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Everything posted by gillbot

  1. I'd go innovate myself, I've been through two AEM's and both were garbage.
  2. there's a person in NKY that gives them away sometimes if you pick em up. I can ask if you are up for a road trip and they have some available.
  3. I had a few plastic ones myself, gave them away though.
  4. If you have a drum, you could probably collect enough from everyone on here. I know I have a few gallons myself and if I were closer i'd be glad to offer it up.
  5. Doesn't the shoulder belts have to go through the seat, not around it?
  6. If you read a lot of the hate comments toward Hi Point, none of the haters have one. If you read the real reviews they say they are fine for what you spend but everyone tries to compare it to higher priced models so of course it may fall short. Every Hi Point owner I know likes them, especially for the price.
  7. Fedex first, UPS 2nd, USPS last.
  8. check fire stations, they can tell you who does theirs usually
  9. I gotz a twenty on the beetle.
  10. mine are 2 and 4, soon to be 3 and 5 and it NEVER gets any better. :fuuuu:
  11. try 48gb n00b http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/9499/48gbonx58.th.jpg
  12. HSPC Tech Station "Top Deck" model, I was swapping hardware so much that a case was pointless.
  13. http://forums.anandtech.com http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums http://hardforum.com http://www.overclockers.com/forums
  14. Don't forget to manually set ALL voltages, Auto does NOT mean "default". They can stray and cause issues as well.
  15. I don't mess with "fan solutions", zip and twistie ties and regular fans work just fine typically. ;-) http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/2457/0000004.th.jpg I just lay a 80mm fan or whatever can fit onto the NB sink.
  16. Depends on the loop and how serious you want to be. PM me, I have the remains of my old loop so I might be able to work ya a steal... er, .... deal. not bad, but you can get better temps with a real loop and block. My old loop was laughed at by many people, but my temps on a 980x at 4.5GHz never topped 70C. I think I still may have a 1366 block or two laying around. Pull the NB sink, put quality paste on it and put a fan on there.
  17. Sometimes less is more with voltage. You don't always need to get crazy. Try 1.4v, loosen ram timings a little and go from there. Tweak voltages and settings in SMALL steps and keep track of what it does with those small steps. That will give you an idea of where you need to go. You'll see improvements in one direction and not the other. http://www.techreaction.net/2010/09/07/3-step-overclocking-guide-bloomfield-and-gulftown/
  18. Depends. I've soaked parts before using distilled and had no issues, but had a few drops spill out and ruined parts before. If you are careful and do it right, the risk of leaks is really minimal.
  19. $150? no idea, but google says $225 or so new http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=Hi+Point+9mm+Carbine&hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&hs=hxl&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=rcs&prmd=imvns&psj=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1600&bih=737&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=3858131716893468414&sa=X&ei=ZyzAT7L2KsqMgwevgtDzCQ&ved=0CHAQ8wIwBTigAQ
  20. depends on the duration, after you get your heads right, call and ask about cam choices.
  21. $28-31k for a 2010? You can get a brand new base 1SS 2012 for around the same. Probably less for a 2011 if you can find a new one on the lot somewhere. Toss in incentived and I'd bet you could drive a new one for less than those above. My wife and I were just looking into buying one but decided with 2 small kids, it just wouldn't work.
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