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Everything posted by Spidey2721

  1. great tables! i would snap em up if i had the extra cash. also seen more and more people using cue/virtual dj you can set these up to work with those programs. worth the money. good luck!
  2. i am on peranoid or whatever server calibane, night elf.
  3. so who here does it and why? @spidey2721
  4. ok works for me. he thinks i'm cute! i feel loved. isnt it cutie? and i lost respect for the "prize" when you just have to read some speeches to get it. i mean did he personally, on his own, really change or do anything? someone show me something that HE did that really warrants the dang peace prize. they must have been short on people to give it too this time around. i am not against him getting it, but come on do something real for it. oh well grats to him i guess.
  5. yea i think i am going to have to side with the wtf'ers on this one. really? what the heck? honestly what did he do to earn this? "citing his outreach to the Muslim world and attempts to curb nuclear proliferation" weren't we already doing this? i have lost all interest in prize "prize" now.
  6. that would have been badddd. the hubble spacewalks were prolly the best to watch. neat to see them work in space and some amazing veiws of space and earth.
  7. bwa hahaha i getting neg rep for this thread. good stuff! NASA? Found this... 9th October 2009 08:37 AM D-Bag!! NASA? Found this... 9th October 2009 08:28 AM wrong, you will find out sooner or alter, hopefully it wont be later i am so loved.
  8. it was neat seeing the moon that close then bam blank screen. watching the moon grow larger and larger in the screen till its all the way down to jus the crater lcross was going to hit. and i done trying to enlighten the haters.
  9. have not launched yet but done testing with. they are supposed to do a launch sometime still this year.
  10. yea and those private company's would never have been able to do that without nasa doing it first. steve hawkins is on nasa tv right now talking about nasa and why its a important use of tax payers money. (well he has moved on to possibility of life outside this planet now.) nasa's budget is .12 percent of the over all US budget.
  11. all you bitching about nasa spending money... do you like your cell phone? do you enjoy watching your buckeyes no matter where they play, live, and in amazing quality? have you ever used a gps? you have no idea how much nasa's exploration has helped your everyday life.
  12. a cam sensor will make that noise? wow. i will check. it thru a code tonight. had it checked crank sensor.
  13. hail isnt act of god. thats mother nature.
  14. 99 windstar van 3.8. developed a squeak coming from the serp belt area. More of a metal bearing type squeak then rubber belt squeak. I am guessing it is the tension pulley dragging a bit. The pulley ribs shine a good bit guessing its from the belt dragging. Normally not that big of a problem just something to replace. But, would a dragging tension pulley cause enough parasitic drag to bog the motor down at idle and cause it to stall out? On cold starts you instantly hear the squeak. Its a intermittent squeak not a constant. As in er-er---ererer--er-erer-er not eeerrrrrrrr. The motor will also often times stall out during idle after these cold starts. Once the car has warmed up a bit, the squeak is very little to not at all. Also the motor runs fine no stall at all after warm up. Let me know what you all think. It does have a dirty air filter that I will be replacing also will check the maf to see how dirty it may have gotten. Thanks, jay
  15. just make sure you trust and are comfortable with the agency that you work with.
  16. benner you should jsut have it done they may be ok now but will most likely cause you pain later. just doo it. i did the whole numb then pull out thing with mine and it wasnt that bad. although the dentist said the others will prolly have to be surgery to be taken out. they started chipping really bad now.
  17. guessing its a gnome clan ad for wow?
  18. i have three of mine. need to get mine pulled though. mine came in then dropped in my uhhh early twentys the came back up in mid twentys. if i remember right. i had one cause serious probs for me that lead to getting it pulled. there is no other ppain i have felt like the pain it gave me. INSANE pain.
  19. you do have to consider that first down on those was a ball spike also. those were some good downs though. i cant remember last time i was that nerve racked over the bengals. prolly 06.
  20. no shit tim. i agree completely. and the people will go broke cause they will gamble is a bs arguement. if people cant manage money they cant manage money plain and simple. also you cant tell me every position filled will all come from out of state.
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