as said above i can not believe that many officers did not know the law. i also cant believe that they decided to charge him after he released the tape. by the sounds of it on the tape they have a lot more to lose in the end then they could ever gain.
in part two (after the suspect had been detained and was in cuffs). i couldn't believe the officer, while talking to the guy, started being belligerent (at least in my eyes) with the "suspect" after the "suspect" had stated the he did try to tell him he had a license to carry and offered to show him the license. i cant imagine turning around to a hey junior, to see a gun pointed at me.
i am not really a big fan of open carry personally, but that doesn't matter here. he was well within his right and this officer's actions were completely unacceptable. at least in my eyes. either way this type thing makes me weary and woeful of ignorant officers anytime i would concealed carry.
also they said it was illegal to have a recorder... has anyone (better then me at this) looked into this? is that illegal (cant believe it would be) or where they/he(the officer) wrong about that too? also it sounds like someone is kicking the recorder away from the conversation when the officer finally has to tell him that he was in fact within his rights.