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Everything posted by Spidey2721

  1. people like this is why we need public hangings.
  2. degenerative bone disease kinda like really bad arthritis.
  3. Spidey2721


    ok you bowers. what would you recommend for a first timer compound for deer? also re-curve for fun, and turkey.
  4. mom had part of her spine fused. she does ok with it. she cant bend over to pick stuff off the floor as easy, and lost some reach but its worked out for her.
  5. wait your wifes water breaks and you stop to post it on cr? #5? holy shit mon! hope everything went well and all is good congrats.
  6. Spidey2721


    thats what i was thinking. that thing in the water had to have soo much raw power. hell i couldnt imagine pulling it in dead.
  7. Spidey2721


    http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local-beat/Girl-13-Hooks-Possible-Record-Breaking-Bass-106971939.html dats a biiig fish!
  8. http://www.samsung.com/us/video/tvs/LN46C670M1FXZA 40 or 46. your going to have a hard time beating samsung lcd's over all in the end.
  9. I keep hearing... my kids never go in my closet or, put it up high outta reach. Does anyone ever worry about their kids going hunting for Christmas or birthday presents? I mean, I did when I was a kid. The first places I looked was mom/dads closet and under bed. As for outta reach. Kids will pull a chair up to stand on to get anything interesting. I know with proper teaching and warning this can be avoided, but just wanted to put it out there. I know there are horror stories all over the net and news of just such scenario playing out. A cousin of mine was shot in the back of the head by his friend. He died. His father was a police officer and it was his service gun. He was showing his friend the gun. He knelt down to the safe in the closet, got the firearm out and handed it back to his friend standing behind him. bang. Friend grabbed the gun and hit the trigger. Reason for telling that story is just remember you can do everything you think to make it safe but please teach the kids about being safe and what CAN really happen. Your not always as safe against something like this as you may think. He knew he shouldn't have been getting into that safe but still... sorry for the rant, but...
  10. believe it or not these guys are becoming "native" to our country. woot! ok i might be a bit swayed by the fact i love this particular species. hey its better then the snake head.
  11. sorry i want to be able to move when i hit 50.
  12. glad i wasnt in crittersville.
  13. for your own sake please call it quits. i cant imagine how it has the feel taking that first step outta bed in the morning.
  14. do NOT EVER let it run outta fluid. i have several around but i am in lima.
  15. sooo how does the fact that he knows him help any player get a job in the nfll? yea a nfl teams going to say "hey, so guy over at espn said this players good we should forget everything else and draft him" also Kiper's "big board" had way to many of these players way off from where they were actually drafted. last i checked interviewing a player isn't against any rules. nbc just wants to make espn look bad to get more moneys. whats nbc have? notre dame? yea they are but hurt cause espn/abc has cornered the market on sports. its like a democrat writing a article about a republican.
  16. i should be asleep dang double post.
  17. anyone who has used both what do you think between the two? century link was me to try thier sever for free and compare yadda yadda yadda. currently have roadrunner. figured i would ask here see what you all have had for experiences.
  18. it wont take too long and they wont be able to "promote street racing" and not be facing pretty hot water. its only a matter of time.
  19. Spidey2721


    thats one of the best reps a bar can have. IF the place is packed. if the word of mouth is "man that place was too packed." then you have done your job. on the other side, if it isn't packed and you still have to wait... not so good.
  20. alright avalanche! blackhawks down.
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