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Everything posted by Spidey2721

  1. yea like blood said. if he is getting mail there then doesn't that show that he was living there or at least had intent on living there?? i know that if you are trying to throw someone out of a place of residence its hard if they are receiving mail there.
  2. ok so the question begs to be asked, why do you have a stop cork for a boiler as a av?
  3. what the hell is your av??
  4. thats nice. giving a last call doesn't hurt anyone.
  5. so are there any other companies like ticketmaster out there? if not then are they not a monopoly? if thats true, government needs to stop worrying about playoffs in college footbal... and investigate this monopoly.
  6. what kind of stall you running? nice torque and horsepower peak at 5500. so do you have any oiling problems on the higher rpms?
  7. how to video with music? instructions http://www.supercoupeperformance.com/Instructio/Door%20Hinge%20Repair%20Kit.htm parts http://supercoupeperformance.com/partBrowser.aspx?partId=284 parts http://spinningwheels-sc.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=39 taken from my old home TCCOA.com http://forums.tccoa.com/showthread.php?t=113605&highlight=door+hinges+pins
  8. please bare with me but... why did you decide to go with a 5.4 over a 4.6? from what i have read and remember from another forum (been out of the game for a bit), the 4.6's shorter stroke vrs the 5.4's longer stroke makes the 4.6 a better choice for racing applications, and responsiveness. although the torque from the 5.4 usually is by far greater then the 4.6 could hope for. i could see it being a hell of a lot of fun on the street though. also isnt the 5.4 heavy as hell? not trying to be a ass or anything. you have a very nice build! just trying to learn a little. after doing a little research... 7.73 @185.95 5.4 http://www.theturboforums.com/smf/index.php?topic=117779.0
  9. i know i am going to catch flak for this... i love the 4.6. dont know why, but i do. love seeing them built(or rebuilt). the 5.0 never really did it for me. although, i know... it can make some mean power and is a strong motor. i just love the 4.6. anyways... what compression ratio are you running with those turbos? you still running the OEM intake? what times it running? if you dont want to give out any of the above mentioned details thats cool. i understand. i didnt think the stangs came with the alum block. is that a explorer transplant? or, am i wrong about stangs and alum blocks? (EDIT: never mind i haven't slept, lack of sleep is worse then being drunk. i fail.)
  10. didnt someone long time ago advertise a go faster wax? i see to remember a old timer saying something about it.
  11. Spidey2721


    glad to hear its good. looking forward to seeing this one.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9GwHnU2ESE&eurl=http://www.mahalo.com/Miller_One_Second_Super_Bowl_Ad&feature=player_embedded
  13. i cant believe they gave up the corners TWICE! ben had a great game.
  14. ut oh we got a game. card's lead.
  15. welp that run back ends the game
  16. bwhahahah i love the talking flowers!! "nobody wants to see you naked!" LMAO
  17. ....waiting for the wolverine commercial.
  18. blah all been just any other commercial. edit: whoa new stat trek looks good.
  19. good stuff over there very often
  20. man i have been waiting for this terminator movie ever since T2. i really hope they dont mess up the story. i like bale but i am a little apprehensive to see him as john. looking forward to seeing how many of the characters from the tv series are in it too. i know at least one is. the tv series is about the only tv show i watch regularly. oh yea and iron man 2 has me interested. per the end of the first one we know they are bringing in nick fury. also they mentioned the avenger initiative. although the avenger initiative in marvel comics is a post (marvel world) civil war round up, per say, of the enhanced humans and homo superior's. although for movie sake its this... so they are using the name from the books to begin the Avenger's series in the movies. i would love to see the marvel comics civil war happen in theaters though! in theme with that above the Captain America movie looks interesting. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0458339/ also a little more fun Cap's sheild in iron man... http://www.firstshowing.net/2008/05/09/captain-americas-shield-found-in-iron-man/
  21. except for the fact goverment issue joe. is now some bs united nations type group. oh yea and gambit to finally make it to the big screen in wolverine.
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