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Posts posted by gillbot

  1. It’s hit and miss over here too. I was in Lowe’s in St Clairsville and it was nut to butt packed with not a single mask in sight except mine. It was like a free for all in that entire shopping plaza so I couldn’t wait to get the hell out of that area. Sadly they didn’t have all I needed so I ran to Lowe’s Steubenville and it was also nut to butt but I didn’t see a person there without a mask. I was thanked by several employees and shoppers for wearing a mask. Way different mentality compared to StC. I wear a mask everywhere I go no matter what and try to keep outings to a minimum. If I need to go out I hold off for as long as possible and make several stops at once. Since work had me on the road, I took the opportunity to stop and grab some stuff I needed along with some work supplies.
  2. Here is what's recommended for the operating laptop to use VIDA:


    Re: VIDA computer requirements

    It must be windows 7 professional (32bit)

    Internet Explorer 8.

    over 3G RAM.

    C:// must have 40GB space.

    Software must install on C://

    It must be NTFS format.


    Windows 7 machines are getting harder to find, you for sure need an outlet or refurbished machine most likely. Try eBay? I’d offer up my daughters laptop but she still plays games on it because it’s win7 and her tower is 10.

  3. We use Pelican cases for our equipment at work, these things are shipped 2-3 times a week and take extraordinary amounts of abuse. We ship some pretty sensitive, precision equipment and the cases keep them well protected and secure.


    If you want durable and piece of mind, I would not use anything but Pelican IMHO.




    We have a bunch of harbor freight ones and a few other off brand, the only ones that really stand up are the pelican cases. If you don’t mind replacing them every so often go for a knockoff.

  4. I already do CAD as that was my minor in college, I’ve done CAD/CAM also for work. It’s not all about the $ for me, more like a choice if the investment is worthwhile to me at this point. There are tons of things I could make if I had one, it just comes down to being worth it for me. Do I need to make what I want vs. paying someone to make what I need. Too often I get sidelined into a hobby and spend too much unnecessary money on something that inevitably sits rarely used. It eventually becomes useless and costly to bring back to life. I’m also fearful of work expecting me to use it for parts as we outsource a lot of stuff now. Seems good in theory to get work paying for it but not sure I want that responsibility on my plate, I’ve seen a lot of finger pointing at the group we have printing stuff now.
  5. Good info here. I’m still deciding if I want to take the plunge or just buy the parts I want here or there and be done with it. I was thinking if I had it on hand I’d print more, but at the cost I’m not sure I’d utilize it well. I am very tempted by the ended 3-pro just because.
  6. I guess that’s kinda where I go into overload. Being a total n00b about it, I expect to plug it in like a fancy HP and hit print. But after reading and listening to “advice” I’m afraid of buying a shitty Lexmark and it never working. Reading reviews just gets me overwhelmed and there’s so much out there one doesn’t really know where to start. I don’t need or want fancy, I just want it to work without mostly wasting my money. I want to start with small stuff like this mainly.




    Shit if anyone here can print, I’d buy it for a reasonable price. I just thought it would be cool to have the ability.

  7. Lmk what you got and price on the iPhone.







    FS/FT Server Setup consisting of:


    Gigabyte GA-7PESH4 Motherboard 1U version with 1 slot just bare board no box or I/O shield


    Original 1U power supply (if I can find it)


    Dual E5-2690 CPUs w/ 2x 1U fanless heatsinks PLUS 2x Dynatron Tower heatsinks


    112GB DDR3 Registered Ram (with extra 4gb sticks)


    $200 plus shipping OBO (keep in mind this will be a big heavy package) and i'm also open to trades, though PC wise I don't really need anything.


    **Full disclosure on the system. I ran linux on it for a while and it was flawless. I wanted to use Win10 but it NEVER runs. Flat NEVER. It crashes more than Evil Knievel on a bad day. So, since I rarely use it anyway and I am too lazy to figure out a real server OS, it's time to go. Just be forewarned, your stability may vary but will probably be better than mine because I'm lazy. TBH, I threw a quick Win10 install at it, watched it crash, let it sit for 4 months and just now fired it back up to an "insert proper boot media" prompt. So rather than troubleshoot, I'm getting rid of it mainly because it sat for over 4 months without me turning it on once.


    **Update - To get the screens I fired it back up and low-and-behold it booted! I unplugged my 2nd drive from the system so it may be a simple file system or SATA issue, but as you can see the system DOES WORK!

  8. Not to mention the extra cost of food, then the market flood when things open again and prices are super low. You got twice the work in, twice the food and make less than half your normal price.
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