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Posts posted by gillbot

  1. When I bought my $300 Brinkmann, everybody said I should have bought a Weber. They were right.. it rusted to fuck after 2yrs.

    I concur, my brinkmann was a pile of shit. Even thought I did better by going higher end stainless and shit, nope. Complete garbage after maybe 2 years.


    Personally i'm not a big grill snob so anymore I opt for whatever is cheap or on clearance and if it makes it a year or two great i'll replace it later anyway.

  2. I think people keep forgetting the initial reason for the shutdowns and stay at home orders. It was to slow the spread and allow the hospitals to ramp up their PPE and facilities for incoming patients. Right now there are 1100 unused hospital beds at the Columbus Convention Center. Since my gym is closed, I walk (or rollerblade) past this most every day during my work day. There is a third party electrical company there to help with the power aspect. I talked to one of the workers one day about it. He said they're just getting ready for an explosion in patients, if any. I think it's a great sign for our city that it hasn't come to this.


    Sooner rather than later, we have to get back to some sort of normality. Having facilities like this one at the ready is what will make that transition better.


    Every time I turn on the damn news, they report that the sky is falling in NYC and Detroit. Very rarely do they talk about anything else, and I find that annoying as hell.


    I actually agree on this point, and I think that's why it should be up to the states to handle their own return back to something near normal. If a surge starts to happen, they can slow that down as they need to by altering restrictions.


    The rub on this though, is as things open it will force those who can be at a greater risk out into the world when they shouldn't be out quite yet.

  3. Wags, do you know anyone that does repairs on brushless motors and esc’s? I bought a brushless for my sons rig from eBay and it was haggard. Wires to the esc are pretty tore up and they “fixed” it with some goop mess. Unfortunately the seller pulled a disappearing act and I’m stuck with it and a sad 11 year old.


    Edit: as for the connectors, you can buy traxxas ones on eBay but I recommend switching them to deans or Anderson power poles (or other quality connectors)

  4. I think everyone's thoughts are valid.....I'm not one to come down on an opinion even when it doesn't agree with mine. I will say that it terrifies me these days that my wife has to go work at the hospital. Healthcare workers comprise 20% of our states cases. To me that's absurd....the people that should be the most prepared and the most protected should not represent 20%. That's what forms my opinion....I don't watch national news because it's been garbage for years. I'm concerned for my family's safety and my own safety. The more people don't respect this thing the longer it lasts and the longer my family is in danger. I grew up poor....not having money doesn't scare me....losing someone in my family does.


    I feel for you, and we are in a similar boat. I’d rather have my family safe, money doesn’t mean shit if they aren’t safe. I’m not afraid to be poor or work my way out of that hole again.

  5. The science is there.....there will be a 2nd wave. How big is up to us. Lift the orders too soon and we'll be repeating them at some point.


    I agree. and if there is a 2nd wave of lockdowns the dissention will only be worse. We can see that tension building even in this very thread.

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