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Everything posted by Bam

  1. Can I try cooledit whenever you get in town? PM me if you could. Thanks
  2. Yeah, I don't know if I was raised to pay for everything in cash, but definitely to only buy what you can pay for. I got a credit card a few months after I turned 18 just because my parents told me to build credit early and keep it in good standing forever and I won't have a problem getting a home loan, like your talking about. Now I hear both sides of the credit card thing. I hear that you should keep a small balance on your cards just to show that you use them, but in my mind that waste's money (interest) and if I have credit cards I have them. But then I hear from my parents/family and some friends who have paid their cards off EVERY month for the past 40 years or whatever, have beyond excellent credit and say never leave a balance. Is there like a credit guru I could ask for the almighty ultimate answer?
  3. So I've got a few credit cards, 3 to be exact. One of them is a store card, HHgregg, and that's the only one I'm using since I got it to get 15months 0% interest on a purchase. Other than that I don't use my credit cards really at all, the only thing I do is like vacation (rare), and once a quarter to pay for school. Its usually the same card, and I try and use the other one everyonce in awhile for like a night out. I just hate using them because most of the time I have the money or we don't buy it, mainly because I hate not knowing exactly where I stand with my money. My debit/checks come automatically out of my account so I know my balance, where as with the CC I don't get the bill for 30 days and then sometimes I worry about it. So yeah, basically what I want to know is if by NOT using my credit cards am I hurting anything or what? I've had both of them for 2years, and the HHgregg I just got. Now my credit is fine and I have no problem getting approved on whatever, but anything helps I guess and I don't want NO credit card activity to hurt me in the future. thanks
  4. It's a 91 eclipse, fwd turbo. I will be lowering it slightly, just for stiffness/handling, not slammed. I don't want to rub but want the max traction I can get.
  5. Nope. It says it can't because my files are not .WAV, whatever that is, mine are in MP3 format. Anything else free?
  6. Bam


    Would this size fit on the GP derek? If so I might be interested as long as these are good tires. PM me yo
  7. Ok, stock size is 205/55/16, and the wheels are 16x7. The new rims will still be 16x7, or 16x8 if I can find them, but I want the widest DR I can get on the front, maybe 245/40/16?? And some azenis out back, whatever width.
  8. Is 5-114 and 5-114.3 the same bolt pattern? Also, if the car should have 35+mm offset wheels, would 40+ be alright? Thanks
  9. Bump, this still available? I'll try and call you tomorrow. BTW this car have a clean title and is it a stick? Clutch done when motor rebuilt?
  10. I have quite a few songs on my computer that go to long after ending/start and don't play for like 20 seconds. I want to be able to edit the time it starts/ends each song. What can I use to do this with? You can do it on Itunes, but it doesn't clip the song so its shorter, it just has it start/end with the music getting louder/quieter. Any ideas? Thanks
  11. Depends how big it is and how sharp it is, but just try like Paintless Dent Removal if you think its not that bad. Probably will be 3-500 but cheaper than a repaint. I HIGHLY doubt you will find someone to do it by Friday considering most people have THURS-SUN off for the holiday. I've gotta ask, why must it be done by friday?
  12. I'm guessing you missed that part Evan seeing as how you offered more than he was asking, lol, I doubt he'd turn that offer down.
  13. Bam

    guy advice

    My wife doesn't even know what Myspace is, but even if she did I don't think it'd bother me. We've been through a lot and I know she loves me. As long as your sure of your relationship then little things like this shouldn't bother you, I'm sure Ryan just did it because he overreacted at first, and just did it on a whim. Good luck tho....I agree with Anthony...
  14. You missed the most important part of my post....YOU DRIVE IT!!! Who wouldn't want to get to drive a stg3+ vehicle everyday for free?
  15. *FIXED Tell her she needs an APR Stage 3+ to fix her car, then tell her you'll drive her car all the time and she can put 87 in your truck. That might scare her into putting premium into it. What's so hard to understand that the car needs the good stuff? It's only 20cents more/gal.
  16. Yeah I'm not worried about the battery, maybe in the future but all it will do is sit on her desk. I don't know what to upgrade, its just slow, running on WIN98 still, graphic's are shitty, etc, its just old i guess. Could I put like a faster processor card in it or what?
  17. $300 I offer...lemme know I could throw in a shitload of DVD's. Oh yeah....great 1st post BTW
  18. Ok so my dad is giving me his few year old laptop, like 3-5 I'd think. It's a Sony something or other, super light/slim, almost tiny. I think it has like 300mhz or something slow. I was just wondering if I could upgrade this to today's or at least better junk so that it would be good for my wife. ??? Also, he said the battery only lasts like 25min if that. Would a new battery fix that? My wife does lots of stuff with pictures on the computer, and surfs the web and does hw, that's it. What would you guys reccommend me to do? Also who can do something like this? Thanks Matt
  19. WOOT!! I own the most reliable "wagon" made today, a Toyota Matrix.
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