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Posts posted by gillbot

  1. One of my boys has this one and its great.


    also look at getting a better battery charger ($30) and more batteries ( ($30 to $40 each).


    I almost bought one of those for my son but the parts availability was questionable at the time. Has that cleared up? My boy is 11 so he breaks his.... A LOT.


    EDIT: If parts are available i'd rock one of them for myself so me and the boy can bash in the yard.


    EDIT 2: I was looking at this guy: https://www.towerhobbies.com/cgi-bin/wti0001p?&I=LXLFWTNL&P=C

  2. What about those “at risk” being told to get back to work? I can see this boiling over and there’s too much grey area. Going to cause further problems. What about those who believe they are not “at risk” then suddenly die? Who’s responsible there?
  3. WV is a ticking time bomb IMHO and with the flood of PA people over the border to buy booze, there is cause for concern. WV locked down alcohol sales from out of state buyers so now they are flooding Ohio.
  4. We need to get some goals in line for us to start to reopen. Even if thats 1-2months from being realized (the start of), we still need to get it on paper and have conversations about it.


    This virus isn't going away, so we have to figure out a way to live with it but still be able to have an economy, a life and the freedoms we expect to have in America.


    America was always going to have a hard time with something like this. We are a country based on freedoms that people are willing to die for. I fully understand its a balancing act and not everyone is going to agree, but we cant keep this country in limbo for another 6-12 months. We will see more people kill themselves over ramifications of this than the virus.


    Something we can agree on. I can see people getting stir crazy and when warmer days hit, all hell is likely to break loose.


    EDIT: What do you think would be worse though, setting a date then pushing it back possibly more than once or leaving it open ended in limbo. I could see picking a date then pushing it back multiple times being overall worse as people would get frustrated and stick to the original date no matter what.

  5. The asymptomatic piece seems to be the wild card in this whole thing. I'm not sure one can be sure they did or did not have it before January based on the fact that some people could have been asymptomatic. Maybe a bunch of people in December had it and were just asymptomatic? Maybe no one had it until very late January. I'm just thankful we are taking action against this thing.


    Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk


    My only thought is that asymptomatic people *could* have had it prior, but without testing, there is no PROOF. Probable? Yes very much so but that doesn’t equate to proof. I believe in raw data more than anything else and at this point it is pure speculation as there was zero testing back then.

  6. Some interesting information from a good friend of mine (we served in the Air Force together), his uncle was in the hospital back in mid January for a bad respiratory infection. This was in Birmingham Alabama. Doctors were stumped, but he got better and kicked it. Last week he went back in for a follow up, had the antibody test for COVID-19 and sure enough, tested positive. More proof positive that this was here in the US before the first "official" case on Jan. 20.


    How can one be sure he didn’t get it recently and was asymptomatic?

  7. No experience on that one but the reason many recommended traxxas is parts are everywhere so if/when you break it, the fix is usually easy. Plus there are tons of upgrades available all over. Keep that in mind while shopping. If you can’t get parts you’ll end up with a paperweight when you bust something.
  8. Thanks for posting this. I believe the media drives so much of this panic. They really seem to focus on the small percentage of those that are having major issues with it.


    But those of us particularly susceptible are interested, and if those who aren’t were unrestricted the death toll is likely to have been extremely higher.

  9. Agreed. If people get too restless they will throw caution to the wind and we’ll have another surge.


    Edit: not to mention we’ll have overzealous employers forcing people back to work too soon.

  10. Yeah, more infection testing being done and hopefully mass antibody testing soon is greatly needed. Lack of info is bad.

    I think generally everyone wants to get going again and that can be jumpstarted with testing.

    Lack of info? Have y'all not been on Facebook this entire time? Everything you need to know is right there.

    I don’t have a Facebook. So no.

  11. I take all the stuff I see with a grain of salt. The health care is aggressive because they are trying to keep people safe, I get that. Others are downplaying everything because they want the economy to restart and get going again. I just with there were more facts and some middle ground out there.
  12. Study in Germany of a town suggested 15% of the pop had antibodies already. This implies quite a bit more than the testing gave. Could be other variables but leads me to believe the virus isn't all that bad on it's own towards the population as whole.


    Still means need mitigate it so hospitals do not get overrun and people die from other things that normally wouldn't, etc. But means we may not have to keep the measure up for as long as some are saying.



  13. I do have an immune disease and am going into medical places to do work, I am trying to limit it, but my family still needs money and to be honest if I catch it and die then "life insurance for the win". I guess I'm crazy, but I'm also doing the best I can for my family.


    Not disagreeing, just stating my family seems to prefer I stay alive. At least that's what they tell me for now.:gabe:

  14. I've thought the whole thing was an overreaction from the start and I completely understand what a virus could do to the population, I also understand the bigger picture of the cost of shutting down the entire planet of billions to save a million or two.


    I'd hate to have to make those decisions and I'm shocked at the way we went because to stop it spreading we can't do enough and to do it half assed is just dumb.


    It's easy to write off a million or two people if you feel like it won't be you. If you were for sure one of those million or two people slated to die, no price would be high enough to stop it. If i'm wrong there, feel free to go to your local hospital and volunteer to get people better faster so we all can get back to work.

  15. It's coming, see posts here in this thread for a prime example. Everyone isn't seeing the "millions dead" and overflowing hospitals likely because the lockdowns are doing what they are supposed to do. Since they aren't seeing though, they think it was an overreaction and we need to get going because these lockdowns are just too much. Only time will tell.
  16. Not a fan of the pressers right now patting ourselves on the back for how good we've done. It will for sure make some not take it as serious and could lead to another ramp up. Our cases are still climbing so there's still alot of uncertainty. Talk to me in June and let me know how we've done or better yet....talk to me when we have an actual working and available vaccine. Until then I'm staying locked down.


    I think there is so much pressure to get the economy going again that people are willing to find a reason to look the other way.

  17. I welcome anyone who's pushing to just get it over with to come to Grant with me for a day, walk into one of the negative airflow room with a positive patient, and take a big deep breath without a mask.


    Any takers?


    Personally, I think this is a great approach for those in a rush to get the economy going. If those are in such a hurry to get things going, go to the hospitals and get in there working to get people better and back out into the workforce. That will build herd immunity that much faster and we all can get back to work sooner. Otherwise, follow the advice and let’s stay the course because I’m not willing to risk my life and health for a damn paycheck. If I get let go over it so be it.


    Yes, anyone who didn't listen to the experts should be voted the fuck out of office. That includes Trump, De Blasio, any democrats you want. Blanket policy, I'm fine with that. Fuck em all.


    This too.

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