There, fixed.
I will NEVER swerve again, at least try not too. The last two times I have, I've wrecked my own car, and one got totalled.
First was 2 winters ago, this old lady was doing like a 360 down the street coming towards me, I swerved and jumped the curb to miss her, broken tie rod/few other things $=500, and she drove off once she got control. BITCH
Last time was this past february, coming home from work on 270 around 1am, it was pouring down rain and I see this big ass white thing in my lane, I'm like WTF, honestly it looked like a concrete divider, so of course I swerved. Well rearend came around faster than shit and I smacked the center divider backwards at 65. There goes that one, totalled. Come to find out later that it was a white leather couch that had fallen off a truck. FUCKERS!!! That cost me $6g's.
So I repeat, I will NEVER swerve again, I'll kill those anyone in my way before I do.