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Everything posted by Spidey2721

  1. i would like to see the jets-packers game. i would be happy with either winning it.
  2. just watched episode 15X07 of top gear (the original english series of course) and i must say it was epic! it was the old top gear that we have all been missing. what made it so great in the past. a must see if you have fallen out of love with the series in the past couple years. oh and its shot in America to boot.
  3. Spidey2721

    j 20

    so now that china is leaking out pics of its stealth fighter... will the US bring back the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter? well guess the news just answered my question. they are still putting off production of it. although they asked the same question i have. can we put off the F-35 with china reverse engineering our F-22?
  4. you have GOT to be kidding me. what a idiot.
  5. Who Dey?!?! no playoffs chargers. swry had to.
  6. bengals game is not playing on atdhe out channelsurfing.net. "banned for copyright infringement". HALP!
  7. not to over top the op, if he doesn't jump on it i also have interest in old tables. although i may be a lil more picky. also if anyone has a old technics 1200 i would defiantly be interested. or thorens or marantz. oh also those usb ones are crap but there are good new ones out there for decent price. if you get into some of the old vintage players you would be well served to pick up a copy of the original manual. i'm lucky here my cousin owns a very successful record store. i buy alot of my vinyl there.
  8. really all the offense needs is help on the line during passing situations, and more then anything getting rid of bratkowski.
  9. welp even in a crappy year one thing remains the same: clowns cant win in the jungle. WHO DEY?!?!
  10. was it robocop 3 where some corp was going to buy detroit and make a "city of tomorrow"? robocop and the police dept stops em, cause the corp was curropt. thats sum bad english thur.
  11. just a fyi... be careful of strangers coming to get your cat. people with large constrictors will jump all over this sort of thing for free food.
  12. yea most places give you 30 price guarantee. smart people do this.
  13. i would still rather fight it (via fixing it and showing it fixed) thats a over the top fine for something like that. just principle for me anyway.
  14. Spidey2721


    the cincy game is not being shown anywhere i can watch. anyone have good hook up for it online? my usual "channelsurfing.net" isnt working. ok you can delete.. swry panic adverted i got one of my usuals to finally work.
  15. those f-14s haven't flown since we pulled the mechanics we had over there long time ago.
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