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Everything posted by Spidey2721

  1. so can we bitch at the congress and house using private jets to get places like they did to/about the bank ceos? course wouldn't make any difference. they are never going to take and money from their own pot. screw em all including obama. i guess this is his "change" he was talking about. vent off...
  2. yea there is some real trash there. some stuff that i would never bat a eye at. many "breeders" i wouldnt mind seeing brought up on animal cruelty charges. BUT there are also some great breeders there too. there is one that has bredl's pythons usually that i would love to pick one up from. if your interested in picking up a new herp it can definitely be good place to check out. just have to be sure to check over any animal well. its also waaay to easy to impulse buy there. some good stuff there.
  3. i have a bunch from the late 90's around here
  4. how the hell is it bloated? half a percent is bloated?
  5. http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/five-myths-about-nasa/2011/06/09/AGliJgtH_story.html
  6. http://www.buckeyefirearms.org/node/7870 WOOOT! but, http://www.reviewonline.com/page/content.detail/id/139475/Ohio-sports-venues-won-t-allow-concealed-weapons-.html?isap=1&nav=5038
  7. you sound burnt out. (i know that feeling right now too). can you take some time off work. a 2 week vacation? let you get away a bit. you might feel a bit more recharged and able to deal with all the shit easier. sadly enough there are way to many company's that care for their workers like yous does. sees them as just replaceable tools. no different then a pair or brakes pads. ride em till they wear out. keep looking around though there are some goods company's in the rough. ones that realize if they take care of their workers, the workers will take care of them.
  8. 3.0 litre naturally aspirated V10 > all i really miss that sound. i am really worried i will lose interest when the new 6's are out. so what if the slower teams/cars cant compete? i do not want to see f1 go the way of nascar. if every team is competing for the win week in and week out, we are NOT seeing the pinnacle. that's what i want to see in f1. pinnacle top of the class. compete or die. if only three teams are fighting each other for the championship thats fine with me. webers charge thru the field was amazing. (and i have to root against the red bulls.)
  9. I understand the mistake he made, and its seriousness. they may have "bylaws" that they have to go by if a person does certain things. like leave post unattended. which is both for his safety and like said the safety of the students. i guess its kind of a catch 22.
  10. spiderman king kong wow it got dead pool. it got spidey the second time i did it though. took it several rounds to get shatterstar.
  11. a lot of times its not people in the wedding that do it. its usually help at the hotel or whatever.
  12. http://nittanywhiteout.com/2011/05/31/cargate-pryor-driving-with-a-suspended-license/ yip it keeps going down hill.
  13. this i dont get what the article is after. other then to make people aware of what they already are aware off.. guns in the hands of gang bangers is bad.
  14. update: thing going well. she got moved to a step down unit yesterday. thank you all for the thoughts and prayers.
  15. thank you all no new news yet. just playing the waiting game.
  16. prayers for my mom would be great. looong story short... she had knee replacement surgery tuesday. then last night had problems which they found out she has two blood clots in her lungs. she has a rare issue that is making it VERY hard to breath at times anyway, before the clots happened. thanks in advance.
  18. is it a lcd flat panel or is it a lcd projection? sorry cant tell from the pics... looks like a panel from here.
  19. yea i knew that for phone calls at least... here in ohio. i had to record a phone conversation years ago. was trying to find info on it there. no luck so far. EDIT: AH HA! there is multiple parts to that and a good listen.
  20. as said above i can not believe that many officers did not know the law. i also cant believe that they decided to charge him after he released the tape. by the sounds of it on the tape they have a lot more to lose in the end then they could ever gain. in part two (after the suspect had been detained and was in cuffs). i couldn't believe the officer, while talking to the guy, started being belligerent (at least in my eyes) with the "suspect" after the "suspect" had stated the he did try to tell him he had a license to carry and offered to show him the license. i cant imagine turning around to a hey junior, to see a gun pointed at me. i am not really a big fan of open carry personally, but that doesn't matter here. he was well within his right and this officer's actions were completely unacceptable. at least in my eyes. either way this type thing makes me weary and woeful of ignorant officers anytime i would concealed carry. also they said it was illegal to have a recorder... has anyone (better then me at this) looked into this? is that illegal (cant believe it would be) or where they/he(the officer) wrong about that too? also it sounds like someone is kicking the recorder away from the conversation when the officer finally has to tell him that he was in fact within his rights.
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