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Everything posted by Bam

  1. haha, you like my sig? it's teh shizzy
  2. Why are cops still riding bikes in December? Its below freezing and at any time we could get bad weather. Sorry to hear though.
  3. Yeah, Dover's smoking crack because Zach just got his Stg3+ going and he's not about to blow it up, especially not in freezing temps where he's over boosting. He has not run 100oct, or anything other than 93/94.
  4. So how'd you and Zach do? Zach had the GTI? I think I heard you raped him from a 40 roll because of traction issues, but did you guys go from like 60-70? It was fun, got a few kills.
  5. Nope, its a stg3+ car but he is only running pump gas and around 21lbs.
  6. These are all seasons, right? What's up with the edges? Do some hard cornering? I'm interested, I'll get back with you.
  7. Neither of those cars have spray, it must've been him shifting.
  8. I chose this one since it was the stupidest and most specific. Wouldn't it just be hilarious if this gas station DID get robbed tonight and word spread that you posted on a public forum that YOU were going to do this, kidding or not, I'm not sure how the cops would take it. Just something to think about before posting stupid shit.
  9. Same question here. And if you didn't paint under the hood, did you paint the door jams or trunk? Interested in throwing in cash towards a trade?
  10. Hey Andy, Sorry I haven't gotten ahold of you yet. My wife had surgery this morning (nothing serious) but I've got my hands full taking care of her and our 6month old daughter. I'll get with you I promise, probably sometime next week. Thanks Matt
  11. Yeah, they are shady as fuck, most of the steal shit and deal/do drugs. Bunch of young punks for real. Definitely hit up the BBB, I know earlier this summer they almost got shutdown for ripping people off.
  12. Exactly what the title says, running preferred. Must be in decent shape, don't really care about mods, $1500 max.
  13. My wife works at La Petite Daycare, and our daughter goes there as well. We're friends with everyone there, and even go out every once in awhile with them. Good crowd, they are located right off of Smokey Row and Summit View, in Dublin. Good luck!
  14. Bam


    They are all wearing the same BLING BLING, those fuckin' posers need a good ass whooping.
  15. What is "clay bar"?? I want to get my wife's 04 Matrix done up, but I'm not sure that it would need heavy machine polishing or clay bar because its so new.There are a few door scratches that would be great if you could make them disapeer but I didn't know if the light polishing would be fine since its so new. Also, do you have JUST an exterior detail? Her interior is fine, nothing needed in there. And what is the price difference listed on your website, for example..($85/$110) Is that between a car/truck? what would you consider her toyota matrix? Lastly, would I be able to customize for what I want/need done to the vehicle? Thanks Matt
  16. Ok, I tried Audacity and cooledit. Both are way too involved for me. I couldn't figure out how to skip to the end/edit it. I basically just want a program that will let me select my songs, and like open a dialogue box that lets me enter when I want the song to start and end, (I.E. Start at 0:10, and end at 3:29) Nothing else, I don't want anything fancy. Anything else guys? Thanks Oh also, I don't want any fade in/out crap. If I want it to stop at 3min 29seconds, I want it to END.
  17. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Dodge-Neon-DODGE-NEON-SRT4-show-car_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6204QQitemZ4592753328QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW#ebayphotohosting I think its a tad overkill but I like the idea and definteily the color.
  18. And did 15 over while pulling a trailer?? Damn.
  19. You drove without your lights on?? WTF is the matter with you?
  20. Bam

    Volvo vs. Bambi

    There, fixed. I will NEVER swerve again, at least try not too. The last two times I have, I've wrecked my own car, and one got totalled. First was 2 winters ago, this old lady was doing like a 360 down the street coming towards me, I swerved and jumped the curb to miss her, broken tie rod/few other things $=500, and she drove off once she got control. BITCH Last time was this past february, coming home from work on 270 around 1am, it was pouring down rain and I see this big ass white thing in my lane, I'm like WTF, honestly it looked like a concrete divider, so of course I swerved. Well rearend came around faster than shit and I smacked the center divider backwards at 65. There goes that one, totalled. Come to find out later that it was a white leather couch that had fallen off a truck. FUCKERS!!! That cost me $6g's. So I repeat, I will NEVER swerve again, I'll kill those anyone in my way before I do.
  21. Bam

    Volvo vs. Bambi

    Dude, I'll loan you my buffer, it'll work on anything cuz its magical, that should buff right out, don't you worry your sweet little heart one bit!
  22. So that's why the 3 state troopers and the 10TV truck was there around noon today. I was traveling up that hill towards polaris to pick up my daughter, I saw the skid marks/the tree that was hit and it didn't look good, but that's too bad. What were they doing 100 up a hill and around a bend at 1am in freezing/icy conditions???
  23. Thanks Again Greg, hopefully I'll be coming to speak to you sometime mid next year in our quest to purchase something. House or condo, we're not sure but renting gets old.
  24. Yeah I agree, but having never owned a Washer/Dryer and wanting something that would last me, I elected to spread the $1500 over the 0% period. I've never done this before but we needed a W/D with a 6month old and I thought this was a better option than pretty much emptying our savings for it. So your saying that I should keep the Hhgregg card open even if I don't plan on using it? Really? Well I haven't applied for a home loan yet, but have had a few car loans and those were no problem at all. I figured since I would be borrowing more they would require more qualifications. But then again isn't Ohio the state with the greatest percentage of foreclosures? That shows lenders don't really care that much/they just want money.
  25. Thank you Greg, that's what I was looking for, long-term cards with little to no balance is what I'm looking for them, and it doesn't depend on usage. Cool, well yeah I don't plan on getting anymore cards for the time being, unless I want to get a 0% promotional thing at a store, and like I said, I rarely if ever use them. Thanks guys.
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