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Everything posted by Bam

  1. I did put the little legs on the bottom when I got it and a BIG THANKS goes out to Dan (Bird69) for coming by and checking it out for me, he said everything electrical checks out fine. So that's good and bad, eliminates some questions, but also doesn't answer why I need to run the dryer 2-3 times to get the clothes dry. I'm calling Frigidaire on Monday with a hothead. thanks guys
  2. Bam

    WTB box

    Hmmm, I sent you two, have you not gotten either? Its about the tires, give me a call at 614-595-5536, thanks!
  3. Um, the panel is directly behind the dryer, maybe 4 ft from the plug...I replied to your PM!!!
  4. Bam

    WTB box

    kspiatt, you've got PM!!!
  5. Actually I checked the fuse panel, but nothing is marked so I don't know any numbers/what each one goes to, damn apartment idiots!! Is there a way to test the output of the dryer outlet?
  6. LOL, between my fiance, me and my daughter we don't even own that many jeans. But yeah, everytime the guy comes out and checks it out for 20min and says she's good to go, I get pissed because I know that's not the case and for some reason they cant/wont find anything wrong with it.
  7. And that's probably for a civic, parts are pricier for the prelude, because its not every ricer's dream car and they dont sell 1million parts per day for that car. possible...
  8. Well even though one of the major selling points advertised at the store about this dryer was the fact that it dries 15 jeans at once! I never fill it more than half more, its usually sitting less than that just so I can get clothes dried. Another thing I forgot to mention, they are both HIGH efficiency machines so maybe that cuts out their effectiveness?? I woudn't think so, but me running the dryer twice as much sure nullifies the high effiecient novelty, lol.
  9. yeah there are no restrictions, because I set up a lint trap kit and the hose is all of 2-3ft long and I check/change that regularly. The dryer does spin...and get hot. I'll check the element thing tomorrow, but if they tell me its bad I'm gonna jam my foot so far up someone's ass at frigidaire their fucking kids would feel it. They better replace it under warranty as well. Is there anyway that maybe the voltage from my outlet is lower than what the dryer needs? Someone mentioned that to me one time, but I don't know how to check. thanks...
  10. I was going to do all 4, and I'm not sure the parts list but i remember specifically going to autozone, advance and napa and getting quotes of like $350-500 in just parts. This was a few years back, but yeah it was a big surprise to me. I bought front pads/rotors for my focus for like $40 mid last year, so i dunno.
  11. Sounds like two different problems. 1st one sounds like warped something, either bad pads or rotors. 2nd problem sounds like tracking, which is usually caused my wider than normal tires/wheels. I had this problem with 235 series on an 8" wide wheel, the steering wheel would jerk and try and go to the low spot of the road. If your running stock wheels/tires I'm not sure what the problem would be, just giving me .02 good luck man. I had the brake problem on my 93 Prelude like 2 years back, so i figured I would jsut replace the pads/rotors since they were worn, but then I looked at the prices, it was over $400 for the parts alone to do it myself,needless to say I was pissed because I had only bought the car for $500. lol
  12. I bought a new frigidaire dryer back in november and its never satisfied me. I ALWAYS have to run the dryer twice, even on small loads, and on the highest heat setting, which says for whites only. The top/back of the dryer always get hot as shit and I'm just fed up with it. I've had the service guy come out 3 times and he swears up and down its perfectly fine, and won't authorize any repairs/replacements, but motherfucker it won't dry my clothes!!! So yeah I want someone i can trust that's not a dickweed to take a look at it for me, I didn't buy no $500 dryer to deal with this shit.
  13. Bam

    Lug nuts

    I do, I have some OEM lugs or I have some tuner lugs, which do you want, how many, and make me an offer. Matt
  14. Yeah, I know I want to finish school and I know if I stop I'll never go again, whatever motivation that may be keeps me trucking along. I do agree about carefully picking your majors though, at first I thought I wanted to do business marketing, and possibly still do, but I'm just not sure if that will make me happy for the long run. We are doing just fine for ourselves, my fiance and my daughter included. She works 30ish hours/week at the daycare that our daughter goes to, so that works out great. She is also changing her major as of now, but she's 21 so she has a few years of classes outta the way. Like Mallard said the "06 M3" in my profile is my 2006 Mazda3, and the 2004 Matrix is her car, so we each have a nice monthly payment but its worth it. I definitely not dropping out of class, as that would give me LOTS of problems, I guess I'm just more bummed out about my job situation than anything. I've worked in a factory running presses, done collections, and delivered pizza in the past year, and just when I found a job that was going good, I got laid off because of no hours. Why the fuck would they hire me and fire me within 2weeks, jerkoffs!
  15. So I'm in school full time, but have no motivation to go mainly because of the economy and current job market. Not only that but I have a few friends/relatives that all graduated from college within the past few years and they aren't doing anything special, I.E. making the same as what they'd make w/out their educations. Oh and I don't like school, lol. Another thing is finding a job. I've had like 4 or so jobs in the past year, its getting frustrating. I've only been laidoff/fired from one and it was because they didn't have the hours to keep me busy. Otherwise I've just not been happy at the jobs I've worked and I don't know what I want to do with my life. So yeah, I'm just feeling bummed and was wondering if everyone felt this way at one point or another??????? /end rant
  16. Well I suppose if you'll deliver to hilliard you'd deliver dublin? And when would we have to have our "order" in by for delivery on vday?
  17. I make photocopies of everything as well,but I'm getting frustrated now. I've been waiting 2months last friday for a $40 MIR from Bed, Bath & Beyond. And I'm waiting for $200 from HHGregg and that's going on 3months right now. I spoke to some lady last week and she said they were processing it now, and then I called her back today and she was like, "they were busy doing end of the month stuff, but they will get it out by the end of the week, blah, blah, blah" Just gimme my fuckin money back...
  18. dude I have two wakeboards!! Where do you go out?
  19. haha, thanks derek. bump got an offer of $150...pending sale unless other offer comes in.
  20. i think its the enkei rpm1 or rpm2, but ive never seen them with that big of a dish on them.
  21. I agree, that is a badass vulva. But I thought those cars were FWD??? I do know two things from watching that vid, the guy is a very good driver and apparently HATES tires with a vengenance, lol.
  22. Bump for Clark, looks like a good price to me! I've been outta the game for a few years, but when I sold my Angel back in like 04 I got over a grand for it.
  23. Looking to sell this set of 4 tires, all with 7/32 tread left, original was 9/32's so these have barely been worn. Asking $175 OBO, NEED to sell since some stuff has come up. Call me 614-595-5536. Matt
  24. Ok, so I got fired today at the end of my shift. My boss/the owner said "I don't think we need you anymore" Now right before this happend I was writing down my times for the day on a sheet I had been keeping track of for the week. Now he questioned me as to why I was doing that and I told him it was because the computer automatically clocks you out at the time you were scheduled off if you don't clock out within 5 minutes of that time. Well the last 4 days we have worked between 20-30 minutes AFTER closing because of customers, yet the computer system/timeclock wasn't registering, so I told him I wanted to get paid for that time and that's when he told me I was fired. I thought to myself, WTF?? And asked him why, he didn't have a reason he said and said he didn't want to talk about it then, so I made an appointment with him on Monday to talk about it, but what can I do about this? He had no good reason at all, I was ALWAYS early, ALWAYS did my job correctly and thoroughly and he had even complemented me on my work a few days earlier, now this???? Anything I can do about this guys?
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