, but I think this is going to be fun. Filming starts in May and will be pretty much all night work. Here is the website, keep checking back for the next set of auditions. They should be held in the next couple weeks. http://www.botdmovie.com/index.html
  11. Ignorance is not an excuse. The radio show talked about how it could be deadly before the stunt took place. Still people came in, signed a waver thinking "oh it couldn't happen to me" and she died. No one is to blame but herself. Darwinism at its best. I remember a few years back this happened in a hazing stunt for a frat house. It made big news back then, so I am not surprised that this is making big news again. I mean come on, we all know many people that drink every weekend. We all know it can kill us but still many do it every single weekend. Basically what I am say is we all do dumb things that can kill us. But just because someone does it and then actually dies doesn't give the family (in my opinion) to sue anyone. I think this world would be much better if people just took responsiblity for there own actions and not blame someone else for our own ignorance.
  12. I figured with the success of the Audi diesel in the Amerian La Mans' series, it wouldn't be long till we saw more Audi's with diesel's.
  13. Wow didn't know they were building one over there. Got to be better than the one over at Tuttle.
  14. Last night was the first time I actually watched it. I was surprised that even my wife wanted to watch the show. I think buying the new gun this weekend may have resparked an interest.
  15. Sounds like fun. Depending on the date, I am in. Does this place happen to hold a CCW classes? I picked up a form at Vance's this weekend on CCW classes and it said it was held at a private range in Grove City.
  16. If you don't mind the drive, Ohio Valley Outdoors in Lancaster, in my opinion, has the best indoor ranges. Don't have to pay per hour or anything, just a flat fee for pretty much all day. Plus they seem to have the best ventalation system too. Of course my friend that I go shooting with is friends with one of the ladies that works down there, so we normally pay the member price which is around $12.
  17. Well I want to thank all of you that suggested Vance's. I went in on Friday night. It was the first gun shop I have been to that you had to take a number to be served. But anyways, when it was my turn the guy I worked with was very helpful and very knowledgabe. It was very nice for my wife, the guy spent a lot of time talking to her about the gun. He even suggested some nice guns for her that she would be a little more comfortable with. Anyway, I ended up with a S&W Sigma 9mm, model SW9VE. I was able to take it out to the range on Sunday and fell in love with it after its first 16 round high capacity clip. LOL Here is a photo of it. http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k247/BloodRedStratus/100_3701.jpg
  18. BloodRed


    LOL sounds like he is getting what he deserves.
  19. You may what to try the junk yards. Some times they have some cars that have full interiors that you can just pull out and put in yours that aren't all stained to hell.
  20. Wow this thread has went no where since I started it. Ok I have shot many guns and already have some in mind of what I am looking for. So I don't need to rent and shoot any more. I just wanted the name of some of the places that sell guns so I can find out who can give me a good deal. Honestly the gun I want is the Desert Eagle Baby 9mm. I have rented this gun many times and I am pretty sure that is what I am going to get. It is just finding a good deal on the gun. But I am also open to some other guns as well. The Glock is complete out. I have shot many models of them and just don't like them at all. I think they are a little over rated, but that is just me. I am also looking at some S&W guns as well. They are a lot cheaper than the Desert Eagle and the ones I have shot, shoot just as nice. And again thanks for the Vance's recommendation, they seem to have some good deals on the guns I am looking at and I am heading over this weekend.
  21. Ok, so I am adding Vance to my list of places to stop by this weekend. As for how soon, I found out today that I am getting an unexpected bonus from work on my paycheck this Friday. So I am going to finally get a different 9mm. I have a Hi-Point 9mm, so yeah really anything is better than what I have.
  22. Hey I will be in the market for a new 9mm hand gun soon and I was wondering where the good new and used gun shops are. Of course I know of the Powder Room, Blackwing, Ohio Outdoors, Buckeye Outdoors, New Albany Shooting Range and Gander Mountain. But I was wondering if anyone else had any other good recommendations here in Central Ohio.
  23. Well crap thanks for the heads up. Some one could make a pretty penny on both my Stratus and the Elantra. I think the stratus has 3 cats and the Elantra has 4. Oh well I guess I would just have to do straight pipes, LOL
  24. I know last night when I was driving home from work at a little after 5, I am pretty sure I heard rock music on 107.1. I have been pretty upset that they haven't been playing the O&A show. This really sucks though if they are gone. I just went to the website and just a blank page comes up.
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