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Everything posted by Akula

  1. I like the price but I am not digging the 2 year contract.
  2. They aren't styrofoam, they are corn-starch. Article--> http://itotd.com/articles/540/ Packing company --> http://www.fulfillmentsupplies.com/packpeanuts.html
  3. Can you clarify IT Opportunities? Is this programming only? Desktop? Networking? Information Technology is a pretty broad field. BTW, I am a networker.
  4. I build networks, more specifically IPVPN networks. If it says Cisco on the box, I can probably get it to do what you want. I am pretty good with a big-block chevy and mechanical fuel injection systems. My dad/grandpa are/were carpenters to I have been known to build various buildings. If you need a fish caught, I can do that too. I also have been known to dive from time to time.
  5. Akula

    Vacation city

    I just got back from Minnesota, being in the bwca for a while will make your pulse come down a few notches. http://www.bwca.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=photos.view&catid=388&viewusername=AkulaShark&journalname=Isabella%20SEPT2005 Now, Friday I am headed to vegas, that ought to get my heart going again. Hey, if anyone wants me to make any sports wagers let me know.
  6. I have an Imac 17" and recently sold a PowerBook. I am a networker, I build great-big IPVPN networks for MCI.
  7. Blastro is sweet and it has like 6 racing seats in it.
  8. I don't remember my rubiks cube being that loose. I think this guy has been at this for quite some time.
  9. Akula


    I am going on a vacation tomorrow. Driving to northern Minnesota, going to be camping in the BWCA ( bwca.com ) where no motors are allowed only paddles and foot traffic. I will be totally unplugged and let me tell you, having a baby 4 months ago, losing my father-in-law last month, taking care of my house and the farm, I totally need this. If you get the chance, I highly suggest going someplace like this every couple of years.
  10. This also applies to certain sexual situations in both cases, if you are uncertain of how the road will react, wear your gear.
  11. Did anyone see that job posting on Monster? I bet most of the guys on this board apply for it. http://jobsearch.monster.com/getjob.asp?JobID=34515320&AVSDM=2005%2D09%2D20+15%3A35%3A37&Logo=1&pg=2&lid=561&sort=dt&vw=b&cy=US&brd=1,128,1862,1863
  12. I have had a mini-van, they are the most practicle way for my wife to transport my two kids.
  13. http://maps.google.com/maps?q=beaver+bay+mn&spn=1.292741,1.714279&hl=en
  14. I am going to Vegas that day.
  15. Send this dude an email, tell him Jason Kent give you his contact info. tsweetman@thomaswilliamassociates.com
  16. I am in the market for a new Odyssey, PM me so we can talk.
  17. YAY another Minnesotan, except you're a southerner. I am from (no laughing now) Beaver Bay. It is about 60 north of Duluth on the shore of Lake Superior. The winters here aren't as bad as you have probably seen, but Minnesota knows what to do with snow, Ohio hasn't quite figured it out yet. Their plowing/sanding system sucks and people don't get out enough. Anywho, welcome to the board. Why Lima?
  18. Akula

    New monitor

    Apple 30" >* If you are near easton, stop in and look at it. http://store.apple.com/1-800-MY-APPLE/WebObjects/AppleStore.woa/70603/wo/ba6q0tw7a39B3256MOW1o3lr4FJ/
  19. You found it. It should have been capped with a big cover with a wire holding it on. The two chambers are a safety thing, one puts fluid into a front and a rear tire, that way a leak in the system will not drain all of the fluid. This fluid should be clear, open the bleeders and pour it in. I would go with the rear passenger first (largest amount of fluid) and work your way around. The Res. should look like this but probably very dirty. http://www.kanter.com/p07-mc.html
  20. thanks, got from http://www.highwayman.org/gmail/
  21. I forwarded all the resumes I got to Trasys. If they didn't call either the project is on hold or they have enough techs.
  22. If you have a spare invite can you send it to me? downwithxedia@hotmail.com
  23. Akula

    Remember me?

    Welcome back, you may have heard this before but. Thank you for your sacrifice of time and talents to protect those you have never met (most of which do not appreciate it). I like to give em crap but Marines are the most dedicated group of professionals I have ever seen.
  24. I should sue because I am offended that he is offended.
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