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Everything posted by Akula

  1. You can call the MSF guys and ask them where the most no-shows have been. They are cool guys.
  2. I haven't been to ground zero but I will never forget.
  3. Booze costs a ton of money on those boats. If you have never been on a cruise you will like it. I personally get more fun out of All-Inclusive resorts.
  4. It has been answered, thanks for the support fellas!
  5. You need a plate trim ring that says "Columbus Racing doesn't condone illegal street racing or flagrant morons"
  6. I am looking for any columbus police officer on the board. I have a question, PM me.
  7. Please refrain from calling the 1998 and on car, a beetle. Click the link in my sig, that is a beetle. The vehicle I believe he is referring to is called a NEW BEETLE. No you are not gay to drive one unless you have flowers in the Blumen Vasen or the daisy petal rims.
  8. Akula


    I have been to Stockholm, Sweden and to Scotland (Helensborough and Glasgow). I like Europe, it is strange to be in a developed country that isn't growing like crazy. Sort of a permanent feel to things, and the public transport system makes ours look like a bunch of disorganized morons designed it.
  9. To answer the original question, if you want to lower the interest rate you can tell them you have a better deal but would rather stick with them and what do they want to do to keep a good customer. Or get a debt consolidation loan ( this is called going into debt to get out of debt) at a lower rate than your card.
  10. Akula


    I don't like cruises at all, I have been on a pile of them and since I have been to Sandals I will never go on one again. Just to do a comparo 1. Unpack once. SAME 2. They have staff on board that takes care of your family and maybe 2-3 others durring the trip. SAME except you aren't onboard anything. 3. Food is aways available and included in the price. (except alcohol) Same except Alcohol IS included in the price and since cruises charge $4+ for a beer you can get your money back. 4. They have tons of stuff to keep your kids busy and out of your hair for most of the day, so you can have a vacation too. Most ships have a casino on board. SAME 5. You get to do day trip to some pimp places. SAME and now one extra thing, most cruise ships stop at a beach for a little beach party at Sandals EVERY DAY is a beach party. Plus free diving and watersports.
  11. Akula


    Where do you guys like to go on vacation. I am big into diving so most of my vacations lately have been diving vacations. Favorite spots Vegas - (but I have family there so that can be worse than work) Key Largo - Great diving and good scenery. Sandals Montego Bay - Best vacation I have ever taken, going back in June. Minnesota - North Shore area, it is where I am from. I am going to Roatan in January for some diving, I hear it is good.
  12. Not everyone effected was in NO. The Hurricane made landfall in another town and there are plenty of people effected/ruined due to this storm. I agree, they should have evacuated NO, but I am not focusing on that, I am focusing on the children that didn't get to make choices about leaving because they are too young. I am focusing on the small towns that have been blown out of existance. You better believe there is more to life than what is seen on TV.
  13. I just saw a dude at the DMV in Hilliard fail very badly. Couldn't follow simple instructions, feet down the whole time. Wonder if that guy will die a fiery death on his bike.
  14. Why don't you want to go to school? You can learn why/how welding works and more importantly how to recognize a cold bond versus a good weld. I think if you are going to be driving around in anything you have welded you would want it to be the best. Besides, it is a skill that once mastered can pay off in the long run.
  15. what is your experience, I may have a line on a network geek job.
  16. Everything is automated you just need to start/stop things in the proper order. I don't know what imaging SW they use since I normally only do moves.
  17. Akula

    Anyone have HDtv?

    DirecTV's MPEG 4 technology will only put local channels in HD until 2007. Really I just wish their was more content. Voom had enough for 15 channels, I don't understand why they aren't being picked up on DirecTV.
  18. Akula

    Anyone have HDtv?

    Right, but like I said, I don't want an OTA solution (I already have that). I want everything to come over my dish. It really isn't local channels I am looking for.
  19. Akula


    Is the homestarrunner website down for good?
  20. I have DirecTV and I am a little mad they haven't expanded their content. They have like 6 HD channels and then 1 HD HBO and 1 HD Showtime. I want to be rid of my OTA and have all my locals via the dish on the HD feed. Also, I want some of those old VOOM channels and ESPN2HD (NHRA B-Casts in HD now). Anyone else have HD, are you happy with it?
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