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Everything posted by Akula

  1. I am 32, I have a 5 year old and an 8 month old. The answer is, no one can tell you the right age for you. You decide that, when you are ready you will have your children and love them. You cannot find anything so worthwhile in this life, than to love your kids and make them the best people possible. My boys are my life, but I still run away with the wife now and then (thanks to my mother-in-law, the best person in the world). Being married is very fulfilling, being married with children is awesome. When both of my sons were born I thought, "how can I love you this much, when we have only just met". If you want to see some photos of my kids go to http://www.scrapbookresumes.com/BeckyKent/
  2. You can buy an inline stop. It goes on the pipe between the wall and the showerhead. They are used to stop the water from running if you are into keaping the waste down. We had them on the submarine so we could take the 2 gallon shower.
  3. Akula

    New company.

    I work for a new company now.... Verizon Business. I have been in this building for UUNET, WorldCom, MCI, and now Verizon Business. Crazy, hope this doesn't mean loads of layoffs.
  4. Depends on how many you need. If you go to "insert mom-and-pop pizza shop" and buy a pizza, you can then ask where they get the boxes. Or you can ask if you can have some.
  5. Every now and then I steal my bosses mouse ball (the ball that makes the mouse move on the screen) and freeze it into an ice-cube tray. Once when I worked at Qwest a co-worker left his PC on and unlocked, I sent the boss an email....
  6. See when I read this I think, well I don't know the VP I would have just been screwed by the incompetant CS guy.
  7. Akula

    I quit smoking

    These types of addictions are all about triggers. Think about when you smoke. Do you smoke in your car, after a meal, at certain times during the day. Identify when you smoked and then work on changing the triggers. Get in your car and chew gum or have someone else drive for a while. After a meal go do something other than smoke (but don't eat more cuz you will blow up like a balloon). You will not be able to rid yourself of the constant need to kill people for the first month, just try not to see so many people in order to keep the body count low.
  8. I have Education IRAs, Savings accounts and 529 Savings (http://www.upromise.com). If you want some professional financial advice call this guy http://www.nmfn.com/danielneary and tell him Jason Kent sent you. (you will atleast get a free lunch out of it)
  9. First Service CU. If you are military, or family is, you can get into a few of those. I personally have Navy FCU and have for years I do all of my banking with them (and my wife works for Huntington).
  10. I hope everything works out well for everyone. Keep the faith, you only get what you can handle.
  11. If device manager says it is fine, and the usb ports are fine, and the test page fails, my guess is bad printer. I say that without mentioning the fact that Lexmark is a bad printer in general. All I can say is look and see if there is an updated, or backdated driver and try that. Other than that, you are going to need to put it back in the box and take it back.
  12. Airsnort seems to be the industry standard for breaking WEP. Many progs. can sniff out the key and ssid. Have you ever heard of Knoppix? You can boot your windows maching into knoppix, or do a VM, and run thier tools to get the wep.
  13. If you take the Certified Ethical Hacker course (which I have) they give you a pile of tools for all sorts of applications. Let me see what I have.
  14. Hardwire. If you are in columbus and you drive around, you are hard pressed to find a clean band. Anyway, you are taking a digital signal and broadcasting it FM (so you get all the same sound as FM not that nice clean sat reception). Figure out a way to hardwire that stuff.
  15. If the print job makes it to the print spooler but not the printer, it seems the driver is telling the printer to throw the job out. Do you have the most updated driver? Are you connected via USB or Network or what? Try going into advanced tab under the printer, in the control panel, do a print directly to the printer.
  16. Claim: Six outrageous-but-real lawsuits showcase the need for tort reform. Status: False. Just because it is on the interweb, does not make it true.....
  17. Akula

    Ben Stillman

    My imac died and Ben fixed it. He came over same day and had me back up and running with no data loss in no time. If you own a mac and need help this guy knows what he is doing. Thanks man.
  18. Akula

    Mac questions

    Since I have the mac equivalent of a Lemon, I must warn you. BUY APPLE CARE.... if she is going to use it for work, BUY PRO CARE. If you have problems, and you will, you have to be able to get it fixed (good luck).
  19. This happened to my mother-in-law. She lives in an 1860's brick farm house with two barns. We sided the one in steel and painted the other. Suddenly her property value doubled because of "improvements". She went down there and they adjusted it up like 15% instead of 100%.
  20. I know there is some debate on this, but I thought I would chime in. I don't say happy holidays....ever. I say Merry Christmas (if I know you are Christian) Happy Chanukah (if I know you are Jewish) or whatever. I have been know to wish my coworkers that embrace Islam a Happy Ramadon (<--sp?). I never say happy holidays because it is so impersonal. If you want to wish well on someone, get to know them, then apply the appropriate type of will.
  21. I wouldn't mind it so much if I wasn't getting bombarded by advertisments in like February. Come on people, Christmas is one day, enough with the advertising I think I am aware of the fact that it is coming.
  22. If your mom needs one, buy it on a random day. Buy her a real christmas present, walk thru the mall and buy her the first thing that makes you think of her. If that is an appliance, you need to take her to dinner or something.
  23. Akula

    Fort Benning

    Here are some simple things I learned from operating out of any smallish military unit. When you show up, you don't know anything.... Be eager to learn, but not too eager to trust everyone (pranks). Pleases and Thank Yous go a pretty long way. If you don't know something, say it, don't dance around the issue and waste time. It is always better to ask for forgiveness, than to ask for permission if it will expedite the mission at hand.
  24. The batteries they provide in those things degrade rapidly. To extend the battery life you have to turn down and shut down everything you can. 802.11, disable when not in use, screen brightness, volume, blue=tooth (off if not needed) all that. If the life is still a bit anemic, you need to get a new battery.
  25. Akula

    the razr is here!

    How much are the RAZR outside of contract renewal? I don't like my phone and need a new one. Also, how much is the migo?
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