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Everything posted by Spidey2721

  1. i am watching worlds dumbest drives on tru tv. dude on bike is being chased at 85 mph by a cop. he loses his helmet. HE GOES BACK FOR IT! after picking it up right in front of the cop he tries to take off again. hits it... front wheel comes up hard he flips off, brakes his leg! thats not the end!!! he tries to get up and run away, but cant. broken leg and all. the kicker... he gets cited from riding without a helmet! just thought you might enjoy the story.
  2. Hillary took the office of sec of state today. man that woman scares me.
  3. be sure there is not any chemicals in those buckets. honestly the sand, plants and filter will hold alot more of the bacteria then you think. also they make some chems you can put in the water to help after the move. talk to you fav trustworthy pet store.
  4. heh my sister did the house to house thing for obama and one old man said that he hopes obama doesnt get into the white house "because you know what they bring in on their coat tails" generation change though its less and less. my nieces dont even understand that concept.
  5. yea i was watching it from sky news online and i wanted to kill the newscasters over there. bashing on bush and other stuff and the US. you know when a person on our stations say some of the stuff they say i hate it but when it comes from them F that! kinda like u would bash on your friends of brother/sister but if someone else does... as much as people hate bush this is not all his fault. also i hope he is what all the dems said he is. if he is the great black hope then so be it. we need some work. i will say though i did feel some hope watching it all today. i wasnt around for jfk but i thought of him alot. like i said i'm hoping he does what people think he can. fresh ideas prolly couldnt hurt.
  6. yea you would think he, obama, would have that down. saying in his sleep. how in the world do you mess that up. course taking that oath and office would make one nervous but still.
  7. GLOBAL WARMING!!! :-) had to do it. now that i have had my fun. this movement has done a lot of great things and the earth is better for it. so if global warming is real or not the threat of it did finally make people think that maybe just maybe they should take care of the planet we live on. i could list a ton of proof that the suns harmfully rays and depletion of the ozone is causing real problems, but honestly... it does not matter to the idiots who dont care about the earth. deaf ears. same idiots who would pour coolant or oil down a sewer drain or in a hole in their back yard. humans have cause irreversible damage to this planet and the creatures we share it with. course most of them will just put up one of these :gives: and walk away.
  8. Spidey2721


    the only hd or even quailty streaming video i can get of the inauguration if from sky news in europe and its two minutes behind and these guys dont know what they are talking about. bloody brits. anyone have a hd or good quailty link of video for it? msnbc fox cnn all are crap feeds.
  9. yea usually new, unique, or different is only new, unique, or different for about five minutes.
  10. all very well put! congrats to you two. never met either of ya but wish you the best! also super_gtp... i could never imagine being married before 25 myself. so its understandable. i am not married, but want to be more then anything. that doesn't mean i am just trying to find someone who would say yes. been pretty well single for ehh 2.5 years. i'm particular. its ben said many times but still true. when your ready you will know. it actually sounds like you are about there now, just need to do it. you know what you might want to do. go look at rings by yourself. dont have to be there to buy. just look, and think about the ring on her finger, and what that signifies. you might be surprised how you feel about it a few days after.
  11. next time your out and he talks shit have a friend tell em to shut up... then when he continues to harass you. have the friend beat his ass. then its not you. just make sure he throws the first punch.
  12. last years champion signed up!! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
  13. Spidey2721


    seems like we have another super bowl match up like last year. steelers big favorite. everyone will expect them to win like the pats last year. also like last year i think alot of people will be pulling for the under dog like me but fully expecting the steelers to win.
  14. yea that was a BS hit. that goes beyond leading with the helmet, and it was pass interference.
  15. go buy a Lincoln tag and replce the ford tag. boom fixed.
  16. help me. ok sister has a old computer she wants to see if i can get up and running. its a dell dimension 5100. good news is the motherboard is fried. so i am looking for a replacement m board cpu combo. she also has a extra 2 gigs of 240 pin ddr2 ram. the old m board had on board video so if i dont find a board with on board video i have to put a video card in it. i am having problems finding out what case this thing is so i know what board to look for. i been outa the loop for a while.
  17. well i am looking for just the system and i can pick up a used/referb one for like 60 bucks so i was hoping to find someone selling just a system for less then that.
  18. Spidey2721

    WTB PS2

    any of ya have ps2's that you want to get rid of let me know. i might even need broken ones for a couple parts. nieces play it alot and i still play a few old games. let me know.
  19. i would my rather drive on snow then a ice skating rink as it was when it was raining ice. snow is a hell of a lot better for driving then that crap. i was out in it up here. anything 20mph or over car just started skating.
  20. dude screw somalia. give em 30 days to get out if they want. then put up a huge wall around it. no one in, no one out.
  21. thats two games not one game one. get it right :-)
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