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Everything posted by Bam

  1. I've got Telhio and have had it for 3 carloans and the past 2 years. Never had a problem, branches spread out over columbus for easy access. I have a savings account there as well as a car loan, but do my other banking at 5/3. http://www.telhio.com or 614-221-3233 I believe. Good luck.
  2. Iwish....You've got PM. Everyone else thanks for the info, I'm not sure what I want to do, but would definitely like more information on the bonds, etc. With everything that gains the best interest and is tax deferred is there a time limit that the $$$ has got to be in there for? And is there usually a charge to take the money out? I definitely need to see a financial advisor, because I'm not sure I want my daughter joining the armed forces, you never know what it'll be like in 18+years.
  3. Just wondering what everyone is doing to save for their children's future or their education? I have a savings account started for my daughter, but there is no way that it'll ever compete with the likes of college costs in 20 years. I'm looking for new ideas and different methods of how everyone affords for their kids to go to college, if at all. Also, does anyone know anything about savings accounts and tax? If I/she were to withdraw the majority or a large sum from her savings account, say in 18 years or something, would she be taxed on it? Is there a limit per year that one is able to save without being taxed? My local bank wouldn't explain it thoroughly enough to my liking. Thanks Matt
  4. Yeah its like off sancus I believe right across from the krogers there...
  5. Drop some V8 muscle in it...then you'll be respected, otherwise miata's are for chica's.
  6. Good luck man, I can't think of what'd that'd be like, the going into labor early part of the triplets! We wish you guys the best and pray everything goes good. My wife had to be induced into labor 10days after her due date and we've only got one little girl, she's a handful, but I guess the more the merrier, right?
  7. ahahaha, that picture is awesome!! I definitely want to save more $$$, but more importantly I'd like to get in shape, so that I can keep up with my daughter as she grows, once she starts running/walking it'll be crazy so I gotta have energy for her.
  8. Bam

    Next Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!

    I might be there, not as far as the last meet for me...
  9. I've got a gift card to Eddie Bauer, anyone wanna trade or buy it? I doubt I'll ever use it.
  10. Got mine a week or so ago...$26.xx WOOT WOOT!! 1200+ sq ft apartment, I keep it at 70 during the times were home/all night, and drop it down to like 63 when we're gone during the day. It hardly drops at all during the 10hours we're out at work/school. It sure helps that we are on the top floor with only one outside wall.
  11. Reliable? haha.... OT: Change your profile...you traded in the '98 awhile back...
  12. Well they ended up clearing the codes for me no problem, and I traded the GTP in no questions from the dealers. :thumbup: And to the guy who said it doesnt show what the code is I disagree, I watched the guy do it today and read the code over his shoulder in perfect english.... lock this up please!
  13. Bam

    thursday the 29th

    possibly in... anyone got directions/address?
  14. Not only that but he can also scan for any other codes my car is throwing, if any. Just give me a call whenever, but like I said give me ahead notice if you can. Thanks.
  15. Even HP tuners for other cars would work? Damn, maybe I'll have to slip the dude a 5 or something
  16. So I've got a code in my GTP for temp sensor because I put a colder tstat in awhile back. I just put my stocker back in tonight and want to clear the code, where can I get this done? I think autozone used to do it for free like 2 years ago, but not sure now. Thanks Matt
  17. Damn I'm drug free and i dont think of myself as a douche, but jebus rt 256 is way the fuck out there. Lemme know if you hear of anything up on my end of town man. Glad things are working out for ya
  18. Haha, yeah I saw them too, well heard them first and then saw them FLYING through traffic right up at 270/Sawmill. Where'd you see them?
  19. Bam

    FS: 30GB iPod Photo

    how much for the black skin?
  20. Sweet is that on billingsly? I think there is a chevy dealer in that row. I'll definitely look into it tomorrow. Thanks Matt
  21. ipod, cash/gift cards. wife got spice rack, blender, cooking stuff, cash/gift cards daughter got TONS of toys, loud ones that flash and stuff, oh joy!
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