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Posts posted by gillbot

  1. Jeep prices are crazy, and one thing I learned is there really isn’t an off time to buy. Summer, everyone wants the top off. Winter everyone wants the 4wd so they hold their value sometimes too well. I bought a JK a bit back and ended up trading it in. Ironically I got a great deal on it new that when I traded it in after a few years I got $500 less than what I paid. That’s why I typically buy new. When you get the incentives right and work pricing hits good, it’s almost a no brainer especially since they hold value so well.
  2. Im honestly trying to figure out if this story is as rampant as it sounds or if its a scam.


    I have 2 good friends (I don't think they are lying to me) tell me the EXACT same story. They went to get tested. Line was long, they ended up leaving before they got to the testing stage. Several days later they get called and told they tested positive for COVID.


    Its really hard to believe this same thing is happening at such a rate that I'm reading it here, facebook and from trustworthy friends that had it directly happen to them....


    I will say, with how this year has been, it wouldn't surprise me if it IS true. This is all getting stranger and stranger.


    Maybe it's like when you are in line at McD's and someone hops out of line after ordering. Once you get to the window they are all messed up inside and can't figure out which orders go where.

  3. I haven't been out shooting since February. I usually keep a case of everything I shoot regularly, but F paying that much for ammo just to restock.


    That’s why I generally buy it, but when these prices hit I have enough supplies on hand to reload my own. I may have to wait quite a while to replenish that stock though!!

  4. any data is good data, but to make conclusions based on 1200 people out of the population of the globe is a stretch. too small of a sample size. just because someone hasnt had any symptoms before the hospital doesnt mean they havent already had heart damage due to a non-active lifestyle


    While it may be a stretch to extrapolate out from that sample, one should be willing to admit the possibility is there and be cautious regardless. Well, I am anyway. You can do whatever you want.

  5. Still some refuse to “buy into the hype”



    I shut my business down weeks before my state (NC) required us to do so, and still haven’t opened my doors. I have friends in the medical field, and a friend that’s living in Italy. I haven’t fucked around since day 1, and I’m in my early 30s, active, healthy, no conditions. Not worth the risk, or the possibility to pass it along to someone else and ice them.


    I wish many would just take the time to think about this one statement before interacting with others. Whether I’m going to get it bad, or mild, I don’t want to get sick. Or worse yet pass it to someone who could die from it.

  6. What would you guys say is an appropriate amount to keep on hand if you don't shoot often? (Obviously varies by person)

    I think I have like 750 rounds of 9mm, 500ish 22, maybe 50 12-20 gauge shells, and random 30-30, 227 etc....


    I know some of you have thousands


    Case per gun is what my Kentucky buddies tell me is a minimum, but they also bury it in the yard for when the man comes. :confused:

  7. It’s a new Walmart bike and the FIL paid to have Wally put it together so it’s likely not adjusted right. It seems to me there is a catch in the derailleur and it isn’t keeping tension on the chain right.


    Thanks for the tips, I’ll see what I can figure out.

  8. PM me with some specifics. I still have some of my (now very) old tools from my bike shop days. Lack of time is the biggest hurdle, but may be able to help you out.


    Any good videos or advice on adjusting a derailer? My daughters bike keeps popping the chain and I don’t know why. Works about 90% of the time but nice in a while it just pops off the front (single) sprocket.

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