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Posts posted by gillbot

  1. https://news.yahoo.com/dogecoin-price-quadruples-elon-musk-142536342.html


    Mr Musk has frequently shared dogecoin-related memes on Twitter during its latest months-long price rally, which typically prompt its price to surge even further.


    This phenomenon reportedly led to concern from US regulators, with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) currently rumoured to be investigating Mr Musk.


    “I hope they do!” he tweeted in February. “It would be awesome.”

  2. I have had blood work done. Everything is good they said.


    Get your test results and review them yourself. I started looking at my numbers and when I spoke to my primary Dr about some of them, I got the same "you are fine" answer.


    Numbers looked off to me so I went to a Pulmonologist and after she reviewed the numbers she ordered a few more tests. Come to find out, my eosinophil count was through the roof.


    Sometimes it takes your attention and the right doctor to look at the right things.

  3. I'm assuming you know that the "fright" was intentional after reading it?


    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk


    Yes, I still use mine to this day. I’m probably not very smart but not too big of a deal as I don’t do enough to really worry too much. Edit: my reply was more along the lines of “I have found nothing else but haven’t really looked hard either”

  4. We'll see if the government vaccine passports go anywhere. I don't think they will, given the logistical and constitutional quagmire, plus the aforementioned discriminatory nature, AND on top of that I've already had one shot and all I have for proof is a 3x5 index card that they had me fill out myself. While my shot record is tracked in my provider's database, a lot of people don't have much more than this easily forgeable card. At this point the ship has sailed (pun in ten did) on tracking vaccinations as far as I'm concerned.


    Now I can certainly see cruise ships et al require "proof" of vaccination, which should be pretty easy to fake, but cruise ships are not the government so their decision to require them is a business one and nothing more. I can see the average (re: elderly) cruise ship passenger not wanting to rub elbows with a bunch of anti-vax wankers.

    I think it's more of a liability thing. They are trying to get .gov to open ports and allow cruise ships to resume but .gov is keeping them basically shutdown. If you present your "proof" then later you spread covid all over a boat, they have deniability in that it is their responsibility.

  5. My company set up a intranet site to report your vacc card...keeping track of employees who got the jab. Got the J&J single-shot two Wednesdays ago. Feelsgoodman.jpg


    Anyone that wants to complain about government overreach and privacy violations needs to GTFO. If you (or your spouse/partner) has posted on FB e_v_e_r your data is pretty much dark-web accessible now.


    Get over it and move on. :gabe:


    There is a difference in spewing data out there and controlling what data gets out to the best of your ability though. I don't have a FB account. I also don't think the .gov should be steering every aspect of my life either.

  6. Seriously if you are going to recycle a name you better keep the vehicle in the same fucking class...


    Why can't companies make new names LOL.


    Probably running out of trademarkable names so it’s just easier to recycle

  7. I get that - it’s a bullshit excuse, but I get it. His policies have had a direct negative impact on the US.


    He should probably focus less on vengeance and more on the crisis he created at the border.


    The general population probably only sees an ex president that caused a riot at the capital, now papa joe is fixing everything from orange man bad. This thread is full of differing opinions, disagreements and etc but there are millions of voters out there and they may all see or believe something you don’t.

  8. As I said, instead of trying to engage in a conversation you get on your high horse and preach. Thanks for further proving that point by omitting the bulk of what I said. I’d guess you did what you claim everyone else does, you didn’t even read what I said.
  9. I have thoughts but I prefer not to respond to droning walls of text that lack substance. You sound more like a filibuster than an actual attempt at a conversation or attempt to hear from the other side. Most of your walls of text reek of a superiority complex and drone on about how your opinions are so much better than the person you claim to be discussing things with.


    And for that reason, I’m out.

  10. Lots of words I didn't read


    There are plenty of 2A people who aren't blanketly afraid of gun reform. They just don't agree with the knee jerk sanctions and other rules they try to put in place that typically APPEAR to target legal gun owners/buyers but not criminals who don't follow laws anyway.


    Step up enforcement of current laws, make reforms that 2A people can't argue against.

  11. Chris Rock said it best in one of his stand up skits many years ago: "You can't stop crazy." I've said that for years. Make all the laws you want, but if you want the freedom we have in our country, that's the risk you run. Some asshole doing something crazy.




    It is sad/scary but you can't have absolute freedom and absolute safety.

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