Next week, the House of Representatives is expected to vote on House Bill 45 and House Bill 54.
Introduced by state Representatives Danny Bubp (R-88) and Terry Johnson (R-89), HB 45 would eliminate the current confusing standards of carrying a firearm in a motor vehicle. In addition, the proposal would also allow permit holders to carry a firearm for self-defense in a restaurant that serves alcohol, provided they are not consuming alcohol, thus eliminating another “victim zone” in Ohio.
This legislation is a critical step forward to help assure that law-abiding license holders are not arrested for accidentally carrying their firearm in a prohibited manner.
In addition House Bill 54, “Restoration of Rights” legislation, passed out of the House Criminal Justice Committee by a 8 to 3 vote and is scheduled for consideration on the House floor vote next week also.
Sponsored by state Representatives Ron Maag (R-35) and Jarrod Martin (R-70), HB 54 would bring Ohio in compliance with Federal law to provide for the restoration of firearm rights for certain individuals.
Please contact your state Representative TODAY and urge him or her to support HB 45 and HB 54 when they come up for a floor vote next week. Let your state Representative know that these are two much needed pro-gun reforms for Ohioans. Contact information for your state Representative or help identifying your state Representative can be found here.
couple bills i really like to see passed. thought i would share.