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Everything posted by Spidey2721

  1. that will be a big ten championship game again next year.
  2. watching stand up on comedy central right now. guy on there funny as hell but one weird thing. he is not edited what so every. he just said mother fucker prolly 12 times. not one of them edited. i am really confused how are they getting away with that? for the record no i am not offended but wtf?
  3. http://www.dnaindia.com/world/report_facebook-saves-ny-robbery-suspect-from-25-year-jail-term_1311213
  4. huge game this weekend. just wanted to post BEFORE hand so i dont get called a bandwagoner after the game. where's the other fans at?
  5. yes glad someone said it. to many people dont understand that what we have here came from "alien worlds".
  6. any power stations around. get those booms fairly often at times here. some can shake the house. have one a maybe a tiger golf drive away.
  7. he brought it home. set it up. showed it to her. she said HELL NO! now he has to sell.
  8. how much do you want to spend?
  9. was talking to me about getting my cdl and doing some co-driver runs to salt lake. anyone here done any truck driving? there are no other jobs up here and it would be like 900 a week. home on weekends sounds like too. i need to get some capital stacked up to move outta this damn city in the spring.
  10. if i remember right anything under a total of 600 you dont have to claim. do not quote me on this though. i am not a tax lawyer.
  11. somewhere you can turn off the sync and set it yourself and it should keep time. had same prob a while back.
  12. get your money. if you trully didn't do anything that they are accusing you of tell the bastard to watch what he says about you. inform him that slander is illegal and to have a nice day. make sure nothing shows up without proof on your police record. make sure you get your money. i forget how long they have to get you your paycheck after termination.
  13. did same thing with a 5 foot bull snake. he lived a long while after i found him though.
  14. does osu have a qualified back up? i am honestly asking cause i dont know.
  15. I was impressed as hell how osu played against usc. I was amazed at how bad they played yesterday. I can not ever think of a day where they looked so bad. Tressel was simply out coached also. I honestly believe tressel looked a bit past prudue. I could be worng but thats the way it looked. Does anyone else think in the 4th quarter that some screens or use of the flats would have forced prudue to hold back on some of the all out blitz's? They were rushing 7 at times! The receiver core is good but not great. Although you can not just put the blame for pryors play on the receivers. Pryor was panicky. His passes were NOT or target. I understand he was being pressured but a good quarter back needs to know where to go either with his arm or legs when that happens. That may not be completely his own fault either though. That goes to coaching as well. To answer your question I dont believe they are a top ten team this year. They could still lose two this year. Even though my team scored 63 yesterday I think that game is still in osu's favor. Not by much though. Michigan's d is suspect. Especially the secondary against the pass. Good luck to the big ten teams though. really need to get this conference back some big game respect. Go IOWA! You have the torch now. I hope they win out and their bowl game.
  16. yea i just picked up two copies of beatles help album in real good condition for not too much. a cousin has a real good store here in town. have a bid in on the beatles first album "meet the beatles" for ten bucks. prolly in fair condition. the rare versions and still sealed mint conditions can go for more money though. Ten, i could have picked up tonight but i didnt. i picked up the second album of "help" cause the first one i got was a import version and was in too good condition to use as a player. mostly i am looking for some good players. not so much the still sealed pristine copys. i want to listen to them.
  17. any idea on era, artist, etc?
  18. i wtb. what cha got? what condition? i might needs.
  19. when i first turned on the tv and saw it i was like "wtf, aliens?" crazy shit. would have been one hell of a ride!
  20. what did you ever do with that custom built one you had?
  21. well it has somehow fixed itself. no codes anymore, lights off. its not making nose and running fine. makes me think its a wiring issue with the sensor. so as long as its not throwing codes and running fine i guess that it for now.
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