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Everything posted by Spidey2721

  1. Spidey2721

    holy cow!

    since renewing my nra membership i have been getting daily calls for political opinion polls. love the nra and all but daymn. i dont mind answering a few question but it goes on and on and on and on and on. i think they just try to see how long you will last. that is all just venting a bit.
  2. http://www.gunbroker.com/Support/SupportFAQView.aspx?faqid=1118 http://www.ups.com/content/us/en/resources/ship/packaging/guidelines/firearms.html hope they help
  3. you mean people are actually going to see this?
  4. roger always get boo'd they boo everyone.
  5. 2 more picks then the one that matters...
  6. when locked up there is NO first floor entrance. only entrance is thru a draw bridge on second floor that raises.
  7. never had any issue with my ryobi's... good for a home owner use.
  8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGA_2011 :-)
  9. microcenter employs people locally, newegg far as i know has no distribution centers in ohio. thats the point he is driving at. the money you spend helps pay for local peoples paycheck which then hopefully gets spent here possibly where you work to then help pay your paycheck. isnt there a new chipset for the i7 thats supposed to have come out or is coming out newer then the 1366? or and i off base here?
  10. me thinks maybe we should have a sticky holsters thread.
  11. actually i might. but not for me... my sister. need to show here this video and you crossbreed holster review she has also. " see sis if she can conceal so can you" sister wants to get her first gun form home protection and i have been talking to her about also getting her ccw.
  12. Bumping this and reminding everyone to please call and give support for this. HB 45 would give you the right to protect yourself in/walking out of a establishment that serves alcohol. Something you can not do now. Also would remove the chance that you could be arrested for accidentally carrying into a place you did not know served alcohol. It will also clear up the standards of carrying a firearm in a motor vehicle Go here http://www.capwiz.com/buckeyefirearms/home/ to find the number of the representative for your area. take 5 minutes and please show your support.
  13. Spidey2721


    MC sports here in lima.
  14. Spidey2721


    well was out looking at the rugers today. side to side with the glock. i like the ruger and will prolly go with it over the glock. 100 dollars cheaper. not as fat either. will prolly pick up the lcp for summer weather carry in the summer too. thank you for input. was looking for it. word of mouth from those who have fired it is what i like to hear. i like the glock, and will own one sometime. but yea, for now, i leaning to the ruger.
  15. Spidey2721


    anyone have one? fired one? looking into it as a possible CCW. love some feedback. its pretty much between that and a glock 26.
  16. glad i didnt have any money in it. PWN http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb204/helix27/pwn.jpg
  17. http://www.travelchannel.com/TV_Shows/Man_V_Food/Episodes_Travel_Guides/ci.Episode_Boston.map and http://www.travelchannel.com/TV_Shows/Anthony_Bourdain/Episodes_Travel_Guides/ci.Episode_Outer_Boroughs.map EAT! the red sox are in Cleveland although if you make the trek the yankees are playing the twins at 7pm today (the 5th) and tomorrow (the 6th). then on the 7th at 1.
  18. http://www.nraila.org/Legislation/Read.aspx?id=6527 Next week, the House of Representatives is expected to vote on House Bill 45 and House Bill 54. Introduced by state Representatives Danny Bubp (R-88) and Terry Johnson (R-89), HB 45 would eliminate the current confusing standards of carrying a firearm in a motor vehicle. In addition, the proposal would also allow permit holders to carry a firearm for self-defense in a restaurant that serves alcohol, provided they are not consuming alcohol, thus eliminating another “victim zone” in Ohio. This legislation is a critical step forward to help assure that law-abiding license holders are not arrested for accidentally carrying their firearm in a prohibited manner. In addition House Bill 54, “Restoration of Rights” legislation, passed out of the House Criminal Justice Committee by a 8 to 3 vote and is scheduled for consideration on the House floor vote next week also. Sponsored by state Representatives Ron Maag (R-35) and Jarrod Martin (R-70), HB 54 would bring Ohio in compliance with Federal law to provide for the restoration of firearm rights for certain individuals. Please contact your state Representative TODAY and urge him or her to support HB 45 and HB 54 when they come up for a floor vote next week. Let your state Representative know that these are two much needed pro-gun reforms for Ohioans. Contact information for your state Representative or help identifying your state Representative can be found here. couple bills i really like to see passed. thought i would share.
  19. just do yourself and any future new to you pet a huge favor. spend PLENTY of time reading, learning, studying about what your pets needs/requirements are. please.
  20. i like the soundtrack at the very least.
  21. if your going to take samples dont take just one. take several in different areas of the lawn. mark them so you know whats what. there is a lot to look into. well beyond soil types. i could sit here and type 5000 words on "DIY Lawn Advice." i would suggest you have a professional come out and look at your lot and do a assessment. you can go from there. far as crab grass goes... if you havent already you need to put down a crabgrass pre-emergent herbicide. that should have been done before the ground thawed.
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